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Everything posted by denlin

  1. [ ---------- Post added 25-01-2015 at 18:12 ---------- [/color] Are you claiming that 70% of people who cycle DON'T have driving licenses? ---------- Post added 25-01-2015 at 18:14 ---------- No I'm claiming that 70% of drivers don't cycle based on number of number of cars on road as opposed to number of cycles on road. Having access to a vehicle can be as a passenger without actually being able to legally drive a car. I'm suggesting a fair poll would be to do a survey of car drivers instead of cyclists and ask them how many actually use a bike
  2. Hardly the same is it. Football gounds have accurate statistics based on people going through turnstile. The government didn't answer the actual question that was asked and based their staistics on asking cyclists who in their household had access to a car, that was probably mostly as a passenger. A more accurate percentage would have been to ask in a properly conducted poll of car drivers how many actually owned and used a bike because from my observation in travelling to work over 10 years in a busy city environmemt IT IS NOT 83%
  3. From travelling to work during rush hour for the last ten years and the percentage of people I know who own cycles and also have a driving licence and I have worked close to the city centre and worked with over 1000 people and if you take that as an average it's about 30% who cycle and also have driving licences compared with the number of vehicles actually on the road
  4. Higher than 83%, what 90%, 100%? The likelihood of that number of cyclists having a driving licence cannot be right. You seriously expect an honest answer in the Houses of Parliament. This is what it actually says Cycling: Motor Vehicles Ian Austin: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what his estimate is of the proportion of cyclists that own cars. [53988] Norman Baker: Some 83% of the cyclists participating in the National Travel Survey in 2008 and 2009 were resident in a household with access to a car or van. The equivalent overall figure for all survey respondents in Great Britain was 82%. It does not say that 83% of cyclists have licenses only access to a vehicle probably owned and driven by someone else so Norman Baker, surprise, surprise, did not answer the question that was actually asked.
  5. If indeed that is the case as you claim there is even less reason for them not to obey the same rules of the road as when they are behind the wheel unless of course they shoot red lights then too
  6. Council tax doesn't pay for that, it's paid for by the NI/income tax which the old people have paid all their lives only it's not as much as it should be due to it being squandered on scroungers
  7. So that's the reason they don't know the Highway Code, they can't read. would you send your 5 year old on the Parkway?
  8. Or Perhaps if they used a bit of common sense and didn't ride towards oncoming traffic they'd be perfectly safe. If a car reverses towards oncoming traffic on their test they would fail, why should cyclists be exempt from this rule. Cyclists don't seem to want to accept responsibility for their own actions but seem to think car drivers should make allowance for this and think for them
  9. Cracked on both sides doesn't sound good, you need to get a builder to check it out. Might as you say need pointing but better to be safe than sorry
  10. Me neither or S2 or definitley not S4. Some areas of S5 are OK but not many. Try S35 which includes Grenoside, Ecclesfield and Chapeltown
  11. So which is the dog please as you've shown pics of a staffie and a sharpei
  12. TBH the one in the Co-op was the same before they moved it to Wilkinsons
  13. He doesn't need an electrician but I agree Ian Shaw is very good and so is Ian Kelly 0114 285 2480 or 07776265034 - his premises are on Halifax rd
  14. This may surprise you Teeny LOL but I agree with you
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