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Everything posted by denlin

  1. You're right about cinema, when we were kids we always used to call it 'the cap' and I used to go there most Saturday afternoons in the early sixties when I was about 11 or 12. Hillards wasn't there then it was just fields and bushes. We used to clamber up there and walk along the top.
  2. The picture palace at Lane top was always Essoldo until it turned into a bingo hall run by Nobles and the carpet shop is still there. In answer to a previous question Rendezvous was a newsagent right at lane top next to where Netto is and Hillards was further down just below bus terminus. The building is just as it was then but it's now Job Lot and the shop part is in the bottom section which when it was Hillards was the dry goods and used to sell garden products, wallpaper etc. I and my ex-sister in law worked there and the Manager was called Tony I think and I believe he had a nervous breakdown after losing his gran who he was very close to.. My next door neighbour , Madge Glynn, now sadly no longer with us, used to be the cook in the canteen:)
  3. The person who opened Hillards was Ann Sidney Miss World. I went to the opening as a teenager:D
  4. The off sales near the old cop shop was Atheys and Jean Athey their daughter was in my class in infants/juniors. I remember rushbys bakery, Eardleys optician which was where the landerette is on St Michaels, the beer off next door and there used to be a sweet shop at top of cross hill where Eardleys opticians moved to and we could get a 'pennorth' of sweets in a cone from a machine. My favourites were satin cushions, little sack shaped boiled sweets in all colours and rainbow crystals. Hulleys ice cream factory on High Greave used to have a kiosk at the top of the drive and you could get a gigantic (or so it seemed when I was a child) cornet for theepence (late ninteen fifties)
  5. On the land across from the post office which led into park there was a petrol station and an empty hut which was once a fishing tackle shop. You went down a path at the side of these into the park. At the bottom was a bridge over the stream, just at the side of the pavilion, bowling greens and tennis courts
  6. Ecclesfield Grammar turned comprehensive about 1974, 75 or 76. I went to the grammar school aged 11 in 1962. The Head was Arnold Henry Jennings and the head of year 1 and 2 which moved into the old Modern School building was Harry Birkby. His son Edward was in my class. The french teacher, Mr Cochrane, had two sons at the school Simon who was in my year and Toby who started there a year or two later. The other teachers I remember are Gabby Hayes (Maths) Mr Sant (art), Miss Webster (science) and Mrs Palmer - my form teacher - (english)
  7. Sheffield is built on severn hills(as is Rome)hence the word lump, as the housing estate spread allover the hillsides, the term going to walk around t'lump means to walk up and down the hills on which your estate was built and then came to mean going for a walk t'round area in which you live. In my dads case down t'pub and back on sundays before his sunday dinner. Funny how the dog allways got home an hour before he did, he used to say he's got four legs I've only two so he can walk twice as fast.
  8. I spent many teenage years in the sixties at Norths fair in Ecclesfield which was at the side of the gennel opposite the school playing field. I think they are building on the land now. There was also a larger fair behind the Coach and Horses at Chapeltown. My parents used to take me to the farm grounds and I can recall a wall of death rider on a motorbike on top of a tall tower
  9. I remember a pete Zumwalt from Wybourn School. Are you any relation ? Denis Thompson Saunders road
  10. I was at Wybourn school from aged four and a half in 1955 until I left at 15. I was one of the Thompson twins (Denis) and my twin was Denise. My brothers George and Willis and sister Maureen also went there. Sadly we lost George a couple of years ago but all the others are still fine. I remember the teachers Miss Scott, Mr Mullen, Mr Smith, Mr Riley, Mr Lancaster and Mr Hart Anybody remember any others?
  11. My brother George Thompson (Jud) worked at Wigfalls about late 50s or early 60s as TV engineer. Sadly Jud is no longer with us but I remember us being the first family on our street to get BBC2 - anyone got any memories Denis Thompson
  12. I have lived in Ecclesfield since 1955 and the shop across from the old police staion was called Atheys. Mrs Atheys daughter Jean was in my class at school when it was the old Infants next to the old police station and the Juniors was across from the shops where the new houses are now. The building which now houses the junior and infant schools was the old secondary modern until 1961. I went to Ecclesfield Grammar in 1962 and the 1st and second year pupils used the old modern school building as there was not enough room at the one on Chapeltown Hill:hihi:
  13. My father Leonard Theaker worked at Brown Bayleys until a few weeks before his death in 1967 when I was 16. I always remember him coming back every Friday night with bars of chocolate such as Tiffin and Frys 5 boys
  14. I being a model maker I used to go to beatties a lot and was shocked one saterday when I found the shop had closed down . And yes I can remember some of the tricks the staff used to play on each orther as I was caught out one time in one of there tricks that was intended for a member of staff. I still have one of the yellow plastic bags with the betties logo on.
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