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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Should we be worried about the Israel and Palestinian conflict that’s going on at the moment. Will it lead to an all out war?
  2. Yes the Metro Centre did open before Meadowhall. I use to take advantage of the coach firms offering cheap day trips when the novelty was new from Sheffield to Metro Centre. Not to to visit the Metro tho, to meet up with my family in Newcastle. However that stoped when Meadowhall opened. Meadowhall use to come in handy when my mother was alive, it is wheel chair friendly and she wasn’t very good at walking towards the end of her life so I use to be a regular visitor at the centre. Do you mean a bit like The Eldon Square in Newcastle but on a smaller scale.
  3. An interesting link. I’ve never heard of the Westfield before.
  4. Just my opinion about Meadowhall. Your right about the the Quayside being lower than the main city. Grey Street seems to be getting steeper each time I walk up it. I still think you will get a decent view of the area if they go ahead with the wheel. I’ve never been to the Trafford Centre but I was told it looked bigger than Meadowhall by friends who have. I’d like to go tho.
  5. https://news.sky.com/story/whey-aye-plans-announced-for-460ft-observation-wheel-in-newcastle-11380611 I'm going a bit off topic here but if Newcastle goes ahead and builds an observation wheel on the quayside it’s going to be bigger than the one in London.
  6. Thank you for the information. I thought it looked bigger but it’s not as nice as Meadowhall. never thought it was the biggest in Europe until I read Mr Allen’s post.
  7. I was at the Metro Shopping Centre in Gateshead on Saturday. I’m sure it’s bigger than Meadowhall but I would say Meadowhall attracts more visitors. People were sitting on the floor eating their food all over the place because of limited seats, leaving plenty of room to socially distance, no one bothered them. It was like a teddy bears picnic but there was a nice atmosphere to.
  8. Well that is something I didn’t know. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/cannabis-the-facts/ This is a NHS link about Cannabis if I have done it correctly.
  9. A bit off topic but this is one of the reasons I love your sense of humour. It made me laugh.
  10. I’m not sure it would be a vote winner if the government decided to make drugs legal. It would be one more addiction they would have to deal with at some stage in the future. We’ve seen hard hitting adverts on TV showing you what the lungs of a smoker looks like, the liver of an alcoholic so what would the advert be for a cannabis addiction, a sizzled brain? I’m not against prescribed cannabis but not for recreational use.
  11. Ant powder is very good it definitely knocks them out. A few years ago my mum had ants in the bedroom they were coming in through the foundation of the house. She called a local pest controller who was cheaper than the council and I’m sure that’s all he used ant powder, but he had the equipment to get the powder in foundation of the house.
  12. There are certain people who post on here who I enjoy reading what they post and I learn a lot from them, you are one of those posters who I like and enjoy reading your posts. You have a disability and it’s only through reading your posts that I know that but I think you are an intelligent person. I also don’t think Mr Bloke was trolling you. He may not be familiar with your past posts or the fact that you have a disability, he wasn’t referring to you being disabled and I think if you read some of his old posts you will find it’s his sense of humour. He is also one of my favourite posters he makes me laugh at times, he might not be everyone’s but he’s not a troll. A troll is when someone who wishes you into a early grave because of how you voted and constantly targets you at every opportunity, and I don’t think Mr Bloke would do that.
  13. The sad thing is there will be some people who will be conned by these ruthless scammers, particularly the elderly. They just need to target the right person.
  14. Not sure if I have done this link correctly but what a fine figure of a man he was. I can just remember the add. RIP https://news.sky.com/story/nick-kamen-levis-launderette-advert-model-and-madonna-protege-dies-at-59-12297521
  15. Well done Mr Allen you are better than me at scouting. I couldn’t find him when I tried.
  16. Yes I know who you mean but I also can’t remember his name. I use to see him in Morrison’s at Hillsborough doing his shopping the odd time. He was also in Emmerdale for about six months after The Bill finished.
  17. I started to watch The Bill in the 90’s when Frank Burnside was in it and Jack Meadows, use to enjoy it then but towards the end I got fed up with it and stopped watching it. Didn’t it use to be called The Woodentops when it first started? If it does come back I will give it a try. That’s funny.
  18. More women coming forward making allegations about this actor. Looks as though his career is finished.
  19. If he is charged by the police as Rollypolly has already said he should face the consequences and the full force of the law. I’m not a Judge. I can understand if a Doctor is suspended if he has been accused of inappropriate behaviour with a patient until his case has been investigated, but Viewpoint was probably made last year and it’s still going to be on Catch Up TV which doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t know much about this actor, I’ve only seen him in the trailer for Viewpoint. If he is working on a project at the moment, fine suspend him until they know what is going to happen to him. I remember the campaign to bring in Sarah’s Law, which I’m sure you are familiar with, when innocent men were violently attacked in the street by mobs who accused them of being a Paedophile after the News of the World printed their name and wrongly accused them. If I remember the police campaigned against Sarah’s Law and tried to have it stopped because of those idiot vigilantes. Thank heavens it was made law even if it was a watered down version of what Sarah’s parents wanted. There was talk of changing the law then, banning the media from naming someone until they were charged. So perhaps we do need a change in the law that protects the man on the street as well as high profile people unless they are charged.
  20. I was thinking the same and if he is innocent will his career be tarnished?
  21. I’ve recorded this programme to watch later on, don’t think I will be watching it before Sunday so I might as well delete it. Can’t understand why they have put the last episode on catch up with a limited time to watch it.
  22. I really don’t know what to say about being called an oddball? Oh well I suppose I’ve been called worse things.
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