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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. That is what I was thinking when I cast my vote to leave the EU. I cant denigh I was frightened of the unknown and I would still vote to leave if there was another Brexit vote.
  2. I think Boris is okay. Shame Farage wasn't an MP he could then have put himself forward at the next election for PM. He would get my vote, can only hope if there is any By Electinons from now until the next general election he might stand for ukip. After Trump's victory anything is possible.
  3. I don't believe it is a political statement, it is remembering all the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. My late father who was in the Far East for over five years during the Second World War always wore a poppy and would go to the cenotaph in Sheffield on Remembrance Sunday to think about his friends who never came back and the suffering they had to endure. He was also a football supporter and when able he would go to the match. What next ban these old soldiers from wearing their Poppy's in football grounds?
  4. Where is James Bond when you want him? He would have found out what the soviets were up too. I think they were after fishing in our waters.
  5. Yes I am aware now that using a cotton wool bud in your ear can push the wax further down the ear. I have watched your video and I think it is a good method of removing ear wax. It is few years since I had my ears syringed and I remember the nurse saying that there is a slight chance with syringing of ear infection after the procedure. If I ever need wax removing in the future I will ask if I can have the ear spoon to remove it, I didn't know there was a ear spoon for wax removal.
  6. I have had my ears syringed in the past and I was told to use drops by my doctor to soften the wax for a week before syringing because it was dry and hard. So not sure if an ear wax spoon would be suitable as I did try to remove it myself with a cotton wool bud and it was painful. However Angelfire could be right, as I was not aware of this method and of course the texture of the wax in your ears could be soft already.
  7. my neighbour's cat across the road uses my small front garden as a toilet, I have tried putting all sorts of chemicles on my garden hoping that the smell will put it off. Just when I think I have succeeded once more I have to clean up after it. I wonder if all cat owners trained their cats to use a litter tray would it reduce the problem.
  8. I wouldn't either, and yet they only emerged with one PM, I do not call that democracy. Just look at how many MPs Scotland has with a similar amount of votes.
  9. I often wondered where does the universe end. Is there life out there? There seems to be a lot of planets out there, or are we unique and we are alone in the universe, which is what I tend to think. It would be lovely if in my life time we could understand the universe more, or if there is life in our solar system.
  10. I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at your website, love the recipes, I hope you are going to add more. Will be keep checking to see if you do. It's given me a bit more inspiration to try a bit harder with my diet, not doing to well at the moment. Well done to you for losing all of that weight.
  11. I have just been looking at recipes for soda bread, it looks so easy to make so I might give it ago. I use to buy it from Morrisons, so thank you for passing the information on. ---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 13:23 ---------- Did you take that to the charity shop to?
  12. I did not realise that palm oil was used in most brands of bread. I have stopped getting spreadable butter because it contains Palm oil, I hate how the rain forests are being destroyed to produce it, but then it is used in most things. I do love home made bread although I do not make it. My friend got me thinking about getting one, she used it during the night and would wake up to the lovely smell of bread. So I will have to go and do my homework on breadmakers.
  13. Yes you are probably right. I was thinking of the lovely smells coming from the bread maker. I'll stick to my Alison's Wholemeal for now.
  14. I wish I new which charity shop you took them to? I was thinking of getting a bread maker and hot air fryer. Did they not live up to expectations?
  15. Many years ago I went chestnut picking in Clumber Park. This might be out of the way, but I was told that Grenoside Woods has chestnut trees. Use to live in Grenoside but can't remember seeing any in the woods, but then I wasn't looking for chestnut trees on my many walks in the woods.
  16. I am not the best of cooks, but I think even I could do this. Not sure if I fancy the bacon wrapped round the chicken then steamed, but the spinach and garlic sounds mouth watering. Hope it turned out okay.
  17. I think I might try that. Thank you for the recipe.
  18. Were you pleased with the results. How long did you steam them for?
  19. You could phone trading standards and ask for advice about the extended warranty, and what guarantee the garage is responsible for if you do not take the warranty.
  20. Now why don't you go into politics Angel1, you will definitely get my vote.
  21. A relative of mine was thinking about going on the oil rigs but was told it was six months on the rigs, which put him off also he got promotion at work so changed his mind. There is a course you can do which I was the told they will only employ people who have been on the course. The course two years ago was two thousand pounds. It might be worth checking to see if the information is correct. Good luck.
  22. Yes and that is how I would have described his talent as an artist. His paintings are worth more than a few thousand, I am sure one was sold for over a million pound.
  23. Although I did think was Churchill thinking war tactics and the military campaign to defeat Nazi Germany when he painted, I don't even know if he did paint during the Second World War or if he had the time. Then if he found painting therapeutic and a form of release would he be thinking of bombing Germany. These were nothing more than my own thoughts. I'm sure he started to paint late in life and he was an accomplished artist. what few pictures I have seen they were good and I think some of them were paintings of Chartwell were he lived. So I now stand to be corrected if he did not paint during the war.
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