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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I’ve just read that banging sounds have been detected where the sub went missing, but it also said circumstances are against those on board. When this is all over the Titanic should be allowed to rest in peace.
  2. I’m surprised it didn’t have a tracking system on it.
  3. I agree with you on that one. I remember the extremist radical Islamic preachers using the human rights when the UK government was trying to deport them. They took some shifting from this country because there family lived here. The courts of human rights said they can’t be deported because they have a right to family life even tho they were preaching hatred on the streets of London.
  4. Yes it would stop them from doing it again and as I have already said the death penalty would not be a deterrent for men like Pitchfork. It would just mean one less child murderer in the world.
  5. The Death Penalty would not have stopped Pitchfork and other Paedophiles from murdering their young victims. They are born with this evilness in their bodies, it’s part of their genetic makeup. Pitchfork should never have been released from prison. I can’t comprhend how he can live with what he has done. He truly is a monster.
  6. I was told by a man who helped to exhume the bodies in an overflow cemetery, that was no longer used, because the council wanted the land to build on. I’m sure he said it was near Shalesmoor, I can’t remember a cemetery in that area tho. One of the coffins when opened had scratch marks, he thought the person inside had been buried alive.
  7. You can’t help feeling embarrassed for Biden when he falls. If he does win the next election they will need an occupational therapist to see what adjustments they need to make to help with his mobility. A rollator to help him walk and prevent falls. He will need an electrical chair lift fitted on Air Force One so he can get into the plane safely, he’s already had a few falls navigating the stair. If I was his age and had his money I wouldn’t care less about politics and making America great again. Let a younger man have the job.
  8. When I go food shopping and I look at the prices in the big supermarkets I moan and groan to myself, they are profiteering because of the Ukraine war. If there has been a large increase in supermarkets profits in the last year then it does make you wonder if there is some profiteering going on, but I have no idea if they have increased their profits.
  9. With the cost of living rising, Poundland couldn’t continue to sell all of its goods at £1. Over the last few years I’ve noticed to try and keep up with the times, the larger shops now sell clothes and they have extended their food range by rolling our chilled and frozen food. I’ve had a few bargains in the past, but you do have to be carful what you buy. As the saying goes, you get what you pay.
  10. Employees who work for ITV probably do sign some sort of contract before they get the job not to discuss what they see and hear when working for ITV, providing it is within the law. I can’t see ITV paying Schofields ex lover money, but promoting him is a different matter. However it wouldn’t surprise me if Schofield paid him off when the affair ended.
  11. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear, I was referring to the mystery man who had an affair with Schofield who could make plenty of money doing interviews. You are right tho Scofield has made plenty of money over the years.
  12. There’s more than just Dan desperate for his story. He could make a lot of money selling his story and doing interviews at the moment.
  13. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Newspapers are offering this man money to tell his story about the affair with Scofield. At some stage I think he will sell his story to the press.
  14. I didn’t know that Tina’s husband, Erwin Bach donated one of his kidneys a few years ago to save her life. What a precious gift, he must have really loved her.
  15. I watched a replay when Scofield came out as being gay on This Morning a few years ago. Willoughby was holding his hand supporting him as he made his speech, she said, “I will always be here to support you”. There was plenty of praise for him and support from others to. He had just made a statement on TV that he was a closet house homosexual, I felt sorry for his wife. If it’s true Scofield first met this boy of 15 at school who he later had an affair with when he helped him get a job on This Morning, it sounds to me that he had been grooming him.
  16. Sad news. you were Simply The Best. RIP
  17. If you go around boasting how many Taliban you have killed while serving in the army I think the Taliban might do the job for the Monarchy at some stage. You might know better than me, other than talking to other soldiers about how many you have killed in combat, there is a code of conduct not to brag about your kill count. Harry has proved himself to be a fool.
  18. Good question. It was a day trip Mr Bloke and I took the place of someone who couldn’t make it at the last minute. I didn’t really want to go, but I was giving moral support to a friend. It turned out to be a very colourful and enjoyable day.
  19. I have been to the Chelsea Flower show, it must be about 15 years ago. It was a few days after the Queen was there. Believe me it was brilliant and it’s well worth a visit and that is from someone who also hates gardening. I’ve recorded the show and will watch it later on.
  20. Watched this film a few days ago. After some of the films I’ve watched lately it’s one of the better ones, admittedly not the best film tho. 6/10
  21. Trump said Jean Carroll is not my type. I’ve got to admit I can’t see Trump going with this woman who in all likelihood has gone through the menopause. I didn’t realise how old this woman was at the time when the alleged incident took place.
  22. I thought it was funny how Anne blocked Harry’s face at the Coronation with a large red feather in her hat. I wonder if it was planned? Sorry but I was unable to post the photo.
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