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Everything posted by denlin

  1. How would they do that? Anyway mine goes straight into blue box and stays there until collection day so that doesn't hold water
  2. Butterthwaite Lane in Ecclesfield. it's an absolute disgrace
  3. Doubt if it's intentional. Whoever deliveers the junk mail wouldn't be from Veolia who remove it
  4. I would think if you are having to advertise for members something is seriously wrong and needs to be addressed because the locals have obviously voted with their feet
  5. What kind of tools were stolen please? May be able to help
  6. Are you a lawyer because you are very good at splitting hairs LOL
  7. The Rain Rescue Post seems to suggest that they won't rehome dogs to working people. Please correct me if I am wrong
  8. I was just trying to point out that the usual adoption fee is between £150 and £250 for a rescue dog as you had said it was nowhere near that
  9. How much does it cost? Each dog has a rehoming package with a rehoming fee. This fee goes towards the running cost of the whole centre and not just for that one dog as most cost much more than the fee we ask. Rehoming fees are non refundable. In circumstances where it is in the best interests of the dog to be returned to Rain Rescue the adoption fee may be refunded less a charge of £25.00. We have put a lot of time and effort into your rehoming and this just gives a small amount back to the rescue for the time it has taken. We want this relationship to work. The dog is the one that suffers the most if it gets brought back to kennels. We CANNOT guarantee any of the dogs that we rehome. We do behavioural assessments with them all the time they are in our care and can tell you what we have seen whilst they have been with us. However, dogs may and will react differently to other people, other pets (resident dogs or cats) or strangers dog or cats once they are rehomed with you. It does take time for things to settle and also takes training. We ask that you help them to understand your rules. The dog didn’t know what these rules were before he joined you. He isn’t your last dog, he doesn’t know your special commands or words but he will try as hard as he can to understand you. Be aware, that we very rarely have any history on a dog before it comes to us and can only advise of what they are like based on their time here in our care. Often these behaviours can change once the pet arrives into a home environment but it will also react to how you are with it – people expect so much of them. We ask you to think long and hard before taking on any pet. We feel that its a lifetime commitment and it is unfair to take on a pet thinking you can exchange, swap or return when your circumstances are not suitable. We ask you to consider your lifestyle and plan that you are taking on this commitment for the rest of its natural life. DOG REHOMING PACKAGES Rehoming fees guide:- •Premium Rehoming Package: £200 – £250 •Special Rehoming Package: Variable depending on the pet and special circumstances. Some older dogs go for minimal donation, some have a rehoming fee of £100 in certain circumstances (e.g. we cannot find a dog a home that will pay for vet fees then Rain Rescue will cover their vet fees for a certain ailment (ie heart tablets). What is included in our Premium Rehoming Package Our unique matching service. We want to ensure that we find our dogs the right home, just as much as you want to ensure you find the right dog. This saves you much trouble and worry in the future if we all get it wrong. We will help you and whilst our rehoming system may take longer than it would at other places, hopefully the results will last a lifetime. 1.Veterinary Health Check 2.1st Vaccination minimum (worth £50.00) (f not complete for health reasons, usually a free voucher for this to be done at our vets. 3.Flea and Worming treatment with quality products (worth £6.00) 4.4 weeks FREE insurance from PETPLAN we highly recommend insurance and to check you match the Cover 4 Life policy 5.Neutered or a Free neutering voucher if not neutered (worth between £125.00 – £250.00) ONLY VALID UNTIL THE DATE SHOWN ON THE VOUCHER!!! 6.Microchipped registered to you (worth £20.00) 7.Safe new collar (worth £5.00) 8.DOGMATIC Head collar (worth in excess of £20.00) or a XTRADOG FLEECE HARNESS (worth in excess of £22.95) 9.Company of Animals Double Ended lead (worth £10.00) 10.REDDINGO (guaranteed for life) dog tag Enamel Dog ID Tag of your chosen design (worth £12.50) 11.Bag of Pedigree Vital complete or similar (worth £6.99) 12.2 tins of Pedigree Chum (worth £1.25) 13.Advice, support and help from Rain Rescue (Priceless) What is included in our Special Rehoming Package Our unique matching service. We want to ensure that we find our dogs the right home, just as much as you want to ensure you find the right dog. This saves you much trouble and worry in the future if we all get it wrong. We will help you and whilst our rehoming system may take longer than it would at other places, hopefully the results will last a lifetime. SPECIAL dogs will have a different rehoming fee based on how re-homeable they are or if they carry any problems with them. 1.Veterinary Health Check 2.1st Vaccination minimum (worth £50.00) (f not complete for health reasons, a free voucher for this to be done at our vets) 3.Flea and Worming treatment with quality products (worth £6.00) 4.4 weeks FREE insurance from PETPLAN we highly recommend insurance and to check you match the Cover 4 Life policy 5.Neutered or a Free neutering voucher if not neutered (worth between £125.00 – £250.00) 6.Microchipped registered to you (worth £20.00) 7.Safe new collar (worth £5.00) 8.REDDINGO (guaranteed for life) dog tag Enamel Dog ID Tag of your chosen design (worth £12.50) 9.Bag of PEDIGREE Vital complete or similar (worth £6.99) 10.2 tins of PEDIGREE Chum (or similar) (worth £1.25) 11.Help and assistance from Rain Nowhere does it say you get a reduction unless you can't afford vets fees in which case you may get reduction and certain medications such as heart tablets free and you may get an older dog free ---------- Post added 18-01-2015 at 16:44 ---------- Rotherham Dog Rescue charge £150
  10. I agree that if you can't afford a dog then you can't afford vets fees applies if you are working but as the person wanting it has retired they can probably take dog to PDSA for most things apart from vaccinations and I've just looked at Rain rescues site and they do charge £250 which includes vaccinations, neutering etc but the neutering can be done free at some vets
  11. I agree, I had my dog for 16 years and I paid someone to look after him while I was at work. I am retired now and I miss him so much that i'm not sure I could ever go through that pain again
  12. You need to take your cat to vets or ask for a home visit. It's no good leaving it and hoping for best. Your cat has a good few years left yet. Mine will be 19 in April
  13. It says 62/63 was worse than 47 and as I said the snow was still here without respite in March 1963 ---------- Post added 18-01-2015 at 15:13 ---------- I quote from your attachment and refers to the winter between 1962/3 not 1963/4 With temperatures so cold the sea froze in places, 1963 is one of the coldest winters on record. Bringing blizzards, snow drifts, blocks of ice, and temperatures lower than -20 °C, it was colder than the winter of 1947, and the coldest since 1740.
  14. It was the winter of 62/63 that was bad with snow. I know because my neighbour had her youngest child in March 1963 and it snowed in Oct 62 and was there without respite until after he was born. The ambulance had a reight performance, I was almost 12 then and remenber it well see the attached images http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=winter+of+1962&qpvt=winter+of+1962&FORM=IGRE
  15. Linden road in Ecclesfield is a continuous terrace of about 10 houses
  16. I'd agree with others go to walk in clinic at NGH
  17. I only watched first ten minutes because steam was coming out of my ears
  18. But they don't all live over here, drive a blue golf and hit an ambulance person. The OP was giving a description of the driver. what did you want them to say that she was white? That would not have been a correct description then would it?
  19. I was on 15 to 1 twice and all expenses were paid including hotel when we went to London for filming but nothing for actually being on the programme - I didn't win though either time but didn't come last either, somewhere in middle both times ---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 09:11 ---------- I was at Firth Park shopping and meeting some friends in Cafe in Park when they were filming part of that. The film crew came in the cafe for a drink
  20. I'd never thought of it like that. I think I got a bit carried away there. My beliefs are mine and I stand by them and Teeny obviously does same so on that note I won't be posting again and this time I mean it - apologies for rants
  21. I believe that is Gods way of explaining to us what sin is, after all he did tell both Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of life ---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 17:34 ---------- yes i have and I certainly don't live there !!! do you ? You still haven't answered post 716 and I certainly don't live in a land of make believe ---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 19:23 ---------- I'm also curious as to why your God is punishing you for somebody else's mistake, Not very nice is it? Is that why he accepts murderers but not innocent children into heaven?
  22. Are you going to answer my post 716? ---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 17:12 ---------- Have you heard of cloud cuckoo land?
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