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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I use to buy the odd book from charity shops. Last year I was walking through the Library and they had a sale on, selling books they no longer needed. I bought a book for 50p and finally got round to reading it just after Christmas. It was very good so I went back to the library looking for more books by the same author to borrow. It takes me about 2 to 3 weeks to read a book, but I now go to the Library about every six weeks. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t know how to use the self service machines at first because I’ve never used the Library for years and had to be shown by the librarian. Reading books wasn’t a new New Year’s resolution, I just happened to enjoy reading a book I bought from the Library sale at the beginning of the year.
  2. The last episode of season 2 didn’t disappoint. Now I have got to wait until next year for season 3 to start, that is disappointing.
  3. You have ruffled a few feathers on this thread. We have even got them bragging about their bans, who has had the most and the length of time. I do agree with you about PC, it does my nut in at times.
  4. I think you do your fair share of trolling if someone doesn’t agree with you on Brexit and other topics.
  5. Thanks for the information, I was curious what happens to these bags at landfill over a period of time if they don’t compose. I had visions of them exploding.
  6. When the nights start to get darker I see more dog poo and plastic bags full of dog poo on the ground. How environmental friendly are these plastic dog waste bags. If they are plastic how do they decompose when they go to landfill? How many million are sent to landfill each year.
  7. Timothy Spall did a good posh accent in Summer of Rockets.
  8. I have also enjoyed it, and I’m pleased there is going to be a season 2.
  9. Yes I have to agree it made me think about travelling in those days and also what were the roads like? I’m sure I will be another tourist visiting Shibden Hall and the park at some stage. It’s got to be good for the area, hopefully all these tourists spending their money.
  10. I’m thoroughly enjoying Gentleman Jack. Thank heavens for Anne Lister’s diaries, which nearly got destroyed. What a woman of her time she was, living in a mans world. From the age of 7 she wrote in her diary every day, the intimate parts of her life she wrote in code. I’ve never been or heard of Shibden Hall until the programme started, it’s a place I would like to visit. I love the closing theme song at the end of each episode. it’s a catchy little number.
  11. I remember a family with the name of Grubb, I’m sure they lived on Cowper Crescent. One of the girls was called Gloria. David wasn’t very old when he died. Hope someone can help you.
  12. I have two more episodes to watch, so far I’m enjoying it. Hope the ending doesn’t disappoint. I’m watching Gentleman Jack at the moment, didn’t think I would like it when it first started, but it’s really good.
  13. We all know politicians tell lies. Bush and Blair did lie about WMSs in Iraq. I don’t think Trumps lies are quite as bad as that, causing the death of thousands of people.
  14. I might be wrong but I would say after the Twin Towers were destroyed, known as 9/11. President Bush and his friend Blair invaded Iraq which destabilised the Middles East. Thousands of people lost their lives because of the actions of these two men. A far worse President than Trump in my opinion.
  15. The ones who are responsible for the child’s death are the parents. What do people expect Trump to do? Build a bridge so they can cross it.
  16. What about Jacob’s sister as the new President, Annunziata Rees Mogg.
  17. She was frogmarched out by the scruff of her neck and deservedly so. She wasn’t injured. She has also got the publicity she wants for her cause. They needed more security and policing in the building, the country seems to be lacking in this department.
  18. I was convinced it was going to be the old Mrs P.
  19. How many more millions of immigrants do we take in before we say the country is full up, any one want to put a figure on it? Surely there has got to be a cut off point at some stage, probably when the population reaches a hundred million, if its not that already, Government might say that’s it we are full up now. I don’t blame Trump for putting his country first. There doesn’t seem to be the mass hysteria anymore to when he was first elected which was pathetic. Those people who demonstrated against him in America in his early months of being President probably realise that he is one of the best Presidents America has had in a long time. Putting his own country first.
  20. I haven’t had a glimpse of Mr P for some time now unless I’m looking at the wrong time. The new Mrs P is there most days. I can’t make my mind up if she is a young bird who hasn’t laid eggs before. If Mr P has gone I can’t blame him. I dread to think what the nest box will be like if they did breed next year. I’m sure Mr P will be one henpecked bird, removing the dead pigeons after the female has eaten, he’d probably be doing most of the incubating while Mrs P sits on the perch grooming her feathers. If he has flown the nest he’s had a lucky escape. The nest box needs a good spring clean.
  21. The only scientific proof I can offer is because Newcastle is near the coast the air is fresher and possibly higher levels of oxygen.
  22. I can only speak for myself, since moving from Sheffield to Newcastle my asthma has never been better and I live near the Tyne Bridge, one of the bridges the council want to introduce this unfair clean air toll.
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