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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I would have thought Atkinsons would have picked up more business since the new Moor Market and other shops moved to the Moor. My mother use to buy some of her clothes from Atkinson’s, she always managed to get some bargains although that’s a few years ago.
  2. Sad news if it is closing. I use to love browsing round the shop. As well as being the last department store still standing in Sheffield, I’m sure it’s still family owned by the Atkinson family.
  3. Yes after they were attacked by Arab States they did take more land to create a buffer zone.
  4. Gateshead next to Newcastle and parts of Newcastle has the second largest community of Jews outside of London. They’ve lived in the area for over a hundred years. They live a peaceful existence up here, as one policeman told me a few years ago, you will never see a Jew in a police station, signing on to claim benefits or trying to groom young girls. You get the odd bigot when you see the more orthodox Jews walking around Newcastle or Gateshead but on a whole people except them. Probably why they have stayed in the area for so long. Israel did start to land grab but only when Arab Nations ganged together to attack the country, the first attack being in 1948. If the Arab nations had left Israel alone to live in the part of Palestine where Jews were already living and had done so for thousands of years, I’d like to think things would have been different. Credit to the Jews on how they transformed Israel a piece of desert into a modern day green country.
  5. I’ve watched the first two episodes and I thought it was good. I’m sure at the end of episode two it was announced that all episodes are now available to watch on itvx.
  6. We know now that these dogs are more than capable of killing someone therefore I think if it is proven that the dog was told to attack the victim then I would say it is a murder charge. This is just my opinion tho.
  7. At first I thought the same. Does it depend if the person told the dog to attack the victim? We will just have to wait and see what evidence the police have.
  8. I didn’t find the PM’s speeches very inspiring for the future of the UK. I don’t smoke, not sure what to think about the cigarette ban, as one journalist said banning cigarettes is one more move towards the UK becoming a nanny state. If this smoking legislation goes ahead I can see tobacco plants being grown in greenhouses.
  9. A relative of mine works for Major Incidents at Northumbria police. Was planning to meet my relatives this weekend but after talking to her last night she said she might have to work this weekend because they were expecting someone in Sunderland to be charged with murder involving a dog. There is plenty of overtime working for the department my relative works for because of all the murders.
  10. I’ve been to Wallsend museum on many occasions, Segedunum Roman Fort, the start of Hadrian’s Wall, it’s a lovely little museum next to the River Tyne. There is a replica of the Roman Wall built from original stones I believe. I’ve seen a few people getting ready to walk to Bowness On Solway from there, it’s not the most scenic start to the walk tho. They must be on a pilgrimage to walk all that way or they love walking with lovely views as the walk progresses and full of history from the very start of the walk. I’ve had enough walking from Wallsend museum to Newcastle Quayside.
  11. I find it hard to believe that it will stop tourists coming to visit Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman garrisons because some idiots have destroyed the sycamore tree. I don’t live to far from Hadrian’s Wall and have often walked along parts of the wall and surrounding area, there are lovely views of the landscape. There’s something magical about the whole area. It’s a pity the ghosts of the Roman soldiers didn’t chop the culprits down when they were vandalising the tree.
  12. It wouldn’t be safe to put a police officer back on the beat in parts of London and other cities and towns in the UK.
  13. They are probably jealous because GB News has taken some of there viewers. We are now seeing Government Ministers and opposition Shadow Cabinet Ministers giving interviews on GB News. When Piers Morgan was on GMB challenging a Minister he never gave them a chance to answer his questions. It was a one way interview. Whether you agree with what the Politicians are saying at least they are allowed to talk on GB News.
  14. They repeated this show on TV a few years ago. It was so funny.
  15. It’s better to produce our own oil than to import it from some of the Arab countries.
  16. Yes I agree with you. London is one of the most dangerous cities to police. If this police officer is found not guilty I hope the riot police are on standby.
  17. No one has been banned. Just a thread deleted, I think we can live with that. Time to move on.
  18. Then we need to be the same. The government is all talk and no action.
  19. I agree, the way the population is growing I think we need more than wind power and solar panels for our energy. Last year Government said they were going to build more nuclear power plants, they need to get cracking, they say it takes a few years to build them or failing that get fracking or mining for coal.
  20. Yes I’m aware we have coal and shale gas under our feet. Didn’t realise we ship it in from China. It doesn’t make sense when we could be mining our own.
  21. I agree with you about the UK looking like mugs. Germany didn’t waste time sourcing for more coal after Russia invaded the Ukraine. If we bring down the world population surely that will help climate change. It makes me wonder how many more people the Earth can support. FRANKFURT, Dec 16 2022 (Reuters) - Coal has made a comeback in Germany this year, as Europe's largest economy turns to the dirty fuel to power it through an energy crisis. More than a third (36.3%) of the electricity fed into the German power grids between July and September came from coal-fired power plants, compared with 31.9 percent in the third quarter of 2021, according to German statistics office Destatis.
  22. Driving Miss Daisy I loved this film. Morgan Freeman was brilliant and so was Jessica Tandy who are the main characters. The film starts in the late 1940’s USA when there is a lot of racial prejudice and spans over a period of a quarter of a century. It’s about a friendship between an elderly Jewish lady and her chauffeur an African American. The relationship doesn’t start very well but over the years they become friends. 10/10
  23. Then you are in for a treat if you watch it. I haven’t watched it yet. I’ve been told it’s good.
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