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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Hope he doesn’t try to leave the country dressed as a Muslim woman wearing the full veil as the Somalian man who murdered a police woman did. Hopefully customs and border control aren’t daft enough to fall for that again. On the other hand nothing surprises me in this country. Hope the police find him soon.
  2. I think you could be right. Once he’s back on his feet it wouldn’t surprise me if we hear him talking about cancer. He’s already broke with royal tradition sharing details of his prostate condition and symptoms which had prompted more men to come forward and get checked.
  3. Yes I agree with you. The last few years of the Queens life Charles stepped in to undertake the role of Queen. We saw him doing the State Opening of Parliament when the Queen was suffering with mobility problems and that’s how it should be.
  4. Irene you must have a photo graphic memory. You have jogged my memory about Tjs. I remember the top floor restaurant and the gold lanterns also having to ask for the code to use the toilet from someone who worked there. Use to take my mother on the odd occasion to the top floor restaurant while I use to browse round the shop. She would sit in the restaurant waiting for me, drinking her tea and eating her toasted tea cake. There was a cosmetics section below the cafe on the first floor selling wholesale clearance make up and perfumes. Also enjoyed looking at the electrical gadgets on the electrical department, bought a few things from those departments.
  5. I thought he was dead but just a few weeks ago I read that he’s retired. A brilliant actor. A belated Happy Birthday Gene.
  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have one nuclear weapon now, don’t think invading is the answer.
  7. Something on TV which is very worrying. A UN weapons inspector says Iran has enough uranium to make 12 nuclear bombs in five months.
  8. With an ageing population and people living longer there should be plenty of people for the home guard, our last line of defence should we go to war. I don’t believe conscription will happen but just in case I’d get the single long term unemployed, young criminals and beggars on the street into bootcamp before they are sent to the army for further training. It could be the making of them.
  9. We could see more women being called up if conscription came into force. I can't ever see it being 50/50 tho. Unless we send pregnant women and nursing mothers to the battlefield.
  10. Brave Female UK soldiers died in battle at Afghanistan.
  11. I watched the interview on Talk TV, the Chinese have got media exposure now, serves them right, pesky communist telling us what we can and can’t do.
  12. I have just googled Terry Miles, he is good at playing the piano.
  13. He was very good at playing the piano. I don’t watch TalK TV but I’ll record the interview. All the Chinese had to do was move away from the piano. Welcome back Mr Bloke.
  14. As Pattricia says it’s a lovely song. Rule Britannia, I Vow To Thee My Country and Jerusalem are beautiful songs. When they are played at the Festival of Remembrance I think of all those soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
  15. Yes I agree. I was going to add that to my post.
  16. I wish nuclear and chemical weapons had never been invented and living in a world without them, but now as more countries have them I feel they are a deterrent. Can you imagine if the UK and USA didn’t have nuclear weapons. I’m sure Russia would have used chemical or nuclear weapons in the war with Ukraine.
  17. If we don’t stop the boats crossing the English Channel the UK will definitely be heading towards a third world country.
  18. I agree that some cities are worse than others when it comes to beggars. I was told Glasgow is far worse than Sheffield and Newcastle. We can only hope that government and local councils start to address the problem in the future, although I have my doubts.
  19. There was a recent report saying that in Newcastle where I live that office staff who continue to work from home has had an impact on the hospitality trade also rising food prices. There’s beggars in Newcastle as there is in all city centres but at lunch time there’s security patrolling the main city centre areas also it’s not uncommon to see plain clothes police pin someone up to a wall, handcuff them and take them away in the centre of Newcastle, it’s not the best of places for drug dealers to sell drugs at lunch time. Having said that I don’t think there is many places in Newcastle centre where office staff can sit and eat there lunch when the weather is nice, it’s not the greenest of cities, I feel boxed in. We do have the lovely Quayside tho.
  20. Pubs and cafes in town centres have lost trade because a lot of office staff are still continuing to work from home, they no longer pop out for lunch.
  21. It’s the same with Virgin staff in the Newcastle branch, wearing casual clothes. As long as they don’t smell, look clean and they are efficient doing there job I don’t care how they dress. Wearing comfy clothes might help them focus more on their job. Having said that I wasn’t sure if they were staff at first until someone came up to me and asked if they could help me. One thing I certainly don’t want to see is women doing an eight hour shift and being forced to wear six-inch high heels because it’s part of their uniform, which has happened in the past. That part of a uniform should be optional.
  22. Kin All episodes of season 1 are on iplayer The story is about a Dublin gangster family who are involved in a gangland war. Family loyalty’s are torn apart. I enjoyed this programme.
  23. Elvis Presley Nigel Farage Ernest Shackleton Paul Newman
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