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Posts posted by hauxwell

  1. I'd like a Farage versus Cameron debate. I have voted Conservative since turning 18 in 1987 up till recently when I 'defected' to UKIP who presently represent my opinions more than the Tories.


    I'm close to reverting back to the Tories but won't just yet. I want us out of Europe, controlling our own borders, upholding British laws and getting rid of the ridiculous Human Rights Act.


    Along with no more wind farms and sundry other issues, UKIP still appeal to me.




    I am voting for UKIP. I just hope that people who say they are voting UKIP do not change their minds on election day and decide to vote for The Conservatives. I do not trust Cameron, if he is re-elected, to give us a vote on the EU.


    I would love to see Farage in a live debate with Cameron. Farage has proved that he is capable of debating with minor politicians and also with senior politicians, such a Nick Clegg when they debated live on TV, whether we should stay in Europe.


    I really think Farage he will do well under pressure. I was impressed with him when I saw him live at the Sage Centre in Gateshead. Particularly when some yobs started shouting abuse at him, he really handled the situation well.


    I am hoping that UKIP will receive the same amount of votes as the Lib Dems in the last election and look at the power they have. Like you I want to be out of the EU and also to take control of our boarders, more so now that the EU are talking about Turkey becoming members of the EU. I think that will be the end of England if we are still in the EU with open boarders.


    ---------- Post added 13-01-2015 at 21:14 ----------


    Apparently, all three leaders have agreed they don't want Farage involved in the TV debate. Nice to know there's something all three leaders can agree on.

    But I wonder why?


    Could it be because they are frightened of him?

  2. I liked the one at Hillsborough corner. It's quite new. The fish was very lovely.....


    I've paid £10 before for fish & chips (at Rick Stein's place in Padstow).... :o:wow:


    yes I agree with you about the one at Hillsborough. I think mini fish and chips is about £2.50. The fish is always lovely, and not a bad size for the money.

  3. Well he is not far wrong TBH, people don't starve in this country they are starved, usually by bad parents who cant manage their money properly. If people cant manage their money properly that is no fault of any government.


    A lot of pensioners who had worked most of their life and paid into the system have to chose between food and heating. When they first started work private pensions where just being talked about. However I am not sure they could afford to pay into one as a manual worker.


    I do agree with you on the bad parents who do not manage their money properly. Cameron was saying that alcoholics and drug addicts with children should receive vouchers for food and clothes. I do not think that is a bad idea, as long as they are not able to sell the vouchers to fund their habit.

  4. Ive always said we should stop ALL foreign aid . And dont get me started on the freeloading, faceless , dictators in Brussels. We are being taken for mugs by the EU and need to get out of that money pit ASAP .


    I agree with everything you say. The foreign aid bill is out of control. I am sure I heard something on the news today saying that over 2 years, government will give 2 BILLION in foreign aid. The backbencher MP's are trying to stop it.


    I am absolutely disgusted with Vince Cable when he said on Question Time, No one starves in this country that is why they can give so much money in foreign aid.

  5. As I understand it, people who are disabled have their disabled pass taken off them when they reach pension age, leaving them with the same restrictions as pensioners. ( I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so )


    It depends on what rate of disability you are getting. I was told that if you get the higher rates, not sure what that is, you can keep your disabled pass indefinitely, but you will need to check that out.

  6. I thought Tony Blair was a good PM in the first few years.


    He seemed to be very keen to get the Northern Ireland peace process moving, wasn't he the one who was involved in negotiation of the Good Friday agreement? and didn't he intervene in the rescue of those Muslim Kosovan Albanians in the ethnic cleansing atrocities? He must have done something right because they regard him as a hero.


    After the 9/11 event, his leadership turned out to be one disaster after another, but would another politician from his own or any other party have done any different had they been in his position? we'll never know that will we.


    I must agree with you even thought I do not like the man.

  7. Quite so. I suspect Martok is one of those who want to slander all Muslims on account of a few.


    I think there is a lot more than a few Muslims who are extremists in this country.


    I will never forget how they all demonstrated in London a few years ago about the Muslim Cartoonist. I think there were thousand of them in London demonstrating. faces hidden with scarfs, women wearing there veils and flags being burnt.


    The more moderate ones should do the same and march in London against Isis. Deep down I think the extremist in this country out number the moderate ones or if not it is on the boarder line.

  8. At least we've moved on from the fake outrage stories that used to claim that the police, or some other official, told them it was illegal to fly the St Georges Cross.


    Your post has just got me thinking about a story my cousin told me a few years ago. She lives near Sunderland. A few days before St Georges day someone on the Labour controlled council asked the people of Sunderland to be considerate of other religions before they display a St Georges Cross flag.


    This outraged a lot of people. Someone during the night tied St Georges' flags on some of the lamp posts in the city centre, and a lot of shops displayed them in their windows. My cousin and some of her neighbours had flags flying outside their car windows.


    I wonder if the Labour controlled Sunderland Council would ask people today to be considerate of other religions before they display a flag?

  9. It is becoming more obvious by the day that something fundamental is happening in politics. After Thursday this will accelerate. Lab/Lib/Con are disintegrating in front of our eyes. I predict 50 seats for UKIP come next year. We will withdraw from the EU within 5 years. It will disintegrate then.


    I do hope your predictions are right Ellco. I feel the country if crying out for change. I would love to see us withdraw from the EU. Whether it is for the better or not remains to be seen. However I think we will survive if we do leave the EU.

  10. Not always. Some of those women do so out of choice, often they are quite strong willed and independent.


    I wasn't actually aware that a burka was a national flag.


    An idea which is beyond daft, considering that the Muslim woman does not need to cover inside her home, only in public.


    Some muslim women have to hide their faces from their partners. A relative of mine worked in the registrar office, and when they came to register their wedding. The women had to be taken into a room with the registrar to show her face so her partner could not see it. On the day of their wedding the same process had to be repeated before the registrar could marry them.

  11. Plenty to go round as i buy in bulk in readiness for any thread that mentions Muslims/Islam/Burka or Immigration ,as you can always guarantee the Lefties will turn up to play the race card .


    yes I agree with you about the lefties.


    Wish I had some popcorn to eat when the Agenda is on tonight. Nigel Farage is one of the gust speakers.


    I agree with what he says about the Burka, let them wear it in their own homes but remove in public places.







  12. I agree with what Jonathan Arnott says.


    Arnott was at the Sage Centre in Gateshead and he was very good when I heard his speech. I think Cameron is wasting his time trying to negotiate our membership in the EU.


    Anti-EU wingers in Cameron's own party should push for a referendum on EU membership as soon as possible, and definitely before the next election.

  13. I've no problem with the wealthy coming here as long as they stay within the law.


    Those with money will contribute to the wealth of the country by the amount they spend on their extravagant life styles.


    Each time they spend hundreds of pounds eating out in a restaurant, not only will they be paying to keep people in jobs, they'll also be contributing VAT to the Government coffers.


    They'll probably have private healthcare and private education for their kids, therefore not taking out of the countries coffers.


    Compare that to someone coming from Romania or Somalia who has no money and no education.....They'll be after free housing, free schooling for their kids and taking advantage of the NHS, without contributing anything into the pot.


    I know which one I'd prefer to see coming into this country.






    yes Doom, I agree with every thing you have said.


    ---------- Post added 12-10-2014 at 20:10 ----------


    Looks like we're happy to welcome Russian gangsters with open arms, as long as they promise to behave themselves (which they will, after what happened to Berezovsky):


    I wonder how many Romanian, Bulgarian or Somalian gangsters we have in this country?

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