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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Don't think you were on piecework, you may have got hourly rate plus bonus. Piecework was when you just got paid a percentage of the value of the work you produced but did not receive any other pay . Those days went out long before I started work in 1966
  2. Who are you? I have lived near Martin Cres since 1955
  3. I am currently reading a Dr Thorndyke novel by R Austin Freeman - like Sherlock Holmes but with more brains (on kindle)
  4. Blimey I did some temping work for Cyril Caplan when he had office just off the Moor, I was sorry to hear that he had died. He was a lovely old guy and was waiting to go for heart op when I was working for him. I believe he didn't get over the op. He once made me a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel for my lunch. It was the nicest sandwich I have ever tasted:D:love:
  5. Yes, now I remember Nigel. Don't remember Kathleen but our Robert and Alan would because they were also in same class as Guz
  6. Say hi to Wendy for me, from Linda from Greaves Cabinet makers. They were good days
  7. Oh right, I remember that and the garage which was next to chippy and the old fishing taclke shop. Atheys shop which had tiled steps and opposite what was then the modern/grammar school building
  8. Do you mean the Gatty Hall because as far as I know it's still there. I don't remember a wooden building
  9. I worked with Wendy Damms, her husband was Arnold Damms, think they came from Manor but not sure
  10. Dunno Guz may have done, did they live on a farm? Don't remember a lot from our young uns class apart from our Alan and Jane Ridge
  11. I went to school with a lad called Phillip, think his surname was Helliwell, and I'm sure he lived on a farm. This was in Ecco Juniors 1958-1962
  12. You probably knew two of my cousins then they would be about your age, can't send you PM yet as you haven't got enough posts to receive them
  13. Well we've only been in once and neither of us was impressed with service or the drinks they sell and the number of people they cram in, hope there's never a fire. It is abysmal
  14. The milk race used to pass the bottom of our road on it's way to Barnsley
  15. Not same place, there were two on there. The one that was P W Laceys was run by church for people who had retired but had nowhere to live. There was no such thing as housing benefit then I don't think but not sure because I wasn't born until 1951 and my dad always worked up to when he died when I was 16 and I was working by then.
  16. I never knew him but I would doubt it
  17. That sounds interesting, I'll have a word with my cousin and my relatives who have a lot more info on Rex than I have but they don't live in Sheffield
  18. Lisa I think you need to let something that happened nearly 20 years ago stay in the past,
  19. Hi Dave How old were you in 1964? as I also went to Ecclesfield school as did my brother and 5 of my cousins
  20. The government probably and all those of us who have to pay it for another?
  21. Tardis tackle at Firth Park still opens most Sundays but you woluld need to check on day before because he does miss the odd one
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