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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. Like the advice from everyone who recommended we join the Euro?..You mean those experts who said the world would fall apart if we didn't join?...


    You are right about the experts who said the world would fall apart if we did not join the euro. It is the countries who have adopted the euro such as Greece who are having problems, thank heavens we did not join and listen to the so called experts. I think these experts have no idea what they are talking about.


    I am hoping we do leave, then hopefully start trading with the rest of the world and less with Europe. You never know if we leave we could start a domino effect and other eu countries might also do the same.

  2. I agree with Anna B he should be put in a room with all of the people who are going to lose their jobs. What has he offered to plug the gap in the pension fund £80 million and I think most of that is only a loan. Not much from a man who is worth over £3 billion.


    He certainly new what he was doing, and he will probably carry living his luxurious life style. Can't say the same for the people who are going to lose their jobs.

  3. 'It would not have been necessary to form UKIP if Margaret Thatcher had not been ousted by her party.'


    Nigel Farage said that. Do all 4 million UKIP voters know that?


    UKIP rose from the ashes of Thatcher's removal. It has its origins in 1991 and was created for one reason - to secure our exit from the EU. It became UKIP in 1993.


    The big rise in immigration occurred during the Blair years and turned off many Labour voters. UKIP have managed to scoop up those voters and scare the government into the EU referendum. UKIP existed long before New Labour, with one goal: Brexit. It did not exist in 1993 with Labour voters in mind. Do all 4 million UKIP voters understand that? It is a party staffed by disgraced ex-Tories.


    Scrapping the law because he doesn't think the UK is discriminatory anymore is a stupid and sinister idea. As far as I am aware arson in the Royal Dockyards is still illegal. But because no-one ever does it does not mean the law should be scrapped. It would be the start of a slippery slope!


    The Labour, Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Sinn Fein, SDLP and Green parties all want us to remain in the EU. So does more than half the Conservative Party, including our democratically elected Prime Minister.


    On the 23rd, send UKIP packing!


    On the 23rd I certainly will not be sending UKIP packing and I hope the 4 million voters who voted for UKIP and others will also vote to leave the EU.

  4. One of my neighbours a couple of doors down (not my immediate next-door neighbour) always dumps excess bin bags into any of the local neighbours bins.


    I believe they have a food business and rather than pay business-prices to have their rubbish removed, they dump it in our bins. Even when we have no spare capacity, they'll force the bags into our bins and leave the lid up, which risks us not having our bin emptied (which has happened once in the past).


    So early morning on bin day, I dump the overflow bags back in their bin. If their bin is too full, I'll leave the binbags outside their front yard.


    Well done to you. I had a 2 women renting a house next to me, one was a police woman, they were always having parties and they would put wiskey bottle and vodka bottles in my bin. They did not believe in recycling and I had to check my bin after their parties. In the end I had a row with the one who was a police woman and I did say to her that I will phone the police. After that it never happened again.

  5. I have said it before and I say it again, the EU and UK need to have the balls to do as the Australians are now doing with members of this cult.




    Anyone going to fight for any organisation that is opposed to our way of life should have their passports removed and banned from the country.


    And so they should. This would never happen in our country the Human Rights council would never allow it.

  6. Amazon123 has effectively stated what I was thinking. Almost everyone has been blamed for this (even those in the ambulances, for crying out loud) except the group of people he specifies, this verdict was inevitable though as if it was the other way, we would have been heard years of calls for yet another inquest and more public funds spent on it.


    It was a "perfect storm" and blame should have been apportioned on all sides. Unfortunately this verdict has been designed merely to keep people happy.


    Yes I thoroughly agree with you.

  7. Farage is the only politician who speaks uncomfortable truths about the plight of our country and of course the EU.

    Without Farage, we wouldn't be having this referendum !

    He should be applauded for standing up to Merkel. Juncker and Co


    You are right, without Farage we would not be having an EU referendum. When Farage was at the Sage in Gateshead earlier this year a film was shown of David Cameron when he was first elected as PM, saying he would never allow a referendum while he was in charge. Then they showed another film of Cameron before the last election promising an EU in or out referendum if he was re-elected as PM. So if it had not been for UKIP we would never have got this vote.


    Like you I applaud Farage for standing up to Merkel and Junker. However I do not trust Cameron, I just hope the vote is not fixed.

  8. The Buccaneer on Leopold Street.


    Fantastic place, I'd never seen anything like it at the time. I was 15, and my first drink was a lime and lemon, but I quickly progressed onto Cherry B, Pony and Babycham. And never looked back.


    Great days.


    Oh yes it was a great place, and I remember drinking Cherry B and Ponys. They use to give me a hang over the next day. I am sure that was in the early 70's.

  9. I have been told that Government is spending £10 million on leaflets, on why we should stay in the EU. A few of my friends say they are going to send theirs back to Downing Street and they are going to add a few comments on why we should leave. I do not think I will send mine back even thought I am voting to leave the EU.


    I was just wonder if anyone else who is voting to leave the EU has thought of sending these booklets back when they come through your door.

  10. The though of going into a care home today, with all the abuse that you hear in the media is frightening, especially if you have no family to keep an eye on you.


    I think assisted suicide should be made legal, I know a lot of people are going to say that it could be abused, but I wonder how many countries in Europe allow euthanasia? I would have thought government would have legalised assisted suicide, after all they are trying to save money.

  11. I have always enjoyed Homes Under The Hammer and think Lucy and Martin are really good presenters. However now with the ex footballer Dion Dublin presenting as well, I find it hard to watch. He's wooden, has no charisma and he always sounds like he's reading off a card. He's awful. :gag:



    I always use to enjoy watching Homes Under The Hammer, until Dion Dublin presented the programme. To me he does not fit in. I still watch the other two presenters and only half watch it when he is on. I did not know he use to be a footballer, but then I don't watch football unless it is the world cup.

  12. Thank you Norrie for the information I do remember Horne's going to Pinstone Street, you have jogged my memory. I also remember someone called Stewart who worked at Horne's he was very good at oil painting and a very pleasant person, but then as you said all of the staff were. Although I only used the café for a few years I did get to know a lot of the staff, some of them use to use the café when it was there lunch break.

  13. Hello CarolW. In 1974 or thereabouts, was a sweet- shop (next to Woodhouse Plumbers) owned by B.A Barron. I didn't know them personally (I had a colleague with the same name and initials but not related), would that be the shop you mentioned?


    Talking of Glossop Road has brought to mind another shop which I think has gone, Jaeger, Ladies Outfitters, next to WilkinsonLane.


    Another couple of names have also come to me from elsewhere viz Silverstones, Cabinet Makers and DIY Supplies on Campo Lane. Good French Polishers. Speaking of DIY, I used to buy Wallpaper and 'tins of torture' (paint) from Blaskey's who were all over the place, The Hole in the Road one of them.


    I remember Winston's (soft ayperth post) down Snig Hill. Hornes on King Street nearby, where I used to buy clothes if I was feeling flush, always asked me the same question via Mr Devane (Gerald), "which side do you dress?" We had a running joke with his one; I always came the 'daft Harry' and said:"On the left hand side of the bedroom near the Wardrobe, well away from the window."


    Sadly when Horne's made their staff redundant, none of them got a good settlement in spite of years of loyal service which left them very bitter. Occasionally I still see Mr Devane, the most perfect gentleman, absolutely right for his trade; he should have been on Savile Row.


    I'm sure more shop names will come to me - especially when I'm in bed about to drop off !


    Do you know what year Horne's stop trading. I use to know some of the staff when I use to go for my lunch. There was a lovely lady who worked there, I think her name was Ruby. She had lovely long red her and looked like a model. Awful how they were treated when they were made redundant.

  14. I know you don't want to hear this but Corbyn isn't up to it. He's an academic under achiever and didn't even pass his course in Tade Union Studies. His entire working life has been spent in trade unions or failing to make the grade as a politician. I doubt he has enough oil in his lamp to put Cameron on the spot.


    ---------- Post added 10-02-2016 at 15:53 ----------



    I think they should give them a free bar for 2 or 3 hours before the session starts.


    Oh dear, I dread to think what would happened to the country if Corbyn did win the next general election.


    Love the bit about the free bar, it could be the makings of a brilliant politican.

  15. The onus is on you anyway after the first 6 months of purchase. You could get a report from a furniture repairer but they are likely to also charge. However if the report is in your favour then you can claim back the cost of the report from SCS.


    I just thought with The Furniture Ombudsman would send the report to SCS and then deal with any correspondence, but you are right about getting a furniture repairer for a report and I think they may be cheaper than the Ombudsman.


    However I think if SCS had been a member of the furniture ombudsman's organisation I am sure they said the charge is not as much as I was quoted.

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