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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Gorbachev tried to modernise a crumbling Russia when he became President. On the news it said he got on well with Regan. When both men were no longer in power they remained good friends and Gorbachev stayed on Regan’s ranch when he went to visit him. Somehow I can’t imagine Gorbachev being happy with Putins policies at the moment. RIP
  2. And I second that. We have bigger problems to worry about in the world than Diana.
  3. The person I believe who was responsible for Diana’s death was the drunk driver Henri Paul driving 70 miles an hour down the Alma tunnel in Paris.
  4. I think you could be right about the two fingered gesture.
  5. That was an interesting read didn’t know any of that. I just heard on the news Russia is burning over 8 million pounds of gas each day because they can’t sell it and they have know were to store it.
  6. The French know a thing or two about civil disobedience if they aren't happy with their government. They are used to revolutions tho. We will have to ask them how it's done
  7. Our energy costs are going up and Russia is burning off large amounts of natural gas each day according to the BBC News. The gas would have been exported to Germany, they think Russia couldn’t sell it elsewhere. I think Greta should have a word with Mr Putin about climate change and his carbon footprint, polluting the atmosphere with all of that gas being burnt every day. She’s been a bit quiet lately. Send her to Russia.
  8. Do wind turbines make much noise when they’re working. If people did start to have mini turbines in their gardens just wondering if they could keep you awake at night if they make a swoosh sound when in operation.
  9. It’s been on the news this morning that we are bringing in gas from Australia in tankers. How will that affect the carbon footprint, bringing it all the way from there? Surely it would be better to look for gas and oil in the Uk until this energy crisis is over and we are more prepared to tackle climate change.
  10. I’m not surprised about some suppliers not excepting new customers. Gone are the days when they use to knock on your door to offer you a better deal. At the moment we are living in very worrying times with gas and electricity
  11. Thank you Anna for the information. I was going to say change your supplier but it wouldn’t surprise me if they are all the same.
  12. Anna says she has solar panels, I thought having them you generated your own electricity and on cloudy days they still work. I don’t know anything about them but I’m curious to know how much money they save you on your bills.
  13. I haven’t watched many things that Sean Bean has been in because I find his acting boring. I agree with alchresearch though he was very good in Time the one where he was in prison.
  14. I thought the actress who played Ivy in Corrrie was his sister but wasn’t sure until I saw your post. RIP Duggie
  15. Elvis Austin Butler is brilliant at replicating Elvis. Good acting from Tom Hanks, as always. 8/10
  16. Yes that’s what I thought to.
  17. I hope Newcastle doesn’t win the bid. If it does people will be greeted by a shabby looking arena. What an awful impression they will get of the city. Even the location where it is looks like a tip. The arena is due to be demolished when the new one is completed in Gateshead just over a mile from Newcastle. What a shame it won’t be finished in time for the contest. There will be lovely views of the River Tyne and the iconic Tyne Bridges and plenty of parking spaces with multi storey car parks being built next to the new arena. There again after reading the posts on here about the cost of hosting the competition, let Manchester have it.
  18. I’ve read that she was kept on life support to see if she is a match for organ donation. After all of the destruction she has caused and nearly killing someone she might end up saving a life if her body parts can be used for transplant.
  19. Sad news. She had a long battle with breast cancer. She was a nice lady with a lovely singing voice. RIP .
  20. Rogue Agent The film is based on a true story. A con man played by James Norton pretends he’s an MI5 agent for years, scamming his victims out of money. He picks on the wrong lady who is determined to bring him to justice. James Norton is brilliant in the film. 8/10
  21. I’m a bit off topic but it was on the news today that France is to scrap the TV licence. It was part of Macron’s election promise. Now I wonder if our Government might do the same?
  22. Wanted There’s 3 seasons and I’ve binge watched the first series. So far I’ve enjoyed watching it. Wanted reminds me of the film Thelma and Louise with a more modern day outlook. Two innocent women are on the run from corrupt policemen. All 3 seasons are on Netflix.
  23. Love Sarah I watched this film after a friend said she enjoyed it but I was a bit disappointed with the film. It took me a while to work out who was who at first. If you are on a diet its best not to watch this film. 6/10
  24. I watched the Adam Project last night. I also thought it was good.
  25. The Grey Man I agree with Funky_Gibbons review of this film. I was getting a bit bored with the film towards the end of it. 6/10
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