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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I would have thought it was the GP surgery’s job to contact the district nurse, not you. I would have one more go at asking them to contact the district nurse on your behalf and explain you are being passed from pillar to post and you have no were else to go. If you are getting no were with your GP I would do as DameClara says, phone your MP’s office and ask for help.
  2. We are doing very well in the number of people we are vaccinating in this country and it appears the EU don’t like it. Good news on another new vaccine which is on the way, Novavax, which is being made in Stockton-on-Tees. Another vaccine the EU won’t be able to block.
  3. This has been on the news another reason the UK has moved more swiftly with vaccination than the EU is we opted out of the EU procurement programme when we left, which has allowed us to move more quickly, if not we would be floundering like the rest of the EU. I’ve never hear of the Procurement Programme until now.
  4. Good job we have left the EU, they were a bit slow at signing deals with pharmaceutical companies for Covid vaccines, then they have been a bit hesitant rolling it out for what ever reason, unlike the UK who signed up for theses vaccines as soon as they could and that is credit to Government. I’m wondering if the UK was still a member of the EU, and thank heavens we are not, would we have vaccinated so many people? Germany is way behind us. It’s been reported in a German newspapers that the EU is to bureaucratic and it’s because the UK is now independent is the reason why they have been able to vaccinate over 7 million people so far. We already new the EU was to bureaucratic, didn’t they realise that’s why the UK voted for Brexit.
  5. The NHS is asking people to be vigilant about fake email invitations to have the covid vaccine. The scam email includes a link to register for the vaccine, but no registration for the real vaccine is required. It then asks for bank details either to verify identification or to make a payment. I think most people know the NHS would never ask for bank details and the vaccine is free.
  6. I can’t comment on the price of all meat going up although there doesn’t seem to be an increase on the price of extra lean minced beef. Prices on food started to go up after the first lockdown last year because of the virus. The supermarkets and shops in my opinion are covering their cost for extra security on the doors monitoring the amount of people going in to shop because of covid, sanitizer dispensers for people to use, handing out free masks in some supermarkets and extra cleaning. It’s all got to be paid for. When hairdressers reopened last year I noticed prices had increased because of all the extra measures and equipment that they needed. I don’t think price increases is anything to do with leaving the EU. I’m blaming the increased sanitation measures.
  7. Good news Nissan has got confidence in the UK economy. It’s said it will also move battery production from Japan to Sunderland possibly creating more jobs. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/motoring/nissan-investment-in-uk-post-brexit-a-great-vote-of-confidence-says-pm/
  8. I’m not sure if this is any help or even if I have done the link correctly. A friend in Sheffield sent me a few packets of shortbread biscuits last year from Amazon, and I’m sure one of the packets was under £3 and free posting, also I can recommend how nice they tasted, the other packet was a bit more expensive. She sent this unexpected gift to various friends because she thought we all needed cheering up during the covid lockdown, which I thought was a lovely thing to do. It’s just an idea for your wife if she wanted to do something similar. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Border-Sweet-Memories-Butterscotch-Crunch/dp/B081YWGXVV/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=Scotch+biscuits&qid=1611089947&sr=8-10
  9. I thought the vote was for PR, but I’m clearly wrong.
  10. We had a chance to change the voting system in 2011 when we had a coalition government. The people rejected it.
  11. Fanny Cradock Cooks for Christmas on iplayer. It’s dated, but it was made in 1974. What can I say about her, other than she was no Nigella Lawson in her time. She reminds me of Cruella de Vil. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/group/p05jv04g
  12. I’m sure it was Mort who use to post good and sensible help on the Disability and Carers thread. RIP Mort.
  13. Thank you for the recipe, I’ve made a note of it. There was another recipe I looked at and it also had white wine as one of the ingredients. I wonder what the wine does, I’m sure it must be for flavour.
  14. Yes please, I would like your risotto recipe.
  15. I also enjoyed it once I got used to the flash backs and I agree it is well worth a watch.
  16. Yes it did have a happy ending. I hope things worked out for Chanti and her Dad.
  17. happy new year to you. Well how strange is that, I’ve been looking at scone recipes in an old BeRo cook book that my aunt gave me years ago, I was thinking of making some later on. So I will hold on to your scone recipe. I made a version of your veggie curry, it was lovely, it also freezes very well. I made my ginger biscuit log roll. I used ginger wine to dunk the biscuits in. It was nice and moist and just how I remember it. I’ve been looking at recipes for risotto made with pearl barley on google. Never made it before. I’m beginning to enjoy cooking. Think I have had to many ready meals in the past.
  18. Form today Government has abolished VAT tax on women’s sanitary products. How trivial that the UK was unable to remove all tax on these products because the EU wouldn’t allow it. EU law says these products are non essential. What a joke. I thought this tax had already been abolished after taking on the EU, but obviously I was wrong we still had to abide by EU rules, but not any longer. Along with free movement this was another reason why I voted to leave the EU.
  19. Its a lovely photo but it’s not Fox Hill.
  20. I also didn’t see Allo Allo the first time it was on TV, but I’ve watched the repeats a few times. Also Dads Army. A very good actor the man who played Rene and the old lady who played his mum in law. I will say this only once, Allo Allo was so funny.
  21. Yes there was something on the news about that and I also don’t know if it’s been passed.
  22. You could be right about the news spinning. The Imperial College has already done research to find out if certain people have the antibodies to fight the covid virus because I took part and tested posting for the virus. I’m sure they have enough information about immunity without having to test everyone who has the vaccine. If I have pasted this correctly this is one of The Imperial colleges antibody research tests I did. They also want to monitor me for a number of years.
  23. Yes I thought they were both good, but very sad. What an awful situation for the families to be in, how do they move on with their lives, they haven’t even got anywhere to go and grieve for their loved ones.
  24. Can anybody else remember hearing on the news that you can catch the covid virus twice and it can be worse the second time around, I’m sure it was on the news? I feel it is one more complication having to test for the virus before you can have the vaccine. Also will there be enough test kits?
  25. I haven’t watched the Yorkshire Ripper yet but I was told by someone on here that it’s very good, so it’s on my list to watch.
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