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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. My father was in The Far East, during the second world war. Although he was not a prisoner of war he did not have a very good time. He had to listen to some of the statements made by British Prisoners of War who had been in Japanese' prisons. My dad use to say there was some good German soldiers but there was no good Japanese soldiers.
  2. I still think she had a lot of privileges. How may people could afford to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. She did have a heart condition so it did probably make her condition worse. Also I remember how the media got hold of the story that the Governor of the prison where Hindley was would take her out on shopping trips. After the story broke out her shopping trips were stopped.
  3. Two people who should have lost their Human Rights, was Myra Hindley and Ian Brady. I am aware that Hindley died in prison, and so she should. They tortured and killed children. What a shame the death penalty was abolished just before their trial.
  4. How do you know that? Got a crystal ball? I was beginning to think you had gone on holiday.
  5. I like Marks & Spencer's bread from the Bakery Department. They do a fantastic selection. They tend to put samples out for you to try before you buy.
  6. Music to my ears. I will be off first thing tomorrow to vote UKIP.
  7. I am voting for UKIP, but I honestly do not know how well they will do in the election. Nearly all of my friends and family are also voting UKIP. I am unable to say if they will hold any power after the election. If the conservative and labour party both have the balance of power then perhaps if UKIP managed to get about 8 MPs they could make a difference. Both main parties say they will not do a deal with the SNP. I do not think the poles are always accurate. I remember when Neil Kinnock and John Major were both standing for election. I am sure the poles predicted Kinnock to win and he did not. The Labour Party spent a lot of money trying to promote their man. I am sure John Major toured the county and just stood on a soap box. However they may have got a bit better at predicting the out come since then with all the new technology. We will soon find out. Not much longer to go.
  8. I am sure Tony Abbott the Australian PM has done something similar, and it has worked. He has also been asking EU members to do the same to stop the flow of immigrants. They should send the boats back.
  9. I have never read the comics and I did not know they existed, but I have been told by people who have that they are doing things different. However if you do hear of any spoilers pass them. I am sure when it gets near the time for the next season there will be all sorts of spoilers. regards Hauxwell.
  10. Yes you are probably right. People said in the last episode that they were going to kill Glen but he is still here. Oh, but is a long time to wait for the next series.
  11. I thought season 5 was brilliant. The Walking Dead keeps getting better and better. Has anyone any idea what to expect from season 6? I wonder who will be killed off in the next season?
  12. I always thought that the government had the power and that the Queen had to do what government told her to do. I think her speeches are wrote by the government. I am sure the Monarchy lost absolute power when Charles the First was executed. However I still think she has more power than people think. I bet if she does not agree with something the Government is doing she had only got to say, I am not amused, and I thing the PM will do his best to help her if possible. She is respected all over the world. If the people had to choose between the Queen or Government I feel they would choose the Queen. So I think she has more power than the PM. Prime Ministers come and go and look at all the experience she has gained. I think she is a canny lass and knows how to handle her prime ministers.
  13. I think you will find that the prices will be more expensive at Meadowhall. The one at The Metrocentre in Gateshead is noticeably more expensive and they do not have the same meal deals.
  14. Yes Anna B I agree with you one hundred per cent. I really enjoyed it. I think Robin Ellis is going to be in one of the episodes of the new Poldark.
  15. Perhaps if you went to B&Q they might be able to give you some advice. Not sure if this will help. Good luck anyway.
  16. I wonder how much rent the existing stall owners have to pay? I suppose this would not be enough to contribute for the cost of it. Does the council own the market are was it contracted out to someone?
  17. Absolutely disgraceful. I thought Cameron was bringing in a policy to stop these people getting more than the Prime Minister? ---------- Post added 06-03-2015 at 20:39 ---------- Good question Anna B.
  18. We may have to leave the eu. I cant see why we should be propping up bankrupted countries. I hope you are right about leaving the EU. The sooner the better. Hopefully before Turkey joins the EU. I think our country is on track for becoming the dustbin of Europe.
  19. I wonder what was Tony Blair thinking of when he decided that there was no need to put restrictions on how many people could enter the country, when he signed to take us into the EU. I think it was him, correct me if I am wrong. How can we pay for all of these benefits? Does anyone know when Turkey is joining the EU? I definitely think if they join and there is no restrictions this country is finished.
  20. I bought a new build home from Miller's Homes. It is only a small 2 bedroomed house. If I had known then what I know now, I would never have bought it. You do expect some problems with new built houses but not the amount I have had. The only good thing about it is how warm the house is. They are well insulated and very economical to run. Something to do with the breeze blocks they use now. They are supposed to hold the heat. I use to live in a old stone brick terrace house about 25 years about at Birley Carr, Sheffield. That was built like a Castle. I remember when I had central heating installed, the man who did it said he had to get some sort of extension to drill through the walls. I think my old terraced house will still be standing in 50 years time. Can't say the same for this one.
  21. Thank you for that information. Really looking forward to watching it.
  22. I was talking to a man who was probably in his late 70s at the Ikea in Gateshead. He use to be a minor. He said that one of the best things that Margaret Thatcher did was closing the coal mines. He said the conditions were awful and some of the accidents were horrendous. I never thought I would meet a minor who liked Mrs Thatcher.
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