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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Linda Theaker, Kath was Kathy Hatt, didn't you, Kath and Shirley start about same time?
  2. I am hoping to go to see it soon, my grandmother married my grandad when she was 16 and they had 13 children. I only found about Rex recently when my cousin started researching family history. My grandmother never told any of my generation about him.
  3. In June 1915 my grandmothers cousin Rex Warneford became the fist pilot in the Fleet Air Arm to shoot down a zeppelin from an aeroplane. He was awarded VC and French Legion of Honour in same day. He was killed few days later aged 23 in freak accident. He was buried with full military honours in Brompton cemetery in London http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/ReginaldWarnefordBrompton.jpg
  4. Are you Lynne Kynoch? Vic was Vic Hardy and his brother John worked there too. Vic married a lass called Shilrley and there was a labourer called Kevin Hardy, no relation
  5. Know this thread is quite old but I worked at Greaves twice, first time was in early 1970's and the whole operation I worked on (record decks and speakers) was moved to Little London Road behind Abbey Glen laundry. One of the guys was Ernest Taylor and he was still there when I went back years later. Anybody else who used to work there? I also worked with Brian Grocutt twice, once at Greaves and then at Sheffield Rebuild. Others I worked with - Lynn Kynoch, Elaine Johnson, Olwyn Coddington, Maureen Green, Tony Robertson. office girl Jackie - anyone remember labourer Wilf? Sylvia McKendry and her sister Diane, Alan Hill can't remember many more
  6. You and Olilew must have been good swimmers:hihi::hihi:
  7. I remember that. I was in Priestley but they only had 4 houses when I was there and our summer dresses were the colour of your house. Red/green/blue and yellow, Priestley had green
  8. Hello Joe, Denis Thompson. worked there 1966 - 1970 started straight from school, Started in drilling section and then moved to milling. With Ralph Cuckson, Dave, old Albert and my brother Willis. Got fired by gip handed Cregan. Lots of good lads down there and the boatyard crew:hihi::hihi:
  9. I remember Walter Staniland but he would be around 50 now not 70
  10. My great grandad, Thomas Steele, was a bandleader with Chapeltown Silver prize band and he had a golden trumpet. He is buried in Burncross cemetery and his headstone had a golden trumpet, sadly although the headstone is in good repair and still has the trumpet on the gold has faded over the years. I would love to see it restored to it's former glory. When I went to visit his grave I got talking to an old guy who said he used to go through the churchyard as a child and remembers seeing the golden trumpet.
  11. Hi Steve - how's your mum? Do you remember Troggy who used to bring TV's for George to fix? He'd get broken ones from outside peoples houses (he always asked), George would fix them and then Troggy would sell them:D:D:D
  12. Shouldn't he be ringing Veolia or better still the council?
  13. It's no good complaining to Veolia, you'll just get the same stock answer. They'll be reading from a script:hihi::hihi: Ring council, this usually works:hihi:
  14. Did you work at Interface at Thorncliffe round about 1988/89?
  15. Loaf it out, you weren't bread:hihi:
  16. Hi steve Hows Your Mam ? And Steve its One N In DENIS :hihi:
  17. If you do see one, could you ask her for winning lottery numbers?:hihi:
  18. Try car boot sale at Oldcotes, every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday morning but be prepared for early start. M1, M18, Bawtry road as far as Roche Abbey turn off then follow road right to end, straight across at crossroads and it's on your left. You can't miss it, it's massive
  19. I was attempting to be humerous with our deputy PM, sorry if I upset you:D
  20. I'm sorry to have to disagree with you, your deputyship, but the fat cats can take care of themselves, you need to take care of the underdogs:hihi::hihi:
  21. Thats actually a lot less than I expected, indeed thats very reasonable actually. I'm impressed:D
  22. My grandma used to take me there when I was very young, this would have been late fifties when she went to play tombola (bingo). I remember her buying me lime and lemon to drink and letting me play bingo. Joto might remember this as she was her grandma too.
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