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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Is Trump any worse than some past presidents? President Kennedy who had an affair with Marilyn Monroe, some say he had her murdered when the affair ended, or his brother Ted Kennedy who was favourite to be a future President, until he drove his car into a pond and left a woman to die when forensics said if he had reported the accident straightaway instead of leaving it until the next day she could’ve been saved, a fine President he would have made. President Clinton lied about having an affair with Monica Lewinsky in the the Oval Office. We then have the worst President of all, in my opinion, Bush junior who along with Blair invaded Iraq. The Democrats must be desperate to get rid of Trump, I prefer him to Biden.
  2. El Camino The Breaking Bad series is one of the best things I have watched on TV. El Camino is a follow up film, it’s not as good as the Breaking Bad series but I still enjoyed it. 8/10
  3. It’s difficult to take these multi millionaires serious at times, Attenborough is one of them.
  4. A few years ago I watched a programme about David Attenborough talking about the worlds population. He said it won’t be climate change that will destroy the world but the alarming increase in population and not enough food to feed people that will be our biggest enemy. What little I have seen of him lately he seems more concerned about fossil fuels and not population control. It could be because it’s not politically correct to tell people how many children to have. If the world is going to get smaller then surely the environmentalists such as Green Peace and Just Stop Oil need to talk about how to reduce the population as well as ending fossil fuel, I believe the two go together. A Speech By David Attenborough Sending food aid to famine-stricken countries avoids the more fundamental problem of population growth, Sir David Attenborough has said, as he called for more debate about population control. The renowned broadcaster told the Daily Telegraph the world was "heading for disaster", and without action the "natural world will do something". "What are all these Famines in Ethiopia? What are they about?" he said. "They're about too many people for too little land. That's what it's about. And we are blinding ourselves. We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy." He admitted the issues had huge sensitivities, but insisted it was important to "just keep on about it". ___________________ I get the impression Attenborough want the UN to stop sending bags of flour to Ethiopia.
  5. Just what I was thinking. Does the French Government pay to feed them or is it left to charities.
  6. Yes I saw that on the news. Thanks for the link, I’ll put it on my what to watch list.
  7. It still goes through me when I think how that poor policeman died. Colin Pitchfork a double child murderer was given parole, which I thought was disgraceful, although he’s since been recalled back to prison for breaking his parole conditions. If I remember someone on the forum posted that pitchfork will be sent back to prison for breaking parol rules, he was right. Best place for him. It would be interesting to know how the parole board decide if a prisoner should be granted parole.
  8. If the UK manages to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in the next 10 years along with other EU countries. But Russian, China, India and a few other countries do nothing at all. Will that be enough to stop the glaciers from melting?
  9. They certainly got stuck on the job.
  10. The protester who is screaming in pain isn’t a very good actor.
  11. It’s the problems those people are causing by blocking the roads. We have already heard stories from people who were stuck in the gridlock because of the eco warriors. A woman who was being driven to hospital by a family member who had a stroke, struck in the traffic because of protesters who blocked the roads. Ambulances responding to emergency calls, someone who was late for an appointment with a cancer specialist having their appointment cancelled, mothers picking up children from school terrified of not being there on time or just wanting to get home from work because you don’t feel very well. These are just a few of the stories from people who were stuck for hours by protesters. Life is hard enough for ordinary people so why pick on them? If they want to protest stand outside the gates of Downing Street and Parliament where laws are made.
  12. Yes I agree I hope government gets to grip with it.
  13. Yes I’ll add that to the list.
  14. Around 120 woke lawyers are set to sign some sort of a Declaration of Conscience refusing to prosecute Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil and other such eco groups because they are trying to save the planet. It looks as though there could be more blocked roads and demonstrations from the eco warriors in the future if they know it’s going to be difficult to find a lawyer who will prosecute them. What next I wonder.
  15. Grace I enjoyed watching this crime drama last night. John Simm is in it, he’s been in a few good dramas in the past, one of the reasons I watched it.
  16. I don’t like heights. Takes me all my time to climb a step ladder, so I can’t comment on what they shouldn’t have done. Actually I think I was over generous when I gave the film a 6/10.
  17. Fall A survival film. Two women climb a tall radio tower in the desert and they are unable to climb back down. A predictable film and hard going at times. 6/10
  18. There is a NHS link about female sterilisation it might give you a few answers. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/female-sterilisation/
  19. It sounds something similar to people who offer respite care, taking people into their homes to give the carer a break. If the people who are acting as a host and offering patients leaving hospital a room are registered with the council and receive support it might not be such a bad idea, especially for people growing old without the support of children who just need a few extra weeks care before returning to their homes.
  20. It will be interesting to know if the book is better than the film. I definitely think you will enjoy the film tho.
  21. Even if your not a big Elvis fan I think you will still enjoy the film.
  22. I thought Austin Butler was brilliant as Elvis, so I also hope he wins an Oscar.
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