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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Or of course he could go to the ground and explain to a policeman what happened but that would only work if he can remember the seat numbers
  2. So are you. the roads weren't that bad as I saw learner drivers out in the weather where professional drivers had stayed at home. Mercury had only 30 out of 200 cars on the road despite the fact they are local to where I live and the buses were having no problem as the main roads were clear. The journey i wanted to take was about a mile from the taxi HQ, down the main road and finished half a mile from the HQ. If I hadn't had six rather large bags I would have got the bus. The arrogance of the person on the phone has made me think twice about using them ever again. I did manage to get one from City Cars even though the waiting time was a bit excessive
  3. Also, what do you mean by high on drugs? He had been taking drugs and I don't mean coffee or coca cola and I'd call anyone getting behind the wheel being in charge of a lethal weapon. ot to mention doing twice the legal limit in a built up area.
  4. Why do the PC brigade always favour the criminal over the victim? Lets get this straight, knee jerk reaction? This moron high on drugs, no licence, no insurance makes the decision to get into what in effect is a loaded gun, drives at double the speed limit. Something was bound to happen. As for showing remorse, it took him nearly a week to hand himself in. The thing that added to the 'accident' was that he was off his face. Perhaps you would like to tell her parents that it's a knee jerk reaction. If you get in a vehicle under the circumstances he did the sentence should have been longer. Imagine if it was your daughter. Saying sorry won't bring her back or lessen the life sentence the idiot has given her parents.
  5. Couple of little points to help not criticise, as has been said it's complement not compliment. You don't need a comma after role as but is a conjunction or after long and always write Curriculum Vitae out in full. If you are starting a new paragraph always leave a line space between them. Hope you get what you are looking for.
  6. Well they beat Mercury yesterday, 1 hour wait as opposed to no taxis available at all. Only 30 out of a fleet of 200 were actually working. they are local to where I live and the roads weren't that bad, a learner managed the weather better than professional drivers
  7. :hihi: oh yes I knew there was a reason but I'm not a man dear
  8. Whatever you do don't buy a house there, it's the worst area in Sheffield
  9. If it's anew sign then it was probably a mistake that was rectified but certainly nowt to do with Jimmy Savile and the buildings had probably copied it. I have never known it spelled with two 'L's ---------- Post added 30-01-2015 at 12:47 ---------- I've got an old map which is pre 1995 as it still has tel nos that don't begin 01 and it is Savile Street on that
  10. I'd say same as Loob, 1 page max 3 or 4 paragraphs - no waffle or it will go straight in bin along with your CV
  11. and the majority of this post is between 4 and 6 years old
  12. Bill Beevers is still going he has moved premises to off Ecclesfield Wood Bottom Bill Beevers Motorcycles, 65 Deep Lane, Sheffield S5 0DU
  13. Ecclesfield Car and Commercial, Station Road at side of Police station do new, guaranteed batteries at reasonable prices
  14. He had no licence, no insurance, was doing twice the legal limit and off his face. He made the decision to get behind the wheel. Emotional it may be but my sympathies lie with the parents who have to live with the loss of their daughter and not the poor, unfortunate who despite his inability to stop himself getting behind the wheel did not mean to kill. It's a cop out. 3 years from now he'll be free to carry on with his life whereas Jasmyn can't and her family have the life senrence. How is that justice?
  15. And so they should be if they recklessly take someones life why should they be dealt more leniently than someone with a gun. He made the choice to get behind the wheel when he knew he was not allowed on the road
  16. Yes if you take control of a vehicle and then kill someone, what would you think if it was your child?
  17. Taking someones life when in control, or in this case not, of a lethal weapon? Driving a car when off your face should be the same as having a loaded gun?
  18. What would you call it then? He was in control of a lethal weapon which he had no right to drive as he had no licence or insurance, he was doing over double the speed limit even after he braked and was off his face - accident? Bah humbug.
  19. There's a tyre place just off Carlisle street that are very good and only charge about £10 for all four wheels
  20. But that the 73% of commuting cyclists who can drive is a far lower number than 73% of drivers who don't cycle
  21. The chances of every single cyclist in the being able to drive a car is non-existent but the ones who have access to a car will certainly be a lot higher number than those with full driving licences and the answer to the question asked in Parliament bore no resemblance to the question that was asked This is what was reported in Hansard - nor does it give the ages of the cyclists Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what his estimate is of the proportion of cyclists that own cars. [53988] Norman Baker: Some 83% of the cyclists participating in the National Travel Survey in 2008 and 2009 were resident in a household with access to a car or van. The equivalent overall figure for all survey respondents in Great Britain was 82%.
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