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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. He’s hoping the Home Office will change their minds and give him police protection when he visits the UK. He wants them to think we can’t allow him to be chased around London by the paparazzi like they did in New York. He wants to be grateful it wasn’t the Taliban who chased him round the streets of New York after he boasted in his book how many he killed while serving in the army. Idiot.
  2. The only story I believe is that two aeroplanes carrying thousands of gallons of petrol crashed into The Twin Towers, at a high speed, and was stuck in the middle of the towers, I think it caused an explosion because of the fuel the planes were carrying. Whenever the Twin Towers pops up on the news or discussed on the forum I still think about the people who were trapped above the impact. There only option was to jump or wait for the inevitable.
  3. What a thing to say. Especially when King Charles invited all religions and communities to the service. The Royal Family are all white, what does she expect. They are most likely friends of Megan Markle, Tom Bradby is that’s why he kept quiet.
  4. What a success The Prices’s Trust has been. It must have helped thousands of young people turn their lives around. I didn’t know some of them were guests at Coronation Service.
  5. I was unable to watch all of coronation yesterday but I did record it. I’ve watched the coronation service today and I thought it was emotional especially when Charles said, I came not to be served but to serve, or something similar. pleased I managed to watch some of the pageantry on a large public screen, it was a lot better than watching it on TV.
  6. For one day the police in my opinion did the correct thing.
  7. Watching the pageantry on a large public screen with some ariel views as they made there way back to the palace was splendid and breathtaking. I had a feeling Biden wouldn’t come to the coronation. Not sure why tho.
  8. Yes I agree the protesters were outnumbered and for their own safety the police did the right thing for their own protection.
  9. I don’t think I would like to live by Cromwell’s laws. I think I would be spending most of my time in the stocks. Below is life under Cromwell unless you happened to be a family member. Cromwell was a Puritan. He was a highly religious man who believed that everybody should lead their lives according to what was written in the Bible. The word “Puritan” means that followers had a pure soul and lived a good life. Cromwell believed that everybody else in England should follow his example. One of the main beliefs of the Puritans was that if you worked hard, you would get to Heaven. Pointless enjoyment was frowned upon. Cromwell shut many inns and the theatres were all closed down. Most sports were banned. Boys caught playing football on a Sunday could be whipped as a punishment. Swearing was punished by a fine, though those who kept swearing could be sent to prison. Sunday became a very special day under he Puritans. Most forms of work were banned. Women caught doing unnecessary work on the Holy Day could be put in the stocks. Simply going for a Sunday walk (unless it was to church) could lead to a hefty fine. To keep the population’s mind on religion, instead of having feast days to celebrate the saints (as had been common in Medieval England), one day in every month was a fast day – you did not eat all day.
  10. So do I, it was lovely watching them ride along side this beautiful golden coach.
  11. I recorded the coronation but was able to watch the pageantry on a large public screen when they were making there way back to Buckingham Palace after the coronation. I felt proud of our military when you see all the armed forces who were foot perfect and horses. It was spectacular watching it on a large screen. Well done to our armed forces for the splendid display.
  12. Land (Netflix) This film was very good. Because of something that happened in her past a woman goes to live in the wilderness in the Rockies, but she doesn’t have survival skills for the harsh conditions. 9/10
  13. I have read all of those books, it’s a few years ago tho . Not bad.
  14. There is a few Aldi and Lidl shops that have public toilets in some of their shops that’s been built in the last few years. I’m not sure why they have started to do this. Unless when applying for building permission they did a survey asking customers what they would like to see in their new shops, and toilets is one of them.
  15. Yes London will benefit more than the rest of the country. But here in Newcastle and parts of Northumbria there are lots of events taking place over the coronation weekend. The many castles on the Northumbrian coast are holding events, pubs advertising large screens to watch the coronation. Brass bands and picnic areas are being advertised in the towns and along the coast. If the weather behaves itself the hospitality trade should do very well up here over the coronation weekend.
  16. Can’t say I know to much about Edward. I thought it was Robert Dudley who murdered his wife or suspected of murdering her hoping to marry Elizabeth, but because of the scandal Elizabeth had to distance herself from him. There again Elizabeth could have been involved with Amy’s death if she was jealous of her. It’s going’s to be one of those mysteries.
  17. It’s been on a few breakfast programmes over the last few days. https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1728140/king-charles-coronation-cost-uk-economy-pubs-hotels-shops
  18. Oh I didn’t know that. He did have a lot of children tho and a few illegitimate ones here and there. I don’t think Elizabeth takes after him in the bedroom department, she was supposedly the virgin Queen.
  19. It’s been on the news that the King’s Coronation is set to boost the UK economy by £1billion, tourists are coming from all over the world to watch the coronation pageantry.
  20. Some would say Elizabeth The First got her strength from her father the tyrant King Henry, but I’m one of those who believes her strength came from her mother, Anne Boleyn a brave lady.
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