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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Grenoside crematorium has absolutely beautiful grounds and is overlooked by horses field
  2. Absolutely agree, there's just no excuse for it other than being bone idle:roll:
  3. Don't think so Janie, any more than we believe in Father Christmas, the tooth fairy or the Easter Bunny:hihi:
  4. Think this thread has lost the plot, why would an able bodied person with any common sense want a BB? Unless they're an idle sod like some of those I see in Morrisons at Ecclesfield some of which park on the footpath near the cash macines at 7am when the car park is almost empty because they are too damned idle to walk 5 yards and I've seen the police do this too
  5. 4 occupied by recycling bins, 3 by delivery truck and 5 disabled totals 12 out of 20, why couldn't you park in one of the other 8?
  6. Ooooh good, that should make us all suddenly believe in fairies
  7. If you choose to believe in fairies or mythical beings Abdulla that is your choice, personally I believe you get one chance, there are no mystical creatures and when you're dead you're dead, until someone dies and comes back with photographic evidence I'll carry on believing what I concluded when I was 13 and I'm 61 now
  8. [QUOTE=Tony;8771909]Do you believe in God? If not, why not. If you do, why do you? And please, lets keep this respectful to others This was the question Abdulla, so you actually only answered part of it so other posters were curious thats all as by and large they gave reasons for their belief or lack of it
  9. That's very Christian of you Balpin, I'm sure your God if there was one will be very proud of your caring nature:D:love:
  10. We're not agitated, we just don't understand why you as an adult believe in fairies:hihi::hihi:
  11. Only Grand Prix and Dancing on Ice when they're on
  12. My Uncle Cliff was in Navy and was out in Middle East where the temperatures were scorching and he hadn't seen snow for 4 years when he got back here it had just gone - bet he wouldn't be glad to see it now if he were still here bless him :hihi:
  13. Same reason they ddn't extend to Ecclesfield despite the promises - we don't matter enough
  14. The one at bottom of Chapeltown hill (formerly Arundel Pub) food, service and decor are excellent
  15. Me neither, if they've referred you to NGH I'd go back and asked to be sent to Hallamshire it's quicker. When I had trapped nerve in my hand the waiting list at NGH was about 10 months, I went back to doctor and was referred to Hallamshire and was in, had operation done and was out inside 10 DAYS
  16. They have and on this page too but if you check previous posts the steepest is Hagg Hill based on gradients and I have driven up and down there, not for faint hearted
  17. http://search.mywebsearch.com/mywebsearch/redirect.jhtml?searchfor=sailor+petula+clark+you+tube&cb=YR&n=77dd9441&ptnrS=YRxdm053YYgb&qid=de84ffcd4f931b20e3d9cbe81949b7df&action=pick&ss=&pn=1&st=bar&ptb=9F647A32-3BB0-4568-8FAC-D203A89F711A&pg=GGmain&ord=0&redirect=mPWsrdz9heamc8iHEhldEcgdjfjqpMajKYmz288FhTKr8hfXD5lvtRRiaMc7Ex0X0mJF22nDpzpL435SssujfQ%3D%3D&ct=AR&tpr=
  18. Yes David Bowie Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - good actor too. The man who fell to earth.
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