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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. It’s the ones who are just over pension credit which is not a great deal of money this day and age who I feel sorry for.
  2. No it won’t clear your password. I use clear my history nearly every day and always straight away when I have used my iPad for my internet banking.
  3. Enjoyed the first episode, the acting was good and I had no idea what Villanelle was going to do next.
  4. Banner Jones they were very good when I used them.
  5. I remember the late Stephen Hawkins saying we must find a new planet in the next 200 years as earth is doomed. Wish they would make their minds up how long we have got. If that’s the case they need to start advertising for more astronauts to search the universe.
  6. Corbyn has requested a meeting with Mr Trump but he refused to meet him and called him a negative force, what did Corbyn expect? He refused the invite to go to the queen’s banquet, he then attends a protest march against the President of America. Quite frankly I would have called him a bit more than a negative force had I been Mr Trump.
  7. My favourite was Libby and Charlie, they were a breath of fresh air and lit up the stage when they danced. I agree with Pattricia there was to many magicians. As much as I liked the policeman and Finn his dog, I didn’t want to see them win, but I’m pleased about Finns Law and it was a bit of publicity for it.
  8. What sort of welcome would leaders of countries such as Saudi Arabia who execute people in barbaric ways and still stone woman to death for adultery receive if they came on a state visit. Would the Mayor of London protest against their visit? It’s a welcome from me Mr Trump.
  9. I read somewhere these tests are a waste of money. I wonder if a pharmacist who works for Boots the Chemist, might be able to give advice on what these tests can disclose and if they are a waste of money. I know they do DNA tests so they might have some knowledge on ancestry DNA. it’s just a thought.
  10. I also enjoyed reading this. You must be proud of your parents. There has been a few lovely stories on the history section and yours is one of them. You might enjoy reading, Letter from Australia, if you haven’t already done so. The poster is Downsunder, it’s not about being taken into care, it’s when he and his wife emigrated to Australia and his early years living in the country. You need to search for it on the history thread.
  11. If you park your car in the Morrison’s car park at Hillsborough you could go either to Morrisons cafe or just across the road, Langsett Rd, there is a Wetherspoons pub who do breakfasts. Hot drinks at Wetherspoons are unlimited and cheap. Nice garden outside to sit and read a newspaper. I second Ikea, although I have only been to the one in Gateshead but the food menu is the same.
  12. It would be interesting to know how this bird died, or if it is the old Mrs P. Someone who is knowledgeable on these birds might be able to give us answers.
  13. He did condemn white nationalists after the Charlottesville attack, he doesn’t always get his words correct admittedly, his opponents are quick to pick up on this. His son in law is Jewish so why would he support white nationalist when these extremists also detest Jews? If he is the bad President as you say he is, then let the American people judge him at the next election. As we are about to judge our Government today for their handling of Brexit. This thread is about Brexit not Trump so enough said about him on this thread.
  14. I’m probably wrong, but I was wondering if he knows the eggs are not going to hatch and it is his way of grieving. Having said that I don’t know anything about birds.
  15. Mr P is sat on the eggs at the moment. I wonder how long it will be before the eggs are removed for examination. I don’t think he is ready give up on his eggs just yet. Oh bless him.
  16. A milkshake was thrown at Nigel Farage here in Newcastle while he was out campaigning today for the Brexit Party. There will be a few on here who will be laughing and a few posts congratulating the person who threw it. These idiots need to be dealt with and punished in the courts. Campaigning in the streets will be thing of the past soon for politicians. There is a few politicians I dislike but I would not like to see a milkshake thrown at them.
  17. I recorded the programme as I couldn’t sit and watch all of it. We didn’t deserve to win and as for Madonna it’s time she grew old gracefully. She must be desperate or she got paid a lot of money to perform on the show.
  18. I haven’t watched the programme yet so I can’t say what I think of our entry. Some say it’s political because we are always at or near the bottom of the competition, I’m not sure what to think about that, but if it is all the more reason to enter. We might send an exceptionally outstanding good singer one year and the judges might forget their political views. We have won the competition a few times and come second on a number of occasions so have we just become complacent and took it for granted that we should automatically come in the top five even if our entry is rubbish.
  19. look on the bright side not to long to wait for Strictly Come Dancing to start on Saturday nights. I also thought last nights BGT wasn’t very good.
  20. Thank you for the information, and yes I was under the impression that the state could take your body’s parts if you had not opted out when the new law starts.
  21. It’s already been discussed on here, time is limited if body’s parts can be used for transplant. If someone suddenly collapses and dies in the street or a car accident and relatives can’t be contacted straight away. Who decides to use their body parts for transplant when the new law comes into operation, doctors or some one in the coroners office to give the go ahead?
  22. Well I suppose he could always say it’s for religious reasons why his face is covered.
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