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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. As much as Harry loathes the gutter press and media he needs to find a way to work with them if he wants to continue to be self-funded and continue to make his millions.
  2. Well I for one would like to see there approval ratings drop after they did the Oprah interview when Prince Philip was ill in hospital. I wonder now he is dead if they regret the timing of the interview? There is not many people I know who have a good word to say about them in this country, however I’m curious to know if they are still popular in America.
  3. Yes I know they are hoping to get some new trains and there has been photos of the new ones in the local newspapers. They are frightened to turn the engines off the old ones when they are in the depot overnight in case they won’t start the next day. However people living near the depot have complained to Newcastle council that they are kept awake because of the noise from the trains so I would say the new ones are long overdue. Didn’t know about the old depot being demolished tho.
  4. Newcastle and Gateshead Tyne and Wear Metro have stations underground. The stations and underground tunnels run under the town centre of Gateshead, Newcastle and surrounding area. When they extended the Metro to Sunderland they built underground stations and tunnels in the centre of the town. When I think about it the underground stations were opened round about 1980 which was forward thinking at that time. When using the Metro there is no getting stuck in traffic in the city centres or cars breaking down on the train lines, but having said that the Metro trains are old, so from time to time they break down and it is chaos if it happens in the rush hour. As someone has already said on here it would be virtually impossible to build underground in Sheffield because of the hills. I’m no engineer but if they can build roads and pedestrian and cycle lanes as they have done up here underneath the River Tyne I can’t see why they can’t go through the hills in Sheffield. The problem would be the cost and would it get used and pay its way.
  5. They only have pay at the pumps at the Asda Supermarket Metrocentre so I asked at customer services if I’m charged a pound for paying with my credit card for petrol and she said no, the £1 which shows on the pump before you start to fill your car is to check that you have the funds to pay for petrol and as already said on here to validate your card. In all fairness to the OP if they have never used pay at the pump before it can be a bit confusing. Even I had my doubts after reading the posts on here so thought I would check to make sure I’m not being charged a £1.
  6. I’m not faithful to any political party I’ve voted for all of them over the years. I listen to their manifesto before an election then I decide who to vote for. However if I was called gammon face because I voted for the Tories it wouldn’t bother me as long as they carried out what they said they would do. What’s that saying, sticks and stone may break my bones but................
  7. The Queen acted with dignity at Prince Philip’s funeral as did the rest of the Royal Family. The military were brilliant with there show of respect but when it comes to pomp and pageantry the British know how to do it.
  8. Yes your right about Putin and the eulogy. Can’t agree with you about the murdering rapist Bolsheviks tho.
  9. It tells me how remarkable the brain is to be able to store information from years ago and then share your memories with other people.
  10. A lovely story, I enjoyed reading this.
  11. And that is why I don’t think it is a good idea, I also don’t think it will happen.
  12. I don’t think it would go down well with the public spending that amount of money on a new yacht. It does make you think tho when the old yacht was on tour and foreign business men were invited onboard how beneficial this was to our country? I read once that lots of deals were done on the old yacht. Good idea about a hospital or bring out a new banknote with a photo of Prince Phillip on it would be a better idea in my opinion.
  13. If you are with a private dentist most of them seem to be open for business, for routine checkups and just about everything, but the NHS dentists seem to be open for emergencies only.
  14. I’m going to be optimistic and hope that there will be no more hard lockdowns. If the virus starts to spread again I’m hoping the covid vaccine will do it’s job and stops people form becoming seriously ill, therefore protecting the national health. It’s the new variants of the virus I’m worried about and can only hope the scientists can tweak the vaccine to cope with them. Im keeping my fingers crossed that the vaccine also prevents the spread of the virus.
  15. I can’t see the Queen abdicating but I could be wrong. If it is a public funeral it will be a very low key one. Prince Philip is going to be buried in Windsor Castle where he died. So it’s not as though people will line the streets to see his coffin being taken to the castle as he is already there. We might see the funeral service on TV and some dignitaries arriving to attend the funeral. You could be right about the press having a field day if Harry and Megan do go to the funeral.
  16. I also watched the programme Janie about Prince Philip’s Mother, Princess Alice, and how she risked her life to hide Jewish people in her home. It’s considered a big honour for a non Jewish person to be buried in Israel and placed on The Righteous Amongst the Nations list of honours. For this to happen you must have done something courageous to help protect a Jewish person which she did and also Oskar Schindler who helped many Jews was also given this honour and is also buried in Israel. I’m sure it was last year showing Prince William on a state visit to Israel, he wanted to go and see where Prince Phillip’s mother Alice is buried.
  17. I’m also pleased that there are tribute programmes on TV. I knew Prince Phillip was a war hero but I’ve learnt much more about this man today. When I see all the tributes from all over the world, including one from Mr Putin, it makes you realise how popular the Monarchy is world wide.
  18. Sad news. Good job we had men like him during the Second World War. A brave man who served the country with distinction and saved many lives. My thoughts are with The Queen. RIP.
  19. Thanks for posting the information and making it easy to understand.
  20. I’m pleased there has been an amnesty. Well done to the new owners for giving them a second chance. I’d also like to see Penistone 999 and Angelfire1 post again on the forum, who were both banned, and others come back. I didn’t agree with most of Top Cat Hat’s posts but I’d like to see him post again. He was very knowledgeable on some things but he was a child prodigy. I hope they are all okay. It’s surprising what you can learn reading other people’s posts. The forum can be educational as well as funny.
  21. All the best on your move to Scotland tzijlstra and hope you will still continue to post on the forum. I feel sorry for the pubs that don’t have enough outside space and therefore can’t open. The ones that are able to reopen I hope the weather behaves itself until they are able to open fully. All it needs is heavy rain and wind and that could affect trade or even stop them from opening their beer gardens on the 12th. This is the Uk with unpredictable weather. So I will keep my fingers crossed for the weather to be kind to the hospitality trade until hopefully they are able to open fully. Will these pubs also have to provide outdoor mobile toilets or will you be allowed to use the ones inside?
  22. I can remember my aunt making a sage and onion Yorkshire pudding. She didn’t weigh the ingredients it was all guess work. She would put flour in the basin, gradually work in two beaten eggs, then whisk in milk and water, mix until the batter was as thick as single cream, then add one chopped onion and a teaspoon of dried sage. It alway tasted nice.
  23. There was a few Thornton’s cafes in the Newcastle area but I’m sure they are all closed. The one in the Eldon Square shopping centre Newcastle closed about six years ago, then the shop closed not long after. You use to get a free chocolate when you bought a hot drink in the cafe.
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