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Everything posted by denlin

  1. That is not correct as you have to produce your pension book to get free travel and I can get my pension book in April 2012, I was born on 5 April 1951. I can apply for it in September this year but won't get it until April. Someone born in August 1951 will be able to apply in March 2012
  2. If you are wanting a pass for free travel then you have to meet certain criteria such as disability. Free travel for pensioners requires you to produce your pension book and is for men over 65 and for women as follows. Anyone born in or before 1950 get free travel at 60. If you were born in 1951 (like me) then pension age is 61, 1952 is age 62 etc. Anyone born in or after 1955 then it is 65 the same as men:roll:
  3. I went to school with Katherine Humberstone she had a sister called Susan, they lived in Ecclesfield
  4. Could you clear your pm box your eminence, unable to send message:D
  5. Has anyone been to the wetlands trust which I think is at Cortonwood?
  6. The Miss Cross I remember (1962-1966) when I went there didn't teach French - that was Mr Cochrane, Mr Birkby was head of lower school and taught geography, my form teacher Mrs Palmer taught English, science teacher was Miss Webster, Isaac Sant (art), Gabby Hayes (maths) and Head was Arnold Henry Jennings I went to Burncoss cemetery last year to visit grave of my great grandad after my cousin started looking up family history and we were just walking back to car and I glanced down and saw Miss Cross' gravestone
  7. None of them - there are a couple of places in Lincolnshire though Kirton and Laughterton or Carlton on Trent, Notts
  8. Yes that's right, think she is great niece of Rex but other than that don't know a deal. My grandma was Florence Annie Warneford before she married my Grandad Stephen Gill when she was 16. They had 14 children Florence, Lily, Ethel, Stephen, , Clifford, Ada (my mum), her twin George, Cyril, Ernest, Winnie, Rose, Edna, Joyce and Evelyn, Think I've got them in right order
  9. I can't tell you a great deal other than Rex was my grandmothers cousin and he was first person to shoot down a Zeppelin with an aeroplane. This happened in June 1915. He was hailed a hero given the VC and French Legion of Honour in same day and he was killed in a freak accident a few days later aged 23. My grandmother never mentioned him and it was only recently when my cousin started researching the family history that we found out about him. Not having lived through a war I have no knowledge of how lives were affected other than tales passed down but certainly nothing of the effect Zeppelins had, my mother was 2 when Rex was killed. Den has more tales to impart as he is into history of warfare. There is a book about Rex which was written by family member. I have a copy but have loaned it to a colleague at moment. Will be pleased to give you update when I get it back Linda
  10. What happened to him then, he wandered off and took a liking to a stranger and asked to be adopted? Maybe he was beamed aboard a spacecraft. If he was playing one minute and gone next, what options are there in way of explanation?
  11. Stop with the lawyer speak and political correctness, this is a thread about Ben, Kerry is a woman and Ben is her child. No need to pick Patti up before she's fallen down. And, for your information, I have met Pat on a few occasions and nothing could be further from the truth - so I think you need to follow your own rules and think before you speak:roll:
  12. He's booked Gatty Hall, good choice. I remember that as a child and I'm 60, my niece went to playgroup there from 1977-1979 before going to Infant school
  13. TBH it wasn't that good, they were expensive and lasted no longer than ones that cost a fiver from ex-catalogue shop that used to be on Barracks. I've got a 1960's retro toaster that I bought from there for £3.50 about 6 years ago for caravan and I used it this morning and it still works perfectly:D
  14. On a smilar theme I think we should start a bring back the 'Ferodo' sign on the bridge at the end of Stevenson Road:D:D
  15. :hihi: That was his father James, Wm G hosted 15 to 1 http://search.mywebsearch.com/mywebsearch/redirect.jhtml?qid=8c135e2bf62b78046489ae621c55a310&searchfor=verigo+movie&action=pick&pn=1&n=77dd9441&ptb=9F647A32-3BB0-4568-8FAC-D203A89F711A&ptnrS=YRxdm053YYgb&ss=&st=bar&cb=YR&pg=GGmain&ord=0&tpr=&redirect=mPWsrdz9heamc8iHEhldEaXzyQb%2FwMYPLiYTK99hchQrZ8kt0Op1%2BdZ26CDx8hGB&ct=AR
  16. :hihi::hihi: Very good Zakes but not sure whether Burgess, McLean or Anthony Blunt came from Sheffield
  17. The first time I went to the cap (Essoldo) on my own I saw Old Yeller - I cried at the end and saw it again as an adult, guess what I still cried - same with Greyfriars Bobby:roll::roll:
  18. The steel houses were built in the 1930's as temporary accommodation, they were pulled down in 1970s I think or could have been early eighties. They were certainly there when we moved up here in 1955
  19. Yes, but it was a bit turbulent in the end. Martin was a bit volatile but I think Elaine used to wind him up. Graham Dawson got sacked by Les Grocutt and then I believe nutted him but I was at Little London then
  20. It was Frank Zappa in the Buccaneer. Saw Hendrix in 1967 when I was 16 at City Hall and Zappa the following year in Manchester - great days:D
  21. About 5 ft tall, knocked around with Lynn Kynoch and Elaine Johnson, bleached my hair blonde at front (well my cousin did, she's hairdresser) and then coloured the blonde bit shocking pink. These days it's all blonde, naturally:hihi::hihi:
  22. I remember you. I moved to Little London Road, left and then came back to Sidney Street part-time years later. Worked with Brian Grocutt again about eight years ago at Sheffield Rebuild when I was receptionist and he was woodwork tutor
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