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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Where does it go in sheffield now then because it used to come past the bottom of our road on the way to Barnsley
  2. How come we can have the tour de France when the Milk Race got stopped.
  3. Oldcotes is biggest in area, even when it was getting 300-400 cars Marsh Lane would not get anywhere near Oldcotes I would say if weather is like today it would top 600, Little London Site at Torksey would also I would think top 300 - it's on Sats and Weds 1200noon onwards
  4. There's a poundland in Hillsborough Barracks ---------- Post added 28-04-2014 at 19:16 ---------- That may be on cards sooner than you think
  5. If you don't make them secure then you will have issues like some on here whether wood or metal. Assemble them properly using decent bolts and fasten them to the floor, few vent holes should prevent condensation and lining would be good idea with metal. Common sense really
  6. It wasn't, I left there in 1966 and it was Ecclesfield Grammar then. Hunshelf school wasn't built until 1967 and merged quite a bit later
  7. We are having a charity match at Aston Ponds Butts lake on 26th April - see Lillies wish to walk which is stickie in this section. Can't offer lift though as our tackle fills back of car and we are coming direct from caravan in Lincolnshire - sorry
  8. I used to get taken to the Travellers as a child in the 1950s and I can't remember a big building in the Travs play area. It was a garden with swings as I recall. Are you sure it wasn't Black Bull?
  9. Was your wife the science teacher? I was in Mrs Palmers class 1962-1966. Mrs palmer was the English Teacher, Mr Hayes Maths, Mr Sant Art, Mr Birkby Geography, Mr Cochrane French and I think Mr Janner was history but not sure ---------- Post added 11-03-2014 at 20:14 ---------- Most of those children were in Mrs Palmers class with me Linda Theaker. Nigel Strutt, Shelley Whhitham, Shirley whitham, Roddy Wadsworth, Simon Cochrane, Edward Birkby, Susan Wragg etc
  10. My OH talks about some of the names mentioned on here, he is the youngest son of Frank Thompson and was born in 1951, he has a twin sister Denise
  11. I can't remember there ever being a petrol pump in travellers. There was Hobsons garage opposite Black Bull car park which had 3 very old pumps
  12. Perhaps if you spelt it correctly Sykehouses you might find it :hihi:
  13. As Dave has been up to see the new Butts lake at Aston Park Arfer I think you'll find that it is indeed disabled friendly and the owner has donated the pond for nothing as we are raising money to send 3 year old Lillie who has cerebral palsy to the USA for an operation to be able to walk. The fee for the match is £10, £9 of which goes to Lillies fund and the other £1 goes to the winner. We also usually have loads of prizes donated from the kind folk of Sheffield as a small thank you to the anglers who have given their time and money to help Lillie. Also they are the nicest bunch of lads you could wish to meet and the match is friendly rather than competitive Hope you can make it
  14. Its valid on buses from 9am as well and if you catch the bus or train to Leeds or doncaster you get free travel and can get to Scarborough for example by bus from Leeds. We used ours as well to go to Yorkshire Wildlife Park in Donny. Train to Donny then bus to YWF - still have to pay to go in though although that is a reduced rate. If you want to make a weekend away find a cheap B &B usually about £20 per night. Free travel - £40 pp for weekend away - bargain
  15. We don't pay much more than £500 including useage, storage, awning and electrics and its a lovely well kept little site in Lincolnshire. It also has toilets and a shower
  16. You might be thinking of the Laitner wedding murder which has been covered on here several times but it wasn't Intake. If it's the same one he got life ---------- Post added 01-02-2014 at 08:11 ---------- Hitchinson, who murdered three members of one familly on Dore Rd in 1983 is appealing to the European court in Strasbourg against his whole life sentence on the grounds that it is inhuman and breaches his human rights. You don't know whether to laugh or cry. Even if the appeal is refused it's disgusting that lawyers are making thousands out of this. I recently met one of the police who worked on the case and he told me that Hutchinson is still writing letters to him saying that when he gets out he's going to find him and "do him in". Even aged 71 Hutchinson is still a dangerous nutcase.
  17. Who is Jaime Oliver? :hihi: Hope he's not opening it in Sheffield too :rant:
  18. Be glad to see you Chris, the April one is Charity match for Lillie see link below, loads of prizes to be had and it's just a friendly match with some great guys and me giving them lessons
  19. Please make sure you look into all the type of indemnity insurances you will need if you go down this road. For example with the dog walking there's accident insurance for the pet or if it bites somebody while in your charge. Hope you can make a success of your career. I would love to work with animals but can't afford the pay cut at the moment
  20. Were two of them in the Wicker because that was due to to the Sheffield flood of 2007 ---------- Post added 01-01-2014 at 08:25 ---------- Whats it called? ---------- Post added 01-01-2014 at 08:28 ---------- Bag up Angling is a great place and the guys have made very sizeable donations for prizes to both our fishing matches so far for Lillie as has Tardis at Firth park, so please don't have a go at them for trying to preserve their business. It's not their fault the shop on Penistone Road shut down.
  21. My dad worked at Brown Bayleys up to his premature death in 1967 - Leonard Theaker - but not sure which Dept
  22. ---------- Post added 23-11-2013 at 15:11 ----------
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