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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Parts of China have reported the lowest temperatures since records began when we are told winters will be milder. I suppose the scientists will now be saying in there defence of global warming we could experience bitter cold snaps to.
  2. It was on the news Mohe China’s northernmost city, also known as China’s North Pole, recorded its lowest temperature since records began. China doesn’t seem to be suffering from global warming at the moment and it produces more greenhouse gases than other countries
  3. The Darling Buds Of May I thought this programme was absolutely brilliant when it was on in the early 90s. The acting was good and it had a feel good factor about it. When I knew they were going to do a remake of the show I didn’t expect it to be as good as the original but I wasn’t impressed with the first episode. Bradley Walsh plays the main role of pop Larkin in the new remake. I don’t know how that man finds the time to do so many shows. I was disappointed when I knew he was going to be in it. This is one show that’s lost it’s appeal for me.
  4. Hopefully we might find out soon what they have all been up to.
  5. Narvik A WW2 film based on a true story. The film is about a battle that took place in Norway. The German army were defeated and it was suppose to be the first battle that they lost. 6/10
  6. No Padders and Mr Bloke posting at the moment. I wonder if they have gone on holiday together.
  7. Your right Padders shouldn’t be on here. He’s off on a sabbatical and he still gets everywhere on the forum. Anyway back on topic, your back so that’s nice.
  8. Putin has been made to look like a fool. He has an army that’s not fit for purpose. At first I thought there was a chance that he might use nuclear or chemicals weapons when things were not going to plan in the first few months of the war. Now as time passes I don’t think he will, but that’s just my opinion.
  9. I agree he does write some entertaining stories and it’s how he tells them. Daddy said he will be back in February.
  10. When Putin was getting ready to invade Ukraine Liz Truss who was the Foreign Secretary at the time was correct when she said Ukraine are more prepared this time to take on Russia and they will put up a fight if Russia try’s to invade Ukraine. They certainly have put up a fight. I was one of those who thought it would be over in a few weeks. Mr Putin must be frustrated with his military and now he has to contend with the West supplying Ukraine with tanks.
  11. I also agree with sibon and Axe about bringing back the tax disc. I suppose the excuse will be it’s not environmentally friendly.
  12. The way the population is increasing in this country I’m not surprised that the retirement age has increased and it will continue to grow. The population was a lot smaller in 1960s.
  13. Well he might do a better job than the lot we’ve got running the country at the moment.
  14. I think Padders suffers with the January blues and he’s taking stock of his life.
  15. I’m recording the Jeremy Kyle show. I want to hear what Maxwell has to say. Also what she looks like now. She always looked perfectly groomed before she was in prison.
  16. Thought I heard Government say they are going to see why energy companies are not passing the fall on to customers. The energy firms excuse will be we buy energy months in advance so we can’t lower prices just yet, the profits they make they can afford to take a small loss. I don’t expect energy prices to go back to pre-Covid days but we might see a small reduction sometime this year, is that just wishful thinking on my part?
  17. Have we got enough Doctors to work in the Job Centres. I’m wondering where they propose to recruit them from. The hospitals or use Doctors who work as family practitioners. At the same time they could use the Doctors in the job centre to try and recruit more people to train as Doctor's,
  18. The Devil to Pay When her husband disappears a woman who lives in an isolated community in the mountains has to pay his dept back to ruthless powerful family. If not they will kill her young son. Its a bit blood thirsty in parts for me. 8/10
  19. I thought that myself but still thought it would be deeper than 3ft.
  20. The grave robber dug a 3ft hole and he was able to thrust a spade through the coffin. That’s not very deep for a grave. I thought the standard depth for a grave would be a minimum of 5ft. What’s that expression 6 feet under, clearly not in this case.
  21. If your friend wants nothing to do with you and your partner, I’m not sure that she or he was a true friend. I certainly wouldn’t want to lose someone who had been kind to me and helped me get through a difficult period in my life all because they wanted to go on holiday without me. It wasn’t a healthy situation doing everything with your friend and I’m sure it must have put a strain on your relationship. You have actually helped your friend to move on with their life, it’s just sad how it’s ended and in time your friend might realise that.
  22. The Germans don’t mess around with climate change activists. Greta Thunberg was protesting outside of a coal mine in Germany on Sunday along with others, because it’s being expanded. She was asked to move, she refused, so the police physically removed her. I wonder if our police would do the same?
  23. Robert Mitchum did a documentary some years ago trying to prove that Marilyn was murdered. President Kennedy was a prolific womaniser, over the years there’s been stories in the media that Marilyn was going to talk about their affair on TV.
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