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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Erm you asked to prove that God didn't exist. I said you cannot prove non-existence by it's very nature of non- existence and your response is for me to seek and find your God ---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 19:50 ---------- Is he a flasher? :hihi:
  2. There is no need to prove something doesn't exist, by the very nature of it being non-existent. :hihi:
  3. I'm a woman dear ---------- Post added 07-01-2015 at 18:41 ---------- So your caring God demands that if you upset somebody such as your son by telling him he'll fall over if he runs away then you are a sinner but hey that's OK, you can say a prayer and beg forgiveness and you'll still go to your heaven. Personally I find that rather childish. If you murder a child you can go to heaven providing you say sorry but if a child runs away when you told him not to, gets run over and killed before he can ask forgiveness for his sin of disobedience he'll not be allowed in by your caring God.
  4. Surely those speedometers that don't actually show the CORRECT speed need recalibrating
  5. [quote=Mr Fisk; 1)If God does not exist then objective moral values do not exist 2) Objective moral values do exist 3) Therefore God exists If the atheist thinks that God did something morally wrong in commanding this 'genocide', he/she affirms premise (2) For the atheist’s premise to make objective sense (i.e. the problem of evil), God’s existence is necessary. From an atheists point of view 1. God does not exist 2. Moral values do exist and are based on genes and teachings from schools and parents and have evolved naturally 3. therefore God does not exist and no existence is necessary
  6. If the doctors had decided you weren't well enough to go home no amount of prayers would have made any difference. I have more faith in the doctors actually
  7. So can listening to Albatross by Pink Floyd. You don't know that prayer makes a difference, you want to believe it does but you have no way of knowing if the result would have been the same if you'd just played them music or indeed not done anything.
  8. As it is part of a book written by your friend then perhaps you can put the passage on which says this ladies leg actually grew without any medical intervention
  9. What is the title of the book and can you produce a transcript of the section where the claim is made? Produce the proof and actually this is the first time I have seen anybodies name mentioned
  10. I object to this holier than thou statement. Who are you to decide that I am a sinner because I don't have the same view as you. What gives your God the right to decide that? I have never stolen anything, deliberately hurt anybody mentally or physically but in your world I couldn't go to heaven because I am a sinner but if a murder a 3 year old child who clearly hasn't had time to be a sinner and beg forgiveness I'll be allowed in. Your God has double standards
  11. Sorry SB, I misunderstood and on that note i'll bid you goodnight. More discussion tomorrow maybe
  12. We don't view the crucifixion as a scape-goating exercise, we don't believe the fairy story at all
  13. Would you tell that to the parents of the victim? ---------- Post added 05-01-2015 at 21:31 ---------- :hihi::hihi: Oh dear I'll try and live with that
  14. Does he forgive murderers and rapists of children if they ask for forgiveness?
  15. But they didn't get hurt they defied you and ran off but didn't fall over. A different scenario. Your 16 year old son is told by you that he must not take an expensive mobile phone out but he takes it anyway. He then gets mugged and the phone is stolen. Your son is fine but the phone is gone. Who is the sinner and what is the punishment? Please don't tell me your son is not 16, it's hypothetical
  16. but if he, hypothetically, allowed people he created in his own image to sin then either he has failed as a creator or he's a hypocrite
  17. I ask again what if they run off after you have told them the consequence of running off is that they will fall over but they defy you and run off anyway but they don't fall over. Is that not you telling your child that what you have told them is not in fact correct
  18. So you warning your children of a consequence of their running away is in effect you acting as God letting them know they will fall over. What if they ignore you, run off but don't fall over. I am 63 and nothing dire has happened to me that is not a natural comsequence of life. I have been a non- believer for 50 years
  19. That is correct, it's merely an opinion on the reality or not of religion on an open forum.
  20. Maybe i have gone a bit OTT but the nature of this thread means that everybody has to some extent. I was merely trying to point out that the claim that dinosaurs lived at the same time as man was incorrect and had been posted without any basis in fact Also i cannot see any significant difference between believing in fairies or any other mythical being - the belief will be just as real to the believer but has no basis in fact
  21. Think you've mixed my post up with one wheel Daves. Also we'd never get our fishing tackle on a bike trailer, The rod bags are 6ft long, then there's two large boxes and net bags plus the peripherals, sometimes we can't get it all in a rather large estate car and have to but the rod bags on top
  22. Believing in deities is the same as believing in fairies or the Easter Bunny or Father Christmas. you come on here and admit you are wrong about one thing, maybe you should question whether you are wrong about others. How long ago were you at school by the way. I left in 1966 and nobody ever told me that man and dinosaurs inhabited the earth at the same time.
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