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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Go into M&S and see how many things you can find made in the Far East, look at the labels on their clothes and see where most of them are made? It’s not just markets who sell tat. I bought a unless tin opener from M&S made in China, took it back and got a refund, then bought one less than half the price than what I paid in M&S from Asda, it was also made in the Far East but did a better job than the M&S one. I don’t know enough about the economics of why we buy from these countries, probably the cost, but it’s sad that we can’t make more things in this country.
  2. I agree, it has kept its traditional style. I’ve only been to the new market a few times as I don’t live in Sheffield now. However I’m hoping to visit the market again in the near future. My mother and father use to go there every week and when my father died I use to take my mother there to do her shopping.
  3. Cawthorne is lovely in Barnsley. I use to know someone who lived there a number of years ago. I think then most of the village only had electricity, for some reason they wouldn’t allow gas pipes in the village. That’s a number of years ago so very forward thinking on climate change, although I’m not sure that was the reason why. Cawthorne is next to Cannon Hall Park and Gardens, which I have been to many times, it’s well worth a visit. My mother loved Barnsley centre and the market for food shopping but that’s before the new market was built.
  4. It’s been reported that North Korea has restarted its nuclear reactor again. Will they be doing nuclear tests in the future again? Trump did get them to shut it down when he was President. It will be interesting to see how Biden handles the situation. It’s beginning to look that way to me to.
  5. Oh no, please don’t put ideas into the snowflakes heads. Not everyone’s cup of tea I know, but I love Mrs Brown’s Boys. They only do a Christmas special now so it’s not as though it’s on TV every week. I thought it was against the law to do racist jokes.
  6. I don’t think I had the patience when I made bread, it could be the kneading were I went wrong, I got fed up after a few minutes, but I have only made it a few times, so it could be more practice that was needed. My Aunt use to make bread, the smell was lovely when it came out of the oven. I think the smell was better than the taste, but it was nice bread. She made it look so easy, I think she found it therapeutic when she was kneading the dough. She was probably thinking about her rascal of a husband when she was kneading away at it. Also my old neighbour and a very good friend was a lovely cook. She use to make wholemeal bread cakes, she would give some each time she baked a batch. She used her top of the range food mixer to knead the dough, it had a dough hook on it. She was making her own bread well into her 90’s. Over the winter months I might have another go at making bread also I will try your soda bread recipe, I do like to keep things simple. Now to give my next easy food project some though.
  7. I’m not sure how many countries were involved in training the army in Afghanistan. If it was just the US and UK it doesn’t look as though they have done a very good job, unless as cuttsie suggests, not all Afghan people are as bothered as we think. All the millions that has been spent to build security out there. I would say at the moment the US and UK are the ones who are arming the Taliban with all the weapons they left behind. I’m wondering if Germany could have done a better job training the Afghan Army if it was left to them. They have had good practice at it over the last century and they did put up a good fight even though they lost two world wars.
  8. It is heartbreaking and I suspect there role in society is nothing more than to produce children. There must be a lot of highly educated woman who could contribute so much to there country. I suspect the Taliban are to thick to realise that.
  9. I feel sorry for young girls and women in Afghanistan. They have been allowed to have an education in the last 20 years and more freedom. Is all that going to end now?
  10. I agree with you about such events as the Plymouth shooting being extremely rare. It’s something you don’t hear very often on the news so it tends to shock people when something so awful as this happens. It’s knife crime which is more prevalent in large cities particularly London that worries me. It doesn’t seem to shock anymore when you hear on the news that so many people were fatally stabbed overnight, it’s now part of everyday life.
  11. I think most of us will remember the brave Ben Parkinson who suffered horrific injuries when his army Land Rover was hit by a mine. He’s asking what was it all about. Can you blame him? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-58213383
  12. I’m going to have ago at making soda bread using this recipe. I’ve made bread a few times in the past. I had better results with dried yeast. It didn’t turn out very well when I used fresh yeast.
  13. I enjoyed reading this. It was a nice sensible answer.
  14. I’m one of those who believe we destabilised the Middle East when Bush and Blair invaded Iraq. They went in without thinking of the consequences and had no idea who was going to govern the county when British and American troops left. I was one of those idiots who thought Saddam had Weapons of Mass destruction and a nuclear strike towards America was imminent. That is until the weapon’s inspections were allowed to enter Iraq only to find none. I don’t think the Middles East was the same again after that. Know wonder other Arab states wanted nuclear weapons after an illegal war.
  15. I agree with you when you say people will find offence in almost any word. One of the reasons I thought it was a good idea when Baron99 suggested music only and no words so there is less chance of offending someone. Although I still wouldn’t rule it out with only music. I’m hoping the Royal Family will continue to exist for many years so I’m not going to worry about an new national anthem. I know your not a Royalist but am I right in thinking you have a soft spot for the Queen?
  16. Well I’m not going to argue that you are a dumbass moron, you said it not me. However some of your posts are educational and enjoyable to read, not all. If you look at post 556 and 558, and I suspect you already have, You will realise that we have already agreed that Rule Britannia wouldn’t be suitable for a National Anthem. I’m hoping it stays as it is with a slight change when the Queen dies. If in the future the powers above decide to change it, I agree with Baron99 of having music only, we can all put our hand on our heart just like the Americans do when it is being played.
  17. A documentary about the late Patrick Swayze’s life which I recorded. It showed you various films he appeared in, my favourite film has to be Ghost. Whoopi Goldberg was in this film and she was brilliant in it and so funny. Swayze did his own stunts in his films, one was sky diving out of an aeroplane. He seemed to be fearless when it came to doing stunts in his films. He was also a very good dancer.
  18. I always thought it was more to do with The Women’s Institute, they always sing it at their meetings. Lol. But yes it’s another nice song. Think I’ll have to see if I can watch the film Calendar Girls again.
  19. There’s nothing wrong with Rule Britannia or Land of Hope and Glory. Also I like the hymn I Vow To Thee My Country which I always think is a soldier’s song, but that’s just my opinion. However I’m not sure those songs would go down very well with The Black Life Matter Movement if one of them was to become the new National Anthem. Wasn’t there some controversy about those songs being played at Last Night Of The Proms and they tried to get them banned because they were to patriotic. I say leave things as they are why complicate things. I’m a Royalist so I want to keep God Save The Queen and I hope she has many more years to live.
  20. I’ve used Atora in the past but it was a bit hit and miss. I did get better results when I used the vegetable Atora tho. I don’t make dumplings very often so I probably needed more practice. The Goldenfry is nice, and handy if you don’t want to make huge quantities of suet dumplings When I use to visit my Aunt in Newcastle when I was younger she would buy beef suet form the butcher’s, she said the packets didn’t taste the same. She was a lovely old fashioned cook. She made a tasty corned beef slice and the her pasty was lovely. Cleary Rocker you are married to an expert dumpling maker. Thanks for the prices of tuna at Farmfoods. I might have ago at making a Tuna Pasta Bake, so has anyone got a simple recipe they want to share? I’ll also look on google for Tuna Pasta Bake recipes.
  21. When I make dumplings Firethorn I’ve used Goldenfry Farmhouse Style Dumpling Mix. It really is good, the dumplings are light, fluffy and tasty. I’ve tried other packed mixes before but this is the best. Just follow the instructions on the packet and you can’t go wrong. Most supermarkets sell it but I get it from B&M or Home Bargains it’s much cheaper than the supermarkets. The odd time I’ve cooked rice it’s been a disaster so I use boil in the bag. I wouldn’t even know what to do with an octopus or squid.
  22. Sorry about that. You have got a way of telling a story of times gone by and making it interesting tho. No I’m no cook. At the start of lockdown last year I did get a bit more adventurous tho and pleased with how some of my Concoctions turned out. It’s these user names they are very confusing at times.
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