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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. It looks as though Boris is working through his holidays, can’t say the same for most of the other MPs. He has also made time to visit Whaley Bridge to take a look at the damaged dam which must be reassuring to the locals. He could be on the campaign trail to, if there is going to be a general election.
  2. Atkinson’s department store, located on the Moor.
  3. The Shawshank Redemption, I’ve watched it twice and half watched it when it was on TV a few months ago. Two very good actors in this film, Morgan Freeman who is a favourite of mine and Tim Robbins.
  4. South Pacific was another good film, it was my late mother’s favourite film. Fiddler on the Roof was good. The ending was sad when all of the Jews were given notice to leave their village.
  5. I went to see West Side Story on stage at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle a few years ago. I expected to come out of the theatre thinking the singing would be no were near as good as the film, but I was wrong. The singing and choreography was just as good as the film, it didn’t disappoint one bit. There is some lovely songs from these old musicals. I like Rodgers and Hammerstein, they have wrote some lovely musicals. I’ve listened to some of their songs on YouTube a few times.
  6. Just looked at the jar and it’s says extra virgin.
  7. I’m going to say 11. just googled it and I think it is 12.
  8. Thank you for that. I’m a member of Gateshead and Newcastle Library apart from borrowing books I have been to some very good talks on various subjects. I’m just off to change my books at the Gateshead Central Library and meet a friend in their coffee shop, it’s got a nice atmosphere. I’ve always found the staff friendly and helpful.
  9. Is there any rat poison you can buy? Although I’m not sure how effective this method is and I would imagine you have to be very careful using this sort of thing. Hope you get rid of the pesky thing.
  10. I’m almost sure Wetherspoons don’t charge for soda water, however if you ask them for soda and lime it’s 40p for a small glass they just charge for the lime, don’t think that will break the bank. Nearly all the Wetherspoons pubs I have been in also have containers with tap water and glasses on the bar counter, which is also free.
  11. It was on the news today that a seagull took a miniature chihuahua from the owners back garden in Dover, poor dog. Someone else said a large seagull tried to fly off with her Jack Russell Terrier who weighed twice as much as the seagull. I would like to think the seagull had met its match when it tried to fly off with the Terrier if they can be that vicious.
  12. My Dad said something similar and if my memory serves me right he thought these tiny small pieces looked like coal.
  13. My cousin said yesterday the moon landing was a hoax set up by Nasa. She wanted to know why there hasn’t been more moon landings, one of the reasons why she thinks it’s a conspiracy. The only answer I could give her was it’s to expensive and they have all the information they need about the moon, also they are more interested in landing men on Mars. Which country will be the first to land men on Mars? I think it could be China.
  14. If we have still got the Iranian tanker we seized, government could offer to give it back in exchange for ours, although I feel that won’t happen. The uk government must have known that Iran would retaliate. It makes me wonder if this is what our Government wanted Iran to do. We need better policing in this shipping lane to allow tankers to go about there business.
  15. If Boris Johnson is the next PM, he said he will suspend parliament if he has to for a no deal Brexit. It should be interesting to see if he has the power to do that.
  16. Its nice that Morrisons decided to choose a loyal customer instead of a celebrity to cut the ribbon. I hope Nana enjoyed her day and she was treated like a queen.
  17. That was an insightful bit of history on the early days of the National Health. Thank heavens for the National Health and antibiotics. I’ve had my fair share of them but they cured my problems. It was a lot of money £300 in those days for drugs. I bet not many people gave much thought about the cost of the drugs, they would have just been grateful they didn’t have to pay for them. I can remember my granny telling me that the doctor didn’t always charge her if she had to call him out for my mum. We don’t know how lucky we are today.
  18. That is about the only thing I do know about the American Constitution so I did find the rest of your post very interesting.
  19. I thought a President could stand for election twice, each term being 4 years.
  20. Well done to the surgeons who separated Safa and Marwa who were born joined at the skull. If ever those surgeons needed their skills, to work as a team, to work under pressure and not to show emotion surely it was tested during the operation. I hope the twins go on to have a happy normal life.
  21. I’m sure he was married to Mary Jackson who I use to know, she was a keen bowler to. I don’t know if she is still alive. She did voluntarily work for the Abbeyfield Care Home. RIP
  22. I can’t remember Macmillan but people who were still alive when he made that speech who had lived through the Great Depression in the 1930s, WW1 and WW2. Also food rationing which didn’t end until early 1950s, must have thought he was right when he said, you have never had it so good. In 1957 rationing had ended, unemployment was down and wages were up. The National Health Service after the Beveridge Reoport was in full swing. You no longer had to pay to see a doctor and Elvis Presley was on the radio. Those people must have been counting their blessings.
  23. I buy coconut oil from Aldi’s to spread on my toast.
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