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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I think one country has changed their mind about joining the EU and that is Switzerland. They have withdrawn their application to join the EU.
  2. Yes I would hate the country to become The Republic of the United Kingdom, with a president, prime minister or whatever. I think there would be more corruption, come on these people are politicians, but if becoming a republic pulls Your strings as you put it you are intitled to your own opinion. Let us hope the country is not ruled by a dictator. I would hate the Sheffield forum to be banned along with freedom of speech. That definitely would not pull any strings for me, in fact they would be in a big knot.
  3. I hope you do not mind me pointing crazyhourse in your direction, I thought you would be the person who could give him some answers, and it looks like I am right.
  4. Yes I respect the queen but then I am a royalist, I would hate this country to become a Republic United Kingdom with a president.
  5. I think Charles was a victim, I don't believe that he loved Diana but he was told to marry her by the establishment. There was limitations finding a woman who did not have a past, as was expected at that time, also I do not think he would have been allowed to marry someone without a title. Who would have thought that in such a short time William would have been allowed to marry a so called commener, I am not sure if Kate was a virgin when he married her, but even if she wasn't I still think he would have been allowed to marry her. Charles did make sure his sons had a different upbringing to his and I do not think he has done a bad job. Diana is not my favourite person but she also kept her sons feet firmly on the ground when she was alive, I do believe for all of her faults she was a good mother. However I do believe she wanted to destroy the monarchy, but this of course is only my opinion.
  6. I think the photos of Reeva'a body should be released, I am sure her father wanted that to. I hope Reeva'a parents get justice this time.
  7. This woman must have majore problems for the children to be taken into care. If this was the case then she should have been sterilised. She must have spent most of her life being pregnant. To go through childbirth 17 times is horrendous.
  8. When Charles married Camilla I though when he became King she would take the tittle of Princess Consort, however I think she will automatically become queen unless parliament intervines. I think Charles will make good King. A lot of things Charles use to say in the past he was laughed at now a lot of people respect his views on various topics and realise he was not always wrong.
  9. The queen will never abdicate. She made a Pledge at her coronation and she takes her vows very seriously. Why should she abdicate? We are now seeing the younger royals doing more work and over time the queen will probably do less public engagements until eventually she is unable to do none and that is how it should be until her death.
  10. We have a forum member who regularly posts on here and I am sure he is from the Netherlands. His forum name is tzijlstra perhaps he could give you some answers.
  11. You are right about the experts who said the world would fall apart if we did not join the euro. It is the countries who have adopted the euro such as Greece who are having problems, thank heavens we did not join and listen to the so called experts. I think these experts have no idea what they are talking about. I am hoping we do leave, then hopefully start trading with the rest of the world and less with Europe. You never know if we leave we could start a domino effect and other eu countries might also do the same.
  12. I agree with Anna B he should be put in a room with all of the people who are going to lose their jobs. What has he offered to plug the gap in the pension fund £80 million and I think most of that is only a loan. Not much from a man who is worth over £3 billion. He certainly new what he was doing, and he will probably carry living his luxurious life style. Can't say the same for the people who are going to lose their jobs.
  13. On the 23rd I certainly will not be sending UKIP packing and I hope the 4 million voters who voted for UKIP and others will also vote to leave the EU.
  14. Well done to you. I had a 2 women renting a house next to me, one was a police woman, they were always having parties and they would put wiskey bottle and vodka bottles in my bin. They did not believe in recycling and I had to check my bin after their parties. In the end I had a row with the one who was a police woman and I did say to her that I will phone the police. After that it never happened again.
  15. There are parking spaces where I live and they are suppose to be short term for the resident's guests but some houses have second and third cars so they use them all of the time. It really is annoying.
  16. I know we are going off the subject but I also think euthanasia should be legalised in this country. I wonder how many countries in the EU allow this practic.
  17. Was Russia suppose to be the favourite? I am wondering if it is political and that is why the Ukraine won it.
  18. And so they should. This would never happen in our country the Human Rights council would never allow it.
  19. I can't say I am sorry to see the so called most powerful man on earth come to the end of his precedency. I hope Mrs Clinton is not elected either, so who could that leave, Donald Trump, oh that could be interesting if he becomes the next President.
  20. You are right, without Farage we would not be having an EU referendum. When Farage was at the Sage in Gateshead earlier this year a film was shown of David Cameron when he was first elected as PM, saying he would never allow a referendum while he was in charge. Then they showed another film of Cameron before the last election promising an EU in or out referendum if he was re-elected as PM. So if it had not been for UKIP we would never have got this vote. Like you I applaud Farage for standing up to Merkel and Junker. However I do not trust Cameron, I just hope the vote is not fixed.
  21. Oh yes it was a great place, and I remember drinking Cherry B and Ponys. They use to give me a hang over the next day. I am sure that was in the early 70's.
  22. That was the first time I have scene her. I wonder if she was working for Asda trying to promote their wonky vegetable boxs?
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