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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I don't bet these days. Use to be in a syndicate for the lottery many years ago. I won a £1,000 on the premium bonds but I don't think that is classed as betting because you don't lose your money.
  2. I cant say I'm not worried if Labour win the next election. I wonder how they are going to tackle climate change? More effort from the public for net zero and making people poorer. What a burden to put on the country when it is going to make very little difference. Surely all our efforts will be diminished because of Russia, China and other countries who have no intention of tackling climate change at the moment.
  3. Yes I definitely will look at Startrescue when renewal is due.
  4. I renewed with Greenflag last year. I didn’t have breakdown cover for a few years before then which was silly especially driving back and forwards from Newcastle to Sheffield. I was with the AA a number of years ago when I lived in Sheffield, I had to call the AA for assistance after my car broke down in the early hours of the morning, they asked me are you a lady on your own, which I replied yes, they were there in less than an hour. I’m curious if they still ask the same question. I did find the AA very good when I was with them but they are not the cheapest breakdown service.
  5. Just renewed my car with Green Flag last year and it’s over 10 years old.
  6. It could be quiet because of the Easter Holidays. It’s been quiet where I live a few of the neighbours have been on holiday.
  7. Some Wetherspoons are better than others but on a whole I don’t dislike them. They may not be to everyone’s taste and you can’t compare them to fine dining restaurants but I think they offer value for money. I have only been in the Beighton Wetherspoons once when I stayed with friends overnight in Killamarsh after Christmas, I treated them to breakfast before heading home to Newcastle. The large room was nice and cosy, not to busy but it was mid morning and mainly people having breakfast. Coffee is excellent value a good choice and only £1.56 cup with free refills. However I’m sure later in the day the atmosphere is different when the boozers start to fill the place up.
  8. Government is allowing pharmacists to treat some conditions. They are hoping it will help take some pressure off GPs and allow them to treat other medical conditions. thousands of pharmacists will be able to assess and treat patients for sinusitis, sore throat, earache, infected insect bites, impetigo, shingles and uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women under 65, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.
  9. Yes Axe, took advantage of the cheap vegetables. I'm making veggie soup later today with what's left.
  10. Thank heavens for modern medicine especially pain relief. Imagine having to have a tooth pulled out in 1632, god knows what they gave you for pain relief. Even childbirth posed a severe mortality risk to mothers in those days.
  11. I use to hate my Mother’s neighbours and there anti social behaviour.
  12. No hot tick buns for me but last week Asda reduced their hot cross buns from their bakery to 40p a packed. I bought two packers and put some in the freezer. They taste nice to.
  13. Hypnosis might help for some phobias. I know a few who say it helped them, not for white coat syndrome, and also some who say it's a waste of money. Its a bit of a mystery to me how it works tho.
  14. I've never heard of white coat syndrome until now. But I do hate waiting in Doctors surgery's having to wait to be called in. I googled a few breathing exercises a few years ago for stress and I have found them helpful. Its best if you can practice them tho. I try to clear my mind and just concentrate on how I am breathing while waiting to have my blood pressure checked, giving a blood sample or just waiting to see a doctor or nurse to discuss your symptoms.
  15. AndrewC is correct what he has posted about the Newcastle STACK. The STACK was a success on its own terms but it wasn’t meant to permanent. They pulled the old Cinema down, the council gave permission for the STACK to be built until they decided what to do with the land. I thought it had a lovely atmosphere but that’s just my opinion of course. Small independent traders had premium space in the heart of the city that they definitely couldn’t afford otherwise. The STACK was busy at weekends you had to queue to get in. Free live bands on stage and lovely food. Now the HMRC is building on the land, it looks massive, a new office creating space for 9,000 members of staff. I just hope it brings extra trade in Newcastle centre for restaurants and bars and all those members of staff are told to get back into the office and not work from home.
  16. I thought the STACK was brilliant in Newcastle, it had a lovely atmosphere. It was in the city centre for 3 years. It took about 3 months to put it together and six weeks to demolish it.
  17. I wasn’t sure what Crypto Currency is. It’s sounds like invisible money based on the stock market.
  18. Or you start to vomit, not a nice way to die and certainly not a quick death. I agree with what you were saying
  19. No I don’t do anything special. There use to be a small parade, to celebrate it, outside Sheffield Town Hall. I wonder if they still do it?
  20. It’s a nice shopping area and as already been said very good transport links.
  21. I enjoyed reading this story and yes I would like to see it in the City Centre but we are seeing so many war memorials being vandalised these days, which really annoys me when soldiers have given the ultimate sacrifice so we could have a better life.
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