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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. All this chipping could cause a bigger cancer risk, being scanned for just about everything and all the electronic interference that goes with it can’t be good for your body. You could also have a harmful reaction to the chip, I’m not talking about McCains chips either, I have no reaction when I’m eating them. If government wants to keep an eye on people put more security cameras up, at least we can have ago at destroying them. I don’t fancy cutting a chip out of my body. It’s a definite no for me.
  2. I think your daughters are keeping you on the straight and narrow, be grateful to them.
  3. It seems to me anyone who criticises uncontrolled immigration is called a racist. I’m not surprised Farage has received death threats.
  4. It’s being reported on the news that Liam Payne fell off a third floor balcony in Argentina. RIP
  5. I’m sure you used to post on here as Rich or a similar name.
  6. Never Let Go A horror survival film starring Halle Berry. Can’t make my mind up about the ending of this film or if Halle Berry was a psychopath in it, not sure if I enjoyed the film either 5/10
  7. Its frightening countries being ruled by psychopaths and more countries with psychopath leaders having nuclear weapons in the future. It makes you wonder if these leaders are capable of feeling emotions. Then there’s talk of A1 being capable of harm towards humans and could cause human extinction, goodness knows what mankind will be capable of inventing in the future. I’m getting out of my depth on that one better leave it alone. All we can do is live for today and hope for tomorrow.
  8. The USA has got a little bit more competition with China at the moment. This is just my thinking China would have invaded Taiwan by now if it wasn’t for the USA, both countries have the balance of power for now. Their will be more research by there two countries for more powerful weapons., more cyber attacks until they blow the world up.
  9. I agree Anna, although I didn’t enjoy the service I did find the people who go to the church friendly and welcoming. I also went with my relative to a fund raising coffee morning for the church, there was very little talk about religion that morning, but there was a nice atmosphere.
  10. I agree with you. There will probably be another leadership challenge next year.
  11. I had no idea what happened at a Spiritualist Church until I went with a relative when I first moved to Newcastle, she works for Northumbria Police and has been going for a number of years, she believes in spiritualism and she said shes received messages from loved ones. Where I went the building looked like a church, you sang hymns and prayed to god but the service was led by a Medium. It was the end bit I didn’t like when the Medium is supposedly getting messages from the dead. One elderly lady got a message from her late husband, she was told not to worry about him he is okay, just look after yourself, the woman was distraught after receiving this message. Some of the messages I thought were pathetic and the Mediums did receive a payment. I have said this on a number of occasions on the forum, I’m not religious, life can be very challenging at times, my religious friends and relatives cope far better than me with life’s problems, so if religion and spiritualism helps them through life then who am I to call their faith. There are times when I wish I was religious.
  12. No I don’t believe in fate, but I do remember something my mother use to say, ‘Life is what you make it.’
  13. Joan A tv mini series, all six episodes are on itvx if you want to binge watch it. I enjoyed it and didn’t realise it was based on a true story about a jewel thief until after I had finished watching it.
  14. I agree with you about pease pudding in a tin. Best place for it is in the bin.
  15. I don’t like black pudding, especially when I found out it was made from the blood of animals. It’s a bit hypocritical tho especially when I do eat meat.
  16. I have been to a spiritualist church 3 times, there was a different spiritualist each time, in my opinion they were fakes but others who got a message thought they were genuine, they were preying on peoples emotions. What makes the spiritualist so special that they can communicate with the dead?
  17. Yes I think you are right about a Public Spaces Protection Order, it suddenly started over night at the beginning of summer. It was definitely needed in the small town centre of Gateshead. You couldn’t sit on public seats because of the drunks, druggies and beggars sitting there. Occasionally you still see them, but it’s not every day as it use to be, I think for now they have got the message that the police are on a mission to move them on. Sheffield was exactly the same as Newcastle before the The Public Spaces Protection Order was enforced, some days there was just a few beggars here and there and other days there was more of them. There is still beggars in Newcastle, but it’s not as bad as it use to be and it’s not unusual to see the police move them on, that’s something that never happened in the past.
  18. I have seen plain clothes scruffy looking police officers on a few occasions putting hand cuffs on someone, and I suspect it’s because they are trying to sell drugs in the centre of Newcastle. The Northumbrian Police are now visible on the streets in Gateshead and Newcastle at certain times of the day and it has made a difference particularly in Gateshead, which is just the other side of the River Tyne from Newcastle, this only started at the beginning of summer tho. The people the police are moving on are sat on seats in Gateshead with large bottles of cider, whisky and cans of beer so I’m not sure if they can be arrested and searched for that. I was told the police do have powers to remove alcohol from them. There is less anti social behaviour at the moment, I’m not sure if this is down to the council or if the police have been given new powers. I just hope the police and street enforcement officers keep it up. Isn’t it up to each council to put street enforcement officers patrolling the city centre? I know Sheffield use to have them not sure tho if they still do.
  19. Gateshead and Newcastle is just as bad as Sheffield when it comes to beggars, druggies and drunks but I have noticed over the last few months that the police are moving them from the centre of Newcastle and parts of Gateshead where they congregate. Invariably as one policeman said they just keep coming back when they have gone. I don’t think there is as many on the streets because the police are moving them and there seems to be more police patrolling the area but you still get days when you see loud mouth drunks shouting and threatening each other, just have to hope the police pick them up on camera and pop out in their cars to shift them. I wonder who will get fed up first the police or the beggars?
  20. That was so funny it made me laugh.
  21. Thank you Yorkie, I didn’t know that and I do go to Morrisons and Asda at South Shields when in the area. I was convinced it wasn’t available to buy in supermarkets up here, don’t know why I thought that tho, could be because in the past I asked a relative if they buy Henderson’s relish and they didn’t know what it was. Out of curiosity next time I’m in South Shields I’ll look on the shelves at Morrisons for the relish just for a bit of Sheffield nostalgia.
  22. I remember the first time I tried Henderson’s relish on meat and potato pie, it ruined the taste of the pie for me. I wanted to taste the pie and the lovely crust not a vinegar, spicy acetic tasting sauce. I definitely don’t like it. I don’t think you can buy it here Newcastle, although I haven’t looked on the supermarket shelves for it.
  23. The thought of going into a care home and losing my independence terrifies me. If we had euthanasia clinics in the UK I think I would much prefer to end my life than having to have help with personal hygiene, we might not need as many care homes if we were given the choice.
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