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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Hope you are right. I had visions of her disappearing never to be seen again.
  2. You could be right about the possible 15 year sentence. Just hope she is okay.
  3. I hope you are right. She has left a recorded message in case she was arrested.
  4. You are right it is hard to avoid Chinese made goods. I also don’t mind buying things that are made in Germany. Just over a year ago I had to buy a new fridge freezer when mine broke down. There was a Bosch fridge freezer in the sale which is German made I think, it’s much better than my old one.
  5. Just caught something on the news that she’s been sent to prisons for 15 years and lawyers for her defence haven’t been allowed to talk to her. A very brave lady indeed. I’m aware that a large majority of the Russian population don’t know what is happening with regards to the war but when Russian soldiers are killed surely families will start to wonder what is happening?
  6. I’m not expecting miracles overnight but I also think we need to be a little bit more self sufficient in goods and agriculture where possible.
  7. I’m not an economist but I’m sure government could produce more goods in this country. As you say it will be hard work but it can be done.
  8. Yes I agree with you about being selfish, I’ll even include myself in that one. Look at how petrol has gone up in price some of it due to the Ukrainian war, people don’t like it but have accepted it. Yes we grumble at the price, me included but people understand why. So the natural instinct might not always take over.
  9. There is certainly enough Chinese goods in this country. I was trying to avoid buying a tin opener that was made in China last year, I couldn’t find one. In the end bought a cheap one from Asda because even the more expensive ones were made in China. If we get over this Ukrainian war Government needs to look at making this country less independent on foreign goods even if it costs more in the short term.
  10. There’s reports that Putin has asked China to provide military assistance. Let us hope if these reports are true China has refused to get involved.
  11. I’m pleased Brendan is through to the finale. I’m sure he had a fall when all of the celebs were dancing at the beginning of the show. They moved the camera so I’m not sure.
  12. What’s that saying, we might as well go out with a bang.
  13. I think all of those threats of nuclear bombs people are trying to put their affairs in order. Might as well start with the last song you will hear.
  14. Russia might be doing a bit of brainwashing and scaremongering with his threats of using nuclear weapons but I don’t think the West is. I don’t know if Putin has children, if he has he should be ashamed of himself threatening the world with his bombs that could destroy mankind and his family.
  15. Just caught something on the news that several ballistic missiles have been launched from Iran and they have struck northern Iraq. Iran was targeting some secret Israeli bases. Would this have happened if there wasn’t a war going on with Russia and Ukraine?
  16. I’m one of those who thinks NATO should not intervene. I also thought President Biden said that if Russia uses chemical weapons the USA will not get involved but I could be wrong about that. Heaven knows what the outcome will be. I’m curious to know how long it would take a nuclear bomb to reach us if it is fired from Russia. After the chemical attacks in Salisbury I have no doubt that we would be at the top of Putin’s list if NATO does decide to get involved.
  17. As I’ve said that’s a new one on me. Apart from pinching your petrol there will also be damage to your car.
  18. Yes and that to. That’s a new one on me. I’ve never heard of tank drilling.
  19. Yes I agree with you. Make sure you’ve got good locks on your petrol caps.
  20. It certainly does look as though the petrol stations are getting busy. Things are getting desperate when people start to fill wheelie bins up with petrol without paying for it. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10601869/Thief-fills-wheelie-bin-fuel-busy-petrol-station-forecourt.html
  21. Some of Padder’s post are funny but there are times when he can be a bit of a stick in the mud.
  22. Yes I agree with you. Especially about Putin making the world a more dangerous place.
  23. Am I right in thinking the SNP wanted Trident removed from Scotland. After Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons I wonder if they still feel the same.
  24. Against The Ice A true historical survival film about two men in 1909 who try to retrieve a map that proves Greenland belongs to Denmark and not America. 7/10
  25. They say it’s one of the reasons Russia decided to invade Ukraine because America has a weak government. I’m not sure if it would have made a difference who ever was President. We now have North Korea testing missiles like there’s no tomorrow, which I find very frightening. Would they have carried on testing if Trump was still President? I thought Trump stoped North Korea from carrying out more tests? https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/north-korea-fires-suspected-ballistic-missile-sea-83261739
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