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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I’ve only watched the odd episode of Eastenders. But I agree with your post about Dyer. I think he is a rubbish actor. Although he was good in, Who Do You Think You Are.
  2. Enough Jennifer Lopez plays the part of an abused wife who learns to fight back. I enjoyed how this film ended. 7/10
  3. Yes I was thinking the same. Might be wrong tho.
  4. That was funny it made me laugh. It wouldn't surprise me if it's the Sun that's getting increasingly hot and nothing to do with mankind.
  5. Yes there is the drive home to consider from Newcastle. But driving home at midnight there's not much traffic on the A1. Can't say the same tho if you are using these motorways at lunchtime.
  6. I’m sad to hear Doncaster Airport might be closing. I thought it was a nice Airport. I was talking to a nice customer service lady on the phone in Sheffield a few months ago. I told her I moved from Sheffield to Newcastle a couple of years ago. The customer service lady said they flew from Newcastle Airport for the first time to Spain because it was much cheaper than flying from Manchester, she saved over a hundred pound. She also said it was easy to get to and was pleasantly surprised how nice the Airport is. Manchester is nearer to Sheffield but driving from Sheffield to Newcastle on the M1 then A1 is pretty straight forward. Which I do at least once a month. It might be worth considering checking out the price if you are on a budget.
  7. Happy Independence Day from the UK (some people say we are your 51st state, I’m not sure if that is good are bad) to all the American people who follow the Sheffield Forum. God bless America and all of that sort of thing.
  8. Widows Four women have to do a robbery to pay back a dept left by their dead criminal husbands. I enjoyed this film. Netflix 8/10
  9. Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool I loved this film which is based on a true story. There’s a dance scene in the film which was the best scene in the film for me. Jamie Bell is in the dance scene along with an actress called Annette Benning, they are both very cool and sexy when they dance together. I can’t remember Jamie Bell dancing like that when he played Billy Elliot, but he has grown up a lot since then. The film is funny at times but also some very sad parts. 10/10
  10. It would be interesting to know how much other countries are contributing to help Ukraine?
  11. Downtown Abbey. A New Era. Disappointed with the film, I expected it to be better. It was hard work after a while to carry on watching it. 5/10
  12. Midnight in the Switchgrass Its a true story about a truck driver who is a serial killer, or should I say it’s based on a true story because you could tell the end of the film has been sensationalised and not based on the truth. I enjoyed the film tho and it’s wasn’t to long. Netflix 7/10
  13. I don’t want to see an independent Scotland. I was listening to one economist who said it’s the English economy who will suffer if Scotland became independent. How would they sort it all out if Scotland became independent, it’ll be a total nightmare that could take years to sort. They are not just dependent on gas and oil they have other industries also they haven’t got an over bloated population as we have.
  14. I’m not a big fan of Rod Stewarts but I do like to hear him sing I am Sailing and Maggie May.
  15. I’m more concerned about how my favourite chocolate treats have become smaller over the years. Crunchie Bars, Mars Bars and Toblerone look a lot smaller than they use to be, but the prices didn’t get smaller tho. So if they do bring back the original name of chocolate bars they should bring back the size they use to be to.
  16. I really enjoyed reading your story. It left me wanting to read more. Pleased your Mum recovered from TB. It was brave of you to move back to Sheffield when your parents moved down south, but your aunt sounds as though she was a second mother to you.
  17. Steven Spielberg’s version of West Side Story The music and singing was good, better than I expected. Even though I knew what was going to happen to the doomed lovers it was still worth watching. 8/10
  18. I remember watching that when Dyer was on Who Do You Think You Are. It was very good, it was the best one I’ve watched.
  19. I do know someone who saw Prince Charles leaving Windsor Castle when they were on holiday a few years ago also someone else who saw Princess Anne leaving Buckingham Palace in a car, again that was a few years ago. Tourists particularly Americans and Chinese do hang around these places hoping to get a glimps of Royalty. They just happened to be there at the right time.
  20. We have nearly always had Queens in this country ruling on there own or married to a King. It’s been part of our history. Over the years the royals have adjusted as society changes. I do believe they bring tourism into this country. One poster said people would still visit the palaces if there was no monarch but how many tourists today walk round Windsor or Buckingham Place hoping to see a member of the Royal family? It just wouldn’t be the same visiting those places if there was no Royals. If we do abolish the royals does that mean we have to change the British Constitution giving more powers to a president or prime minister? At the moment Government and the royal family work just fine together.
  21. I’m off topic now trastrick, but I think you should go onto the history and expats thread and write about your life. I love to read the stories from expats, yours could be very interesting.
  22. You don’t support the monarchy and you’re entitled to your opinions about them. I do, therefore for me that was their future standing on the balcony.
  23. It was nice seeing the Queen on the balcony after the parade on Sunday with her three heirs by her side. Long live the Queen.
  24. The Queen’s sketch was brilliant at party at the palace. After all those years of speculation wondering what the Queen carries in her her handbag, we now know she keeps an emergency stash of marmalade sandwiches. It was funny seeing her having tea with Padding Bear. God Save The Queen.
  25. We have the Stack up here in Newcastle built with containers. It has a fantastic atmosphere and it’s busy particularly at weekends when there is live music. It is going to close but it was only meant to be a short term thing until the council decided what to do with the land after they demolished a building. It didn’t take long to build the stack, I would say no more than six weeks. If Sheffield Council get it right like the one in Newcastle it might just work. https://www.clevelandcontainers.co.uk/news-and-blog/stack-is-finally-open
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