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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I definitely agree with you about Sir Captain Tom, what a remarkable and honest man he is.
  2. Piers Morgan’s Life Stories. He had Captain Tom Moore on his show. One of the best interviews I’ve watched on TV.
  3. Yes I watched the Proms, didn’t sing along though, it was different because of social distancing but I enjoyed the music and the singing by all.
  4. Room. I agree with nikki-red about this film. The acting was very good especially from J Tremblay. I’ve watched a few films lately and I have been disappointed with the endings, but I enjoyed how this film ended. 9/10
  5. I also think ECCOnoob is spot on. To think I had high hopes for these two when they first got married. Also I agree with pintor she has been given a platform to voice her opinion now she is a member of the Royal Family. It wouldn’t surprise me, sometime in the future, as some are predicting she sets her sights on becoming the President of America.
  6. I would change chemist if you can, but once one starts to charge then I think they will all start to do the same eventually.
  7. Have you tried the Sheffield College? http://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/course/search/?main_product=plumbing
  8. Sully I enjoyed this film. It’s a true story about two pilots having to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River after the plane is hit by a flock of geese. The incident has been called the Miracle on the Hudson and I can understand why after watching the film. 10/10
  9. PC Harper’s killers are having their sentence referred to the Courts of Appeal under the unduly lenient sentence scheme. I for one hope they get a longer sentence. I’m not sure about this but does that mean two of the killers can still challenge their convictions or do they have to wait until the Courts of Appeal have looked at it.
  10. The case is being reviewed by The Attorney General. I’m hoping that they will have their sentence increased or at least serve the whole of their sentence.
  11. I agree with you about The Last Kingdom. I loved how Alexander Dreymon plays Uhtred. His accent also fits the part he is playing. I know he is a German actor, but I thought he might make a good James Bond now D Craig is stepping down. Roll on the next season.
  12. The Japanese did surrender after the bombs were used. They could have gone on fighting for longer if it wasn’t for those bombs, and more British and Allied soldiers would have been killed. A lot of British soldiers had been fighting in the Far East for five years and a large majority were worn out with tropical diseases and poor diets. As one old soldier who spoke a little about his experience in Burma said, he didn’t think he could have gone on another six months, he was treated for dysentery and malaria which killed a lot of soldiers, then sent back out to fight, the malaria stayed with him the rest of his life. In five years he came home only once on leave because it was to far to send them home. He was grateful that those bombs were used because he had been told they were going to invade Japan if the Japanese didn’t surrender, and they predicted one in every three soldiers was expected to die if it had gone ahead, but because of the bombs it didn’t. As well as the people who lost their lives because of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki spare some time thinking about those brave men who fought the Japanese in the Far East and the ones who lost their lives. Some of them in the barbaric Japanese prison camps. As Medusa said, it must have been a desperate situation that the world must have been in to use the bombs.
  13. I am out of my depth when it comes to the Criminal Courts and being separate from Parliament . I don’t know everything that was discussed in court either, but I just found it hard to believe that these thugs didn’t know that Andrew Harper was being dragged along the road.
  14. They have received a longer sentence than I expected for manslaughter, I thought the maximum you could receive was 10 years, but I was wrong. I’m pleased the judge said: "Sometimes death may be caused by an act of gross carelessness, sometimes it is very close to a case of murder in its seriousness. That is so, here." He said the defendants' denials they did not know they were dragging anything behind the car were "clearly false" and he rejected the idea they had shown remorse. The Judge was spot on when he summed this case up.
  15. The petition is still going strong, I would like to see a retrial.
  16. Yes I think you are right. I’ve just read something by a home affairs correspondent. He says there are only two possible routes for a retrial and I don’t think this case meets the criteria.
  17. Overturn a miscarriage of justice for Andrew Harper. https://www.change.org/p/government-overturn-a-miscarriage-of-justice?recruiter=26953628&recruited_by_id=9b3ef220-cf21-012f-0107-4040aa777426
  18. Fanny is an old English name. I had a post removed because I used the name, on who will be the next Bond thread. I didn’t realise the name went back as far as Lord Nelson.
  19. Diane use to phone the press to let them know where she was going to be on certain days, then when the paparazzi turned up to get their photos of her she would put on her distraught act.
  20. I had my breakfast yesterday at one of my favourite Wetherspoons pub, The Quayside in Newcastle. It wasn’t very busy when I first arrived but it had only been open for an hour. Wetherspoons have done a good job how they have organised things, plenty of signs and staff if you need help. It did look a bit strange at first with the tables being well spaced and I certainly didn’t mind filling a form in with contact details. I was surprise to see you can still get free coffee refills, but you have to sanitize your hands and use a clean cup each time you use the machine. I for one will be going to support Wetherspoons when possible, the staff get a bonus on the profits each year, however I’m not sure they will this year. Its not just Wetherspoons putting prices up and making changes. Later in the day I was in M&S and their coffee cups are a lot smaller. The small cup has now become the medium size cup and it isn’t very big, I’m surprised at M&S doing this.
  21. It’s looks as though there has been another knife attack in a Glasgow Hotel. Three people have been killed and several injured.
  22. My doorstep is made of wood, could be the design of new build houses over the years as one reason why people stopped cleaning them. Also I agree with Pattricia when she said women had more time because they stayed at home.
  23. A nice bit of good news to wake up to. Captain Tom is awarded a knighthood. A man who has served his country in the Second World War and raised millions for the NHS. I’m pleased for him.
  24. South Pacific It’s a romantic World War Two musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, made in the late 1950s I think. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it, especially the lovely singing. Hollywood at its best. 10/10
  25. Darkest Hour. Really enjoyed this film about the first few weeks of Churchill’s leadership as Prime Minister, but I did wonder how much of it was true and how much was fiction. Gary Oldmam who played Winston Churchill was very good. 9/10
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