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Everything posted by denlin

  1. I worked at Cowlishaws on Hill Street. That was like a little mesters shop. I linished pen and pocket knife blades
  2. That's expensive, it's only costing us that to drop us off and pick us back up from Manchester.
  3. Hello your eminence - remember me? ---------- Post added 20-09-2016 at 18:50 ---------- Frayed so Pat. It's ever since the silly top hats changed to fortnightly collections. I use spray bleach and fly spray but you have to be careful and stand well back when you spray this even outside
  4. Have you checked fuse and filter? ---------- Post added 20-09-2016 at 18:44 ---------- Also could be loose wire in plug or socket
  5. Get some business cards printed and drop them in to local shops like hairdressers. Vistaprint do 500 cards for £5.99
  6. It's like a third world ghetto in places and the shopping centre is plagued with thieves. You to live there to know what it's like. The shopkeepers have a hard job with shoplifters and my friends are scared of going to the cashpoint on their own in broad daylight ---------- Post added 09-06-2016 at 06:42 ---------- Afraid it's gone down nick since then. It was a lovely place when I was younger but it is in close proximity to the no go area round Fir Vale where even the police don't go and I'm not exaggerating ---------- Post added 09-06-2016 at 06:43 ---------- Afraid it's gone down nick since then. It was a lovely place when I was younger but it is in close proximity to the no go area round Fir Vale where even the police don't go and I'm not exaggerating ---------- Post added 09-06-2016 at 06:47 ---------- It is not relative, I have friends who live nearby and I go there occasionally and it's sad to see what it's become.
  7. Why would that matter to us if we weren't in it? ---------- Post added 07-06-2016 at 08:38 ---------- Why do we need to tell others how we are voting, the vote is supposed to be a private, personal thing.
  8. The the poster was saying they were 56 not Tony Christie LOL
  9. I don't think Argos charge for Click and Collect
  10. Why didn't you just leave it outside, you can guarantee that it would go walkies in S5
  11. I have an as new waste water carrier for caravan. £30
  12. ring Travel line on 01709 515151 or go onto their website. I believe those buses run every few minutes but not sure how early they start
  13. You can buy ones to fit yourself from Argos or the dummy ones at £19.99 http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/4116488.htm
  14. I have lived in Ecclesfield since 1955 and I can't remember the Wood Bottom ever being 70. Obviously not all A roads are 70 but the ones that aren't have speed limit signs in place and this alsoapplies to dual carriageways. Sections of the A1 are designated as 50MPH as is the M1
  15. It has never been 70 on Ecclesfield Road (Woolley Wood Bottom) . The National Speed Limit according to Highway Code is the maximum allowed for the type of road and this is also governed by the width of the road and whether it is in a built up area. The only roads designated at 70mph maximum are A roads and motorways.
  16. We went on there on Thursday and the limit has been reduced to 50mph and advisory of 30mph in case of flood/bad rain
  17. There is Mrs Grissom, there's one at the Herries Road entrance to the Northern General
  18. Be serious, if you walked in with two bags of garden waste and told them you'd brought it on the bus do you think they would believe you?
  19. Sounds to me like your Uncle has given up the tenancy and the house has not been emptied otherwise why would the council be doing the work? If any of my relatives needed a bit of help clearing a bit of househod stuff both me and OH would help them free of charge because that's what families do. I certainly wouldn't be sending them a bill.
  20. For crying out loud it's a charity event. You know it's happening well in advance. Make alternative arrangements instead of waiting till the day and then moaning on here
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