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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. I was shopping at Morrisons Hillsborough on Saturday when my handbag was stolen from the hook on the front of the trolley. I alerted staff and the security manager got the customer service desk to let me use the phone and get numbers to cancel my cards, but seemed a bit evasive about CCTV, and didn't take a formal incident report or anything. They got no cash, but it has caused me no end of hassle cancelling and reinstating cards and replacing phone and locks (phone and keys in bag), let alone the fact I have lost a lot of photos of my grandchildren. Other people seem to have heard of problems in security at this shop, anyone else had stuff swiped recently? Anyhow, be very alert, and if possible keep your bag under your coat or close to you. I spent ages going round the car park in case it had been dumped anywhere, the only thing I found was several car loads of youths smoking skunk, and when I told Customer Services about this, they just shrugged and said they were always there! Not impressed, think I may be shopping elsewhere in future.


    Did Morrisons phone the police? If they did what did the police do? Hope you have managed to get everything sorted.

  2. So if you're not dead they will gas you just to make sure??? :help: I think someone's pulling your leg! :hihi:


    I do not think he was. The man was trying to explain how the furnace worked and the temperature it had to reach. He did say that gas is released before the furnace is lit, but in all fairness someone said, perhaps to make light of the situation, about getting gassed if you are not dead.


    We also went into the chapel and he explained the reason for the design of the building. He talked about different services and some strange requests they have been asked to do at someone's funeral.


    These crematoriums do have open days from time to time for people to go round them. Also there was a lot of undertakers in the car park at grenoside crem trying to sell funeral plans. I suspect that is why they had the open day.

  3. I would. What's the point of the time and expense going into a fancy coffin that's going in the ground or gets burnt (do they cremate the coffin?)


    There was an open day a few years ago at Grenoside Crematorium. They took you into the part where the bodies are cremated. There was 2 furnaces and you could feel the heat coming from them even though they were not used that day. They are only allowed to do 8 cremations a day also they can keep a body up to 3 days before it is cremated


    When they start the furnace gas is released first, so if you are not dead you will probably be gassed. Better than being burned alive just in case there is a bit of a mix up.


    The person who is being cremated has his name on the furnace door so they do not get you mixed up when your bones or removed to go in the crusher. The handles are removed before the coffin goes in the furnace. Also pace makers and any metals that are used for hip or knee replacements are taken out of the furnace and sold. We were told the money raised goes to charities. On average it takes about one and a half hours to cremate someone. We were told that they had a man who weighed 30 stone and it took 4 hours to cremate him. I suspect that his coffin did not go in the furnace. They told us that they did struggle with his cremation. I know my late mum enjoyed the talk. She came out quite happy knowing what was going to happen to her body.

  4. Should gun law be tightened up ?


    I think gun laws need to be tightened in America, but that seems to be an impossibility with the Powerful Gun Lobby. Even The President of America has his hands tied and seems unable to change the law.


    I think Government in this country has done a lot of legislation in the past with regards to guns. When the ordinary policemen on the beat has to start and carry a gun then we need to look at change. Lets hope that never happens just yet.

  5. When the charge for carrier bags comes in next month I thought this applied to supermarkets but was told today in Marks and Sprencer this applies to all Departments including clothes. In future whatever you spend in Marks you will be charged extra for a bag to put your purchases in. With suits and coats costing £100 plus I would have thought they could take the cost of the bag off at the till when you paid. The asssistand informed me that all the 5p's you paid for the bag was going to the Govt.?? So shops have to buy the bags, you pay 5p, the shop gives the Govt the 5p. So who is losing? the shop they bought the bags in the first place, I dont think she got the story right she was telling the customers


    A few weeks ago the assistant at Marks and Spencers told me that she thought they were going to charge for carrier bags in the clothes department. At first I thought she had got it wrong. They could use paper bags for clothes which could be recycled.

  6. When I say drugs, I mean illegal drugs, not Alcohol, which is legal, taxed and controlled in measure. My concern is whether to talk to them about it and accept that they may try substances, which may give my tacit acceptance that they will which in turn may not discourage them from doing it. Or to ignore it.

    Obviously I'd be happier if they didn't but people do and I don't want them to die from overdose.

    This piece on Unilad has really opened my mind to it...


    All suggestions, other than the uninformed "all drugs are evil" "all drug dealers are evil" nonsense would be appreciated.


    I have just been looking on the NHS CHOICES web page and it gives some good information about talking to your children about drugs. I do not know how to create a link, but I am sure you will be able to find it.

  7. Send all these refugees back to the camps. The majority are young men who are trying to invade Europe. Teach them how to fight and then send them out to fight these extremists.


    A few weeks ago I was on the Sheffield Forum reading treads about British soldiers in the Far East during the second world war. How brave they were and how they suffered, as did my late father. Good job they did not run.

  8. everybodys moaning about how it is............well..........the walking deads first episode was slow lol


    This ones going from the mundane every day family life, to a slow disintegration of society so its gonna be slow

    let alone theres only 1 or 2 zombies at first, not hordes of them marching round the streets...yet


    I definitely do not agree with you that the first episode of the walking dead was slow. I felt it was fast moving straight away.


    However I do agree with what you are saying about fear the walking dead.

    It is a different story and I think it will get better.

  9. I was not very impressed with the first episode of Fear The Walking Dead. I have only got free view and watched it on BT Showcase. I remember watching the first episode of The Walking Dead and I really enjoyed it from the start. However it was only the first episode so I suppose you have to give it a chance.


    In a way I am pleased. Although eventually The Walking Dead is repeated on free view. I am able to watch it at my friends on sky when the new series starts because I can't wait that long for it to be repeated on free view.


    Should free view repeat Fear The Walking Dead I can wait.

  10. The Japanese generations that turned Japan from civil to military control 1905-1931 had little regard for human life. They brainwashed their own soldiers (must die for the Emperor rather than surrender) and went on to plunder dozens of countries as well as starve and murder millions of civilians and POWs.


    In my opinion the people that ordered and sanctioned this behavior were psychopaths & cowards with no conscience. Joe Stalin played a similar game !


    Thankfully they are all gone and we have a new breed in Tokyo and Berlin.


    yes I quite agree with you.

  11. I think your great uncle did well to survive the brutalities that were inflicted upon them by the Japanese's. A very brave old soldier. I hope he lived to a good age.


    Although my father was not a prisoner of war he was in the far east for five years, mainly in Burma and he said it was terrible. He suffered all the tropical diseases.


    I have just found a card that he was given by his regiment and it was the name of the ship he was on when he was being posted to the far east. I think it says the name of the ship was The Lenenbank and destination just says Flashlight. I suppose they could not put the name of the country in case the ship was captured by the Japanese.


    I do believe that soldiers who served in the far east were the forgotten army. It was good to see the 70th anniversary celebrations and all of those old soldiers who served in the Far East. There spirits were high as the old veterans made their way down Whitehall.



  12. I remember getting on the tram a few years ago with my late mum who was not very good on her legs.


    The black lady was on the tram singing a religious song. The tram was full so we had to stand. The lady noticed that my late mum had a walking stick and I was holding on to her. She shouted for someone, in very loud clear voice, to give up their seat for my mum. A young man offered my mum his seat. The lady also helped my mum to the seat. My mum was very grateful to her. She thought she had a kind face.


    Perhaps she is annoying to some people but I think there is worse things in the world to worry about.

  13. When immigrants get on the food lorries at Calais, the food has then got to be destroyed. The cost in one year was one billion pounds and this is putting the price of food up. I feel sorry for the lorry drivers.

    Countries such as Italy cant cope with all these immigrant who are coming over in boats. Therefore they are just letting them go. I bet a lot of them are hoping to get into Germany or England. No country will use force against them because of political correctness.

  14. I keep saying I will have a go but never get round to it.


    Is this country suppose to be sixty percept sufficient? The way things are going I think we should be more efficient. We are told that if we leave the EU food will be more expensive. Also I have read were a Billion pound of food was destroyed in one year because of EU migrants getting into the lorries. Once they get into these lorries the food has got to be destroyed and this is putting food prices up.


    I might have a go at growing something in pots, but not sure what. It might make me feel I am doing my bit.

  15. I agree with Harleyman. I do not believe Churchill knew that Pear Harbour was going to be attacked.


    One thing for sure Joseph Kennedy the American Ambassador for this country was no friend of ours. He campaigned for the Americans to keep out of the war at the beginning. I am sure Churchill asked the American President to have him recalled back to America. Kennedy backed Neville Chamberlain on appeasement and he constantly warned the Americans to keep out of the war, as it was nothing to do with them.


    I tend to wonder if Pearl Harbour was not attacked would the Americans have joined war?

  16. Laugh, I fell off the sofa.


    This from an organisation that has never in 20 years had it's books ratified, :loopy: you just could not make it up - could you?.


    Makes we wonder why we fought two world wars, only to be governed by Germany through the back door. I wonder what our glorious dead would say on this subject.




    I could not agree with you more. I think my late father would be turning in his grave.

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