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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. This vicar had his bank account closed because he didn’t agree with the YBS.
  2. It’s not a bad thing stripping down to your knickers now and again when the sun is out as long as you don’t over do it and as you say look like a lobster. Just think of all the vitamin D3 your body is absorbing from the sun. We need vitamin D3 for strong bones and the best source is from the suns ultraviolet rays. In this country and Islamic countries where young muslim girls are brought up to wear Islamic clothes, covering their bodies from head to feet doctors have reported poor bone structure because they are not getting enough vitamin D from the suns rays.
  3. What an awful way to die, being suffocated with a pillow. Did the woman want to die or was the husband fed up of caring for her? I don’t know what to think about this case. In Switzerland they have Dignitas, a clinic for assisted suicide. I think it’s time the UK changed the law and also had a clinic similar to the Swiss.
  4. No I don’t think the Libdems was a protest vote. I think they will do well at the next election. Some are predicting a coalition government with the Lib Dems holding all the cards, but it is just guess work at the moment. They have got to win it first.
  5. I didn’t expect the Tories to hold on to Uxbridge, I thought they would lose it by a large majority. Government has still got over a year before calling an election. If a weeks a long time in politics a year must be an eternity. It will be interesting to see if Sunak can turn things around for the Tories before the next general election. Although I’m not holding out much hope. I’m pleased Starmer didn’t win the 3 by-elections. I can’t make my mind up if Selby was a protest vote.
  6. Coutts bank ousted Nigel Farage because of his political views. I suspect Coutts has a few Saudi millionaires who bank with them. A country who violates peoples human rights, but the bank will still be happy to allow them to invest with them. I’ll give the government credit for dealing with this problem so quickly.
  7. Now the police have more powers to deal with the just stop oil protesters it would be nice to see them being more active and dragging them off the road instead of the counter protesters doing there job.
  8. That just shows you how hypocritical the just stop oil protesters are. As a few people who have already said on the forum, they should take their protest to China or Russia. Most likely they would use gas guzzling cars to get there.
  9. I agree with you. The majority of the British people are sick of selfish protesters and there stupid stunts.
  10. GB News is a thorn in government’s backside and certain members of the royal family. I believe Dan Wootton when he says, dark forces are trying to close this channel down. I agree with The Daddy, Wootton seems genuine to me.
  11. I’d like to think it wasn’t right, it was on the news this morning.
  12. A giant barge has moored off the coast of Dorset. It’s going to house 500 illegal migrants. It’s got it’s own mini NHS on board, a dentist and doctor. One lady who lives in the area said there are only two doctor's practices on the Isle of Portland which already has a population of 13,000 people and a single dentist. More work for the overstretched NHS.
  13. Will it have to make a profit for shareholders if the NHS was privatised? I can’t see how privatisation of the NHS will take it out of politics. Political parties will be shouting, vote for us at the next general election and we will bring the privatised NHS back under government control. I’m all in favour of reducing waste in the NHS but not privatising it. At some stage with an increasing population and people living longer government will need to look seriously about how to fund the NHS and I have no idea how that can be done.
  14. I’ve definitely got a spider phobia. When people keep saying they won’t hurt you, it’s a load of rubbish, of course they hurt me, feeling anxious when it’s the time of year (September) when the gigantic ones start to come indoors. That can’t be good for your heart. It must be lovely not to be scared of the pesky things.
  15. They should have asked Russia, as well as Ukraine, if they wanted to join NATO before the invasion of Ukraine. It might have made Putin feel a bit better.
  16. Hijack I’m on the second episode. Can’t say I’m enjoying it so far so not sure if I will carry on watching it. Idris Elba is in it.
  17. I’m surprised I thought there would be a reduction for early payment.
  18. You might get a reduction if you pay your fine within 14 days.
  19. I’m wondering if you are staying at the Wetherspoons hotel, The Three Tuns, in Thirsk. If so it’s a nice Wetherspoons pub. I’ve been in it a few times but never stayed overnight although I was tempted to stay. They have limited parking spaces at the back of the hotel for people who are staying in the hotel.
  20. Apologies Padders. Someone has been spreading nasty rumours about the cost of drink’s in Padder’s Bar.
  21. It’s about two years since I was in The Bankers Draft. I use to go upstairs, I don’t think it was as bad as downstairs. The staff were always run off there feet. Some staff were more talkative than others but I’ve never found any of them who were bad mannered. I don’t think Wetherspoons is bad if you are on a budget. I’m not a beer drinker but there seems to be a large selection and very reasonabley priced, I suppose it’s because they are not owned by a brewery so they can shop around. Last week I paid £3.75 for a small lime and lemon in Harry’s Bar In Newcastle, it would be less than half of that in Wetherspoons and a bigger glass. In the Newcastle area there are some nice Wetherspoons and some not so nice. They do well with their breakfast menu and unlimited coffee and tea in the mornings. Especially the ones up here near the coast. I bet it’s a lot cheaper to get drunk in Wetherspoons than Padder’s Bar.
  22. Putin has already violated the rules on the Geneva Convention. He’s a war criminal.
  23. That was funny and educational at the sane time. Is that Mr Bloke who’s the stingy member?
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