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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I agree with what Jonathan Arnott says. Arnott was at the Sage Centre in Gateshead and he was very good when I heard his speech. I think Cameron is wasting his time trying to negotiate our membership in the EU. Anti-EU wingers in Cameron's own party should push for a referendum on EU membership as soon as possible, and definitely before the next election.
  2. I think it is disgusting asking us to pay extra money, and not even given us much notice to pay it. They probably want more money from us to help bale out other countries. The Anti-EU right wingers in Cameron's own party want to push for a referendum on EU membership before the next general election.
  3. Does anyone know what year Brown Bayleys closed?
  4. I do. I thought they were lovely and very filling. The butter nearly always melted when you use to spread it on the scones. I am sure they were fresh out of the oven. I use to have one for my lunch most days. Oh I wish I had the recipe.
  5. yes Doom, I agree with every thing you have said. ---------- Post added 12-10-2014 at 20:10 ---------- I wonder how many Romanian, Bulgarian or Somalian gangsters we have in this country?
  6. Do you mean we need to let poor immigrants in to sell the Big Issue on the streets?
  7. I agree with what Olson has said, I do not mind if they do not have serious criminal records and they are not claiming benefits, which is funded by the hard working tax payer.
  8. A lot of people I know have never voted for years, but because of Political Correctness and immigration they say they are voting for UKIP. So yes, you are right on some of the things you are saying. A lot of elderly people who have always voted Labour are saying it is not the Labour Party any more.
  9. I can't imaging this government deporting immigrants back to their own countries. They haven't got the guts to do it. Some bureaucrat from Brussels will threaten government with the Human Rights, and they will back down straight away.
  10. I use to go to clumber park near Nottingham. Not sure if that is to far for you to go.
  11. Can any one remember the Black and White Minstrel Show, and the Golly on the jam jar. I thought the golly was removed because it was a racist symbol. Also the Black and White Minstrel Show was also classed as being racist. My mum use to love the music from that show.
  12. Another defection from the Tory Party. Here's hoping the next one will be from the Labour Party. Hopefully we will see our first UKIP MP before the general elections next year.
  13. I hope UKIP do win the Clacton by-election. Somehow I do not think they will win many seats in the General election. However when I ask people who voted for UKIP MEPs they are adamant they will vote for them in next years General Elections, so hopefully I may be wrong. Also people who have never voted UKIP before say they have been sickened by what has happened in Rotherham all because people felt it was not politically correct to speak about it and they are disgusted that the politicians and police closed their eyes to the situation.
  14. What will happen if Scotland Vote Yes? Will this affect paying off our debt?
  15. I feel sorry for Reeva's family. When the trial first started I was sure he was guilty and I did not think he had a leg to stand on when the prosecution questioned him. What did a lovely looking woman like Reeva see in him.
  16. I bet the poor tax payer gets eye-bleeds every time the media reports how many more immigrants have entered the country.
  17. Deport them back to their own country. The majority are men. If they are here because as you said they are being persecuted, what about the women and children they have left behind? Have these men left them behind to be raped and murdered by their persecutor's? I would hate to think we are given asylum to these men if that is the case. If we did take them in from Calais what should we do when the next lot arrive, and the ones after that? Because they will keep coming. There is a few thousand now at Calais and they are mainly men. When do we stop allowing these people to enter our country? When the country is full up. Where is the money coming from for all of the benefits for these immigrants, who you want to allow into this country? Even if they are not given benefits they have got to be fed, given shelter and clothed. Even if they are put in some sort of detention centre all of this cost money. The poor tax payer will have to fund it. Do you feel taxes should go up to allow more immigrants to enter our country or further cut backs on hard working families? Services for our elderly are facing more cuts in spending, hospitals are struggling too, and yet you feel we should give more and do more to help these immigrants. Other countries do not want them and we can't force them to change their minds and make them take so many in, but then they do not want to go to other countries. So more and more will just keep coming to Calais wanting to enter Britain for our soft rules on immigration and benefits.
  18. I am not sure about the legacy of our past after all these years. I certainly believe we give a lot of foreign aid to help these countries as well as voluntary schemes to improve conditions with regards to agriculture and building dams to improve sanitation. Also we give more money in foreign aid than other EU countries. Which is funded by hard working tax payers. I am not saying that all of them are benefit scroungers who want to come and live in this country but there is only so much we can do. Then you have got to bring all the tribes together to try and solve all their conflicts. which seems to make it more difficult. This country has nothing to be ashamed of, when it comes to helping other countries. we are full up and yet they are still coming from other countries. We don't always get it right but we have nothing to be ashamed of it we refused to take anymore in.
  19. France does not have the English channel like we do. I believe they are doing their best. This country needs to send more boarder patrols to France to help them.
  20. No we are definitely as soft touch. That is the only reason they want to get here. Thank heavens we have the English channel. I dread to think what the situation would be without it.
  21. So do you feel other countries that they pass through will not give them the same opportunities as Britain to improve their lives?
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