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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Take out the spark plug, reattach the HT lead and pull start cord and see if there is a spark at the plug. If so check the carburettor to see if fuel is coming through. If no spark, try new spark plug. If still no joy, it culd be magneto coil
  2. That depends on the extent to which they suspect that OP may change the locks if they all go out. Why would anyone have keys cut for guests? I think the landlord should be in his rights to have locks changed as he/she has not provided keys for anyone other than tenant
  3. It is not legal in this country no matter whether you are in a car, motorcycle or on a pushbike to run a red light. Nor is it, as used to see on a regular basis at the end of Ecclesfield Road, for a cyclist when their proceeding light is on red to mount the pavement, go on inside of traffic light because they don't think the highway code applies to them. Of course if someone in a car came though green light from right or left and knocked them off the car driver would be to blame for not driving with due care and attention
  4. I appreciate that you have made the decision to be vegetarian and I applaud that and I love sprouts but I don't understand why the last part of the above was relevant. It's a matter of choice and you wouldn't like it if people decried you for being a vegetarian. This is a free country.
  5. Certainly did sweetie, spent it with my OH
  6. No that was Squiggs LOL but you said it was a discussion not a war
  7. There are a few problems I can see arising here. Guests are people who stay for one night or two. If tenant has allowed them to stay they might claim to have paid board. also I live in a terracced two bedroom coucil house and six people are allowed to live here. If we were on benefits as there are only two of us we might have been liable for bedroom tax. If tenant is sole occupier on benefits they may be same
  8. Ahem - has anyone got a wooden spoon or a rod and reel? :hihi:
  9. That's probably because they have a lot less population than us
  10. Telling somebody to shut up is hardly a discussion :hihi::hihi:
  11. You will always be welcome at our fishing matches Cliff as will Andrew. I will never forget the sight of the pair of you in pink tutus at Lillies Match.
  12. Flaming hell, it's Xmas day. Even in WWII the troops had a day off and mingled with enemy
  13. They can order it in for you if you don't leave everything to the last minute as do most large stores or for small fee you can have it home delivered. I've never had a problem with Argos regarding stock.
  14. Good, well cooked meal without over facing you at a reasonable price = Travellers at Ecclesfield
  15. Have a look at Lillies Wish to walk on Hallam kids
  16. Next to Poundland on Arundel Gate in the old T J Hughes building is a charity shop that specialises in decent furniture
  17. You'll be lucky with the hours but the Travellers at Ecclesfield is open
  18. It may not be the reason but it affects the consequences a great deal and could be the difference between injury and death or are you suggesting that we dispense with limits altogether? Most speeders think they are better drivers than those who obey the LAW
  19. You shouldn't need to mess with junction box. you can buy a double phone adaptor from poundland
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