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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I thought the war would be over in a matter of days but I was wrong. It makes me wonder if there are NATO soldiers in the Ukraine giving advice to the Ukrainian army.
  2. I have to agree with you on that one. He’s certainly not following in his father’s footsteps.
  3. I agree after watching Regan perform tonight he was good. Brendan is my favourite to win and his ballroom dancing skills came in very handy tonight but if either Reagan or Kimberly win I don’t think I will be disappointed. Provided they continue to skate as good as they did tonight.
  4. Dancing on Ice. The celebrities who can’t skate and looked like frightened rabbits when they had to skate on there own without their professional partner’s support were kept in the show longer than they should have been because of their personality and not their skating talent have finally been eliminated, so for me the show is getting very interesting to watch now they have gone. Let the competition commence. I’d like to see Brendan Cole or Kimberley win, we haven’t had a woman win the show for a few years.
  5. Thanks for the link. He’s not got a bad voice but still not my kind of music or singing. But then the music and singing I like probably isn’t everyone’s cup of tea either. If we all liked the same music there would be a very limited choice.
  6. I’ve never heard of him either. I’ve just goggled him to see what his singing is all about. I can only describe him as a Jewish orthodox rapper. Not my kind of singing, I agree with The Daddy he’s got an irritating voice,
  7. It’s becoming very frightening when nuclear plants are targeted.
  8. I don’t think America got much support from NATO when Bush declared war on Iraq. Was the UK the only NATO country to support him? We should never have got involved in that war. I’m sure there was other ways we could have punished Iraq without going to war.
  9. Yes I can remember him saying that other NATO members needed to contribute more money.
  10. The way the world is at the moment I’m going to say NATO is a force for good. The UK should stay a member of the organisation. Am I right in thinking that during Donald Trumps election campaign he wanted America to leave NATO?
  11. I agree with you about Matt Monroe being more talented than Sinatra. I was listening to Monroe on YouTube during lockdown and I didn’t realise how talented he was, I thought he sang Walkway brilliantly. Although I thought Sinatra sang My Way okay. Elvis did inspire the music business. Who would have thought after all these years since his death his music still lives on with a younger generation.
  12. I definitely agree with your post.
  13. A Ukrainian farmer is doing his bit for the war by stealing a Russian Tank.
  14. Russia has doubled its interest rate to 20% in a bid to halt the value of its currency.
  15. I was born after WW2 but can remember my relatives talking about it. WW1 was suppose to be the war to end all wars but the politicians got that wrong. I’m in no doubt if there is a WW3 then this will be the war to end all wars and possibly mankind.
  16. I have also got a lot of negative thoughts at the moment. We have definitely got some worrying days ahead of us but we have to be positive and hope sense prevails.
  17. I’m enjoying watching Dancing on Ice, it’s been better than Strictly Come Dancing, I was very disappointed with the last series.
  18. Well I’m out of my depth on nukes being shot down. But I thought the Americans were working on something that could destroy them, this was a few years ago when I read something about it.
  19. I have no idea all this is beyond me. What do you think we should do?
  20. It sounds to me Putin is becoming desperate when he ordered nuclear weapons to be put on high alert. Is it because the Russian invasion hasn’t quite gone to plan? He couldn’t care less about the loss of life. We can only hope he’s bluffing when he says he’s prepared to use nuclear bombs.
  21. I’ve got it wrong, I thought this war would be over in a few days but the Ukraine army are putting up a fierce resistance.
  22. It’s so frustrating watching Ukraine fighting the Russian army alone. All we can do for now is supply them with weapons and sanctions when what they desperately need is countries to send their armies, but Putin has given a warning, if other countries join the fight he will use the red button. If other countries did attack Russia I hope they dismantle their nuclear weapons first.
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