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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I think you will find they charge £45 for help with filling in the form and my friend said you have to pay up front before they will help you.
  2. If it was not for UKIP there would be no EU Referendum. I can remember David Cameron saying he would never support a Referendum. Then Farage came along and he soon changed his mind.
  3. I feel really sorry for all of these people who have had their homes flooded, it could take years to try and put their property's right. As it did with some of the houses in the Hillsborough area when they were flooded in 2007. I remember walking from Hillsborough to Grenoside when Sheffield had floods in 2007, you could not avoid walking in the sludgy water. My legs and skirt were wet and covered in sludge, and there was no hot water to have a bath when I did get home because the electricity was not working. At least I did not have to deal with the trauma of my house being flooded. Does any one know if Government can claim grants from the EU to help with repairs caused by the floods? If not for people's homes then are they allowed help towards any damage for the infrastructure?
  4. GATESHEAD, it is the other side of the River Tyne from Newcastle. What a dump the so called town centre is.
  5. Then I think we should be very proud of all those who work to keep this country safe.
  6. I think Mr Trump wanted a temporary ban on Muslims entering America. We are told by Government that the UK has raised its threat level from substantial to severe of an Isis attack in the UK, and that we face the biggest threat to our country than ever before. If America is in the same situation then I do not blame Mr Trump for what he has said. I would love to know how many terrorist attacks M15 has stopped in the last six months in the UK, also how many attacks had been stopped in America. Before we can judge this man I wonder what he knows about the level of threat by Isis in America.
  7. Just watched the last series tonight of The Last Kingdom. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I believe there is going to be a second series, but what a shame we have got to wait another year to watch it.
  8. From the first trail to the second trial of Pistorius, Reeva Steenkamp's family have acted with dignity. I hope they will be able to move on with their life's now the correct verdict has been reached. How many years will Pistorius serve? At some stage he will be released and be able to continue with his life. The same can't be said for poor Reeva.
  9. No Wilfred Bramble is dead. There was some talk a number of years ago about a remake of Steptoe and Son, I don't think any thing came of it. I do not think it would be as good as the original. Who would they get to play the part? Bramble and Corbertt were brilliantly cast as father and son.
  10. I should have said that Russia seems to be getting more aggressive towards the west and other countries. Perhaps you need to talk to tzijlstra he is full of sensible information and probably the most intelligent person on this forum. On all subjects.
  11. A brief history lesson about the Turkish and Ottoman Empire, enjoyed reading it. However if is frightening what is happening in Russia.
  12. That is just what I was thinking about Russia.
  13. I agree with the drone treatment and that he has been wiped off the face of the earth. At least he was not allowed to die a martyr for his grotesque cause. Also I hope that his victims' families find some peace now that he is dead.
  14. I bet you think that Jihadi John should have been taken alive then given counselling for his extremist beliefs. Just think of his victims and how this animal killed them. The fear that his victims must have endured before their death. I wonder what his victim's family would think if they read your post.
  15. I don't know who these people are who have been given tax breaks. If they have been given these incentives to create jobs or try to promote British goods abroad then yes I do.
  16. I did not vote for David Cameron, but I do agree with his welfare reforms.
  17. Did Morrisons phone the police? If they did what did the police do? Hope you have managed to get everything sorted.
  18. I am sure government was talking about giving the long term unemployed vouchers only to be spent on food, instead of job seekers allowance cash payments. They say the reason for the food voucher system is to make sure they do not spend their money on cigs and alcohol. I am wonder if this has anything to do with the introduction of the voucher system.
  19. I do not think he was. The man was trying to explain how the furnace worked and the temperature it had to reach. He did say that gas is released before the furnace is lit, but in all fairness someone said, perhaps to make light of the situation, about getting gassed if you are not dead. We also went into the chapel and he explained the reason for the design of the building. He talked about different services and some strange requests they have been asked to do at someone's funeral. These crematoriums do have open days from time to time for people to go round them. Also there was a lot of undertakers in the car park at grenoside crem trying to sell funeral plans. I suspect that is why they had the open day.
  20. Yes I have to agree with all of these posts. I have a relative who has lived there for about 40 years and they said they would not live anywhere else. Every time I use to visit I always though how nice the area was.
  21. There was an open day a few years ago at Grenoside Crematorium. They took you into the part where the bodies are cremated. There was 2 furnaces and you could feel the heat coming from them even though they were not used that day. They are only allowed to do 8 cremations a day also they can keep a body up to 3 days before it is cremated When they start the furnace gas is released first, so if you are not dead you will probably be gassed. Better than being burned alive just in case there is a bit of a mix up. The person who is being cremated has his name on the furnace door so they do not get you mixed up when your bones or removed to go in the crusher. The handles are removed before the coffin goes in the furnace. Also pace makers and any metals that are used for hip or knee replacements are taken out of the furnace and sold. We were told the money raised goes to charities. On average it takes about one and a half hours to cremate someone. We were told that they had a man who weighed 30 stone and it took 4 hours to cremate him. I suspect that his coffin did not go in the furnace. They told us that they did struggle with his cremation. I know my late mum enjoyed the talk. She came out quite happy knowing what was going to happen to her body.
  22. I think gun laws need to be tightened in America, but that seems to be an impossibility with the Powerful Gun Lobby. Even The President of America has his hands tied and seems unable to change the law. I think Government in this country has done a lot of legislation in the past with regards to guns. When the ordinary policemen on the beat has to start and carry a gun then we need to look at change. Lets hope that never happens just yet.
  23. Thank you for that. I think we get it about a week are two after them.
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