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Everything posted by denlin

  1. My great uncle was Rex Warneford who was in WWI not 2 but was the 1st person in fleet air arm to be awarded VC. He also got French Legion of Honour same day for being first person to shoot down an airship with an aeroplane. He was killed a few days later in a freak accident while flying an American reporter to Belgium, the plane was made of wood and just fell apart (no parachutes in those days). He was 23 and is buried in Brompton Cemetery in London. He had state funeral such the likes of Churchill etc would have had
  2. Alright he did wrong thing but to give him 4 years is appalling. Muggers walk away scot free if they get right lawyer, plead they come from broken home or are drug addicts. Give him community service cleaning trains fair enough but lets have a bit of common sense:love:
  3. John married Joyce Wells in about 1972, they're still together and have two sons and grandchildren. Not sure if Joyce is related to Alan Verneze. John and our Robert are still best mates as they were when they were children.
  4. Ben has just turned 21, and there has been just as much media coverage. Bens mum lives on my road and we often used to get cameras on here, but Ben wasn't left on his own at night.
  5. The best right now is Beres but the best I ever tasted in Sheffield was the one that used to be near Heart Foundation shop at top of the Moor
  6. Think Ernest Stamfords is still there - went there maybe about 5 years ago for reel rings and butt stop for Stamford rod bought at boot sale for £1 and £2 for parts, got great little rod for £3. OH has got Billy Clarke carp rod also bought from boot sale for £10, it's a cracker and I believe Billy Clarke is also still going. There used to be a fishing tackle shop on Stubbin Lane at Firth Park. near to where vets is now but can't remember name of it
  7. Around and around and around then up to engine bar for around and around and around . Then on saterday night staying till 2am and trying not to wake the old folk up when you got in. Great place to pick up girls on and off the ice .:hihi: Good chat up line can I help you around love( to them that could not skate) The red coats telling you to get off the ice for going too fast in the public time . YEP GREAT DAYS:D:D (DEN)
  8. Yippeee it's about time we had decent freezer centre at this end of town:clap::clap:
  9. I and my brother were taken there a lot by our parents and my biggest recollection was that they had some sort of tower with a looptheloop for motorbike on top LIN
  10. I remember going down town with some friends from work one of whom was about six feet tall and rather large. This would have been late seventies/early eighties. As we were walking past Stonehouse a young lad jumped down from steps in attempt to scare us, my friend just looked at him and said 'your worst nightmare has just come true'. At which point he fled back into the pub.:hihi:
  11. I go and see these groups regularly and Tremeloes still have two and DD,D.B.M AND T until sad loss of Dave Dee they had all originals. many still have originals. In Fortunes case they are, admittedly, not originals but are definitely worth seeing - Bob Jackson (of Badfinger) is excellent and has most amazing voice
  12. Got news for you, they're still going - watch out for Solid Silver Sixties shows at city hall. Next ones on 29 April with the great Chris Farlowe and Wayne Fontana among others. They are worth seeing and its not only those who were teenagers in 60's - there are young people there too
  13. If you check the previous posts with gradients on them has been established that it's Hagg Hill
  14. Isn't that picture of Ecclesfield Yew Lane heading towards Black Bull? Sorry orientated missen now and realised it's corner of St Marys, Yew Lane and High Street
  15. You're probably right but I was a young child then and didn't know difference. I remember in later years that at opposite side of jennel, same side as co-op they had a pair of Salukis that always barked when you went down jennel but no problem as were fenced in behind high wire netting fence
  16. Wasn't the church built in 1111 if so house should have been listed, eyup Guz are you OK?
  17. there was one at Firth Park as well (Blaskeys that is)
  18. Thank you so much Nigel, you're right on both counts and I think the dogs were Huskies if I remember right
  19. I think he might have been called Rees but it's so long ago I'm just not sure
  20. Can you remember a coalman who used to live on high greave, next door or next door but one to where dentist is now? in those days it was co-op
  21. The people on SF and in Sheffield are great , it's the stinky place I don't like and the roads are c**p. If I win lottery or retire whichever comes first you won't see my bum for dust:hihi::hihi:
  22. Think you replied to wrong thread I was asking about Terry Ashton - don't know any of above.
  23. I was at school with Paul Dolby who I think played for Wednesday in 70's
  24. Me too, lived in Slitting Mill lane until I was 4 in 1955 and Ecclesfield ever since
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