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Everything posted by denlin

  1. No he didn't - it's about the amount not the number of items since that is irrrelevant, he spent £5.50 more than you therefore nothing like 92%
  2. Doesn't the eligibility for free disabled travel on the trains only apply after 9am?
  3. Do you realise you replied to a thread that is over 5 years old?
  4. We'd have been a bit overcrowded, where do you suggest we'd put all the millions that have died since the year Adam war a lad?
  5. So God would have created an immaculate conception on everybody? Not much fun in that is there? ---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 16:05 ----------
  6. In the bible Eve was tempted by a serpent and ate an apple no mention of sex . God created reproduction and as such we would have had painless child birth if we hadn't sinned And as an intelligent adult you actually believe that? From what I remember of reading that drivel at school, the sin wasn't eating the apple but the fact they both realised they were naked and rumpy pumpy was the result since the serpent was probably attached to Adam
  7. :hihi: That's a good one. Is this sin you are talking about sex? How does your God think the human race would have been created without sex? Would Eve have had virgin birth and if so who would have procreated with Eves offspring to create the next generation?
  8. I'm going to ask a simple question that leads to no ambiguity. If a murdered child has told a fib and then gets murdered without forgiveness for that lie, will that child be denied access to heaven?
  9. In that case as you knew the children at the boarding school it is possible that someone in your Dads unit organised your schooling but it certainly wasn't any more the hand of God than the goal Maradona scored with his hand. Your mum must have known that she had a mortal helping hand even if she didn't know who that person was and how they found out about you probably came from your Dads Unit. Unless the person who paid for your schooling told you that God sent them you can't know that he did and since you don't know who that person was you can't say that God sent them. There's always a logical or likely explanation for everything
  10. At 5 years old you weren't aware of what was going on. The likelihood of your mum not leaving the house for months is unlikely. How for example in a very rural area did you get to school. The most likely people that assisted you would have been social services or the equivalent. You need to look at the reality of a stranger doing this by being told by a fairy to find you is farcical. Also who bought your food and cooked your meals? I think you have a vivid imagination as to what actually happened based on stories you were told ---------- Post added 14-01-2015 at 07:18 ---------- [ , When my dad died when I was 5 , I saw the provision of care for myself and for my mother who was very shocked at his sudden death , We moved to Sheffield to be with family, I saw my mother restored to full health and able to cope with life , no help from other organisations as there was none when I was young. I saw provision given to me in the form of being able to attend a very costly school for 2 years , which was loving , caring and kind. My friend lost her father at the same time yet she didn't receive the care or provision that I had.( which is sad) Erm I thought you said you were in the middle of the Hampshire countryside. when did Sheffield move to Hampshire? So far from not having any help you had help from your family. at least be consistent. It was probably one of them that did the arranging of your schooling but insisted on remaining anonymous and since you don't know who it was you decide it was a fairy
  11. That is not true. He paid £6.50 more than you which is not 92% and Veolia charge same whether it's one. two or three items
  12. :hihi::hihi: Did you actually read what Rootsbooster put before you agreed with him? Ooops I told a fib when I said I wouldn't post again , that's me sent to the other place
  13. No problem - it will be added as a stickie as soon as we have arranged the 1st one, probably be at some point in April and thanks for interest
  14. No but then we are talking about God, and they don't have to mean they are sorry just have to ask forgiveness. nobody perfect can go there and make him look like a condescending fool LOL. If they were truly sorry after the first few thousand murders they wouldn't have carried on but no they wait until their last breath and hope that they sound sincere. On that note I've definitely said all I'm going to
  15. You still haven't answered the question - if the people that were murdered in atrocities had not led a blameless life but an ordinary one similar to you and me and did not beg your Gods forgiveness because they hadn't done anything really bad but just general everyday living which as you have said no-one is perfect then they would not get to heaven. Why are they refused entry? Yet murder thousands and say sorry and that's OK. You really think they are sorry.
  16. Surely it's not up to you to forgive Mugabe, it's up to his victims - who forgives the victims if they didn't say sorry for not leading a blameless before they were murdered? What if one of the victims stole food to feed his family for example and didn't beg forgivemess from your God who thinks more of murderers than he does of normal everyday not perfect humans who he apparently created in his own image
  17. Few years back a swan was dragged from the Trent in Newark, killed with bare hands and eaten. It's a good job I wasn't there.
  18. You would have got these things anyway as we are a benevolent country in general. If your God is so perfect I ask this. If the Jews murdered by Hitler did not forgive Hitler or get chance to beg forgiveness of your omnipotent God then they would not go to heaven even if they led a life which is on a parallel with yours but the man who ordered to slaughter of millions will be welcome in heaven if he said sorry. That's not my idea of compassion
  19. Look forward to seeing you in not too distant future then
  20. I know i said i wouldn't come on here again but I'm going to have to respond to this. I have led a life just as good as yours without any help from any fairies be it God, Father Christmas or Easter Bunny and so have thousands of others. If your child was on the receiving end of a brutal crime would you forgive the perpetrator and if not would your God forgive them for you? Would your child still believe in God? If not then the low life would go to heaven according to you if he begged forgiveness but your child would go to the other place. If on the other hand your child still believed he would come face to face with the low life in eternity. What is the point in your Gods justice system if he says commit any abomination you want but say sorry and up you come. Would he have taken Hitler in if he'd said sorry?
  21. These aren't proper matches Mr H just a bunch of friends off here and prize money is usually the number of people fishing x £1 ie 30 fishing prize money £30. On the charity match all the money goes to the charity and we usually get donated prizes from such as Tardis tackle and Bag Up Angling plus others for all those giving up their time for Lillie:love:
  22. Please do not diss my friend Rossyrooney or I will have no choice but to send you to a lily pad in Damflask where you will be croaking the dawn chorus, signed a well wisher
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