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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. At the moment you have to opt in to donate an organ, but the law is changing next year, it’s going to be the other way round. You will automatically become a donor unless you have recorded a decision not to donate your organs. So if the OP wanted to leave his organs to a family member because of a shortage this is expected to change when new law comes into operation.
  2. There has been something on the news that MPs are going to launch an inquiry after the deaths of reality TV guests on the Kyle show. Does that mean Kyle can be prosecuted if the inquiry goes against him? NO
  3. Get rid of the Kyle show and a few others, but please leave Stricktly Come Dancing alone, I love that programme. Dancing on Ice is beginning to grow on me can’t say the same for the others.
  4. I don’t know the full story of this man who failed the lie detector test and also I don’t know much about these lie detector machines, so I’m wonder how accurate these machines are? If they are that good why are they not used in court or police interviews.
  5. The odd time I looked at it there was someone being dragged off shouting and screaming or lie detector results were being read out. Do these people who go on the show get paid to wash their dirty linen in public?
  6. It looks as though we are wrong as clogginchris says the ring is different on the intruder,
  7. Thank you. It would be nice to know where last years young falcons are, or how many or still alive today.
  8. Could the intruder be one of Mr and Mrs Ps chicks from last year? I’m no expert on these birds and I know the intruder is bigger than both of them, but it is just a thought.
  9. Didn’t see it all but there looked as though there was a stand off going on just now in the nest, think it was Mr P, I can only tell the difference when both Mr P and Mrs P are together as she is bigger than him. Mr P was stood over the eggs and I think the intruder had brought her breakfast in the nest, what a noise both birds made, heads bent and tails in the air, making as much noise as they could, I thought there was going to be a fight. Mr P stood his ground for a while standing over the eggs before flying off, he gave me the impressions he’s still trying to protect them. Wow what next? It looks a good summary link.
  10. I haven’t seen Mr P since yesterday. At the moment the intruder is sitting on the nest looking around. I think it’s saying, I’m the queen of the castle now. Sad I was looking forward to a second year of watching these birds and their chicks.
  11. I use to go in The Francis Newton regularly when it first opened. I have to agree with Groose it is one of the nicer Wetherspoons In Sheffield. I loved the old building. I still go to The Rawson Springs when I’m in Sheffield, it’s got a nice beer garden, but I would say don’t go there when there is football match on. You have got to admire Tim Martin for restoring a lot of these old buildings and the photos he puts on the walls showing the history of the place.
  12. There needs to be a cut off date for prosecution. Soldiers shouldn’t be prosecuted for historical crimes.
  13. It’s a newly formed party, doing very well according to some polls, although they are not always right. Can’t wait to see how it does in the EU elections.
  14. I’m not surprised that the chic has died. I can’t tell who is male, who is female or what sex the intruder is, but I suspect the intruder is female. I can’t see the dead chick in the box at the moment so who has removed it, Mr P or the intruder? Can only hope should another egg hatch he is not frightened off by the intruder again. Although I’m not sure if he can cope on his own.
  15. I could be wrong but I’m sure Mr P is eating one of the eggs.
  16. I saw the intruder with a dead bird in its mouth earlier on today, and I thought it looked bigger than a pigeon. Hope I’m wrong.
  17. This is only my second year at watching these birds, so again I’m no expert. It seems strange to reject the egg after all of this time. I was wondering if she couldn’t manage to sit on the 4 eggs? I think she has brought the rejected egg back and is sitting on it. Think you are right she’s having a peregrine moment. I think it’s going to be a miracle if these eggs hatch. Mrs P has just been chased out of the nest by the intruder who looks bigger than her.
  18. She is back in the nest, she’s doing a lot of crying out and she looks stressed out to me, but I’m no expert. She is only sat on 3 eggs, one of them is exposed.
  19. There is no one sat on the eggs at the moment. Yesterday when I looked there was just the eggs in the nest.
  20. I would have thought UKIP would have done better in the local elections if that was the case.
  21. Well said, completely agree with you.
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