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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. There wasn’t any Brexit parties on my voting paper either, just the cons, lab and libs. So I didn’t bother to vote. What do you expect when most of our MPs act as though they are 5 years old.
  2. I’m a cheese lover, but I always thought that if there was a small amount of mold on the cheese it wasn’t safe to eat. Once I open a packed of cheese after 3 days I find the cheese starts to lose its flavour, could be how I store it. I use greaseproof paper to wrap the cheese then I put it in a container, before putting it in the fridge. I was told never to use cling film. Any tips on how to store cheese.
  3. The Sheffield female is sat on her eggs at the moment.
  4. I agree with what francypants says in post 2. A few years ago I was told by a policeman, that it’s not uncommon for a woman to say she has been rapped to get revenge on her boyfriend because he finished the relationship.
  5. The Town Moor is on the out skirts of Newcastle City Centre. It’s equivalent to walking from M&S in Sheffield Centre to Atkinson’s and that would be the start of the Town Moor.
  6. There is one ancient law that is still in practice that goes back to the Norman Conquest here in Newcastle Upon Tyne today. The Town Moor, a large piece of green land in the city centre were farmers bring their cattle to graze in the summer months. It fascinated me when I moved here a few years ago. A rare sight in a city centre but nice to see. It is interesting to know about the City of York law. The Mayor of York should send an invite to Nicola Sturgeon, pesky woman and her independence for Scotland, she might not know about the law to slay Scotsmen on sight still exists, or could that make a difference because she’s a woman? It would be nice to start a thread on ancient laws and if they still exist today. Will have to see if I can get a copy of The Domesday Book from the library and brush up on it, but I think the book could be hard going for me. Better get back on topic, unlike Saudi Arabia we have moved on from medieval punishments that use to be part of our laws, but they haven’t.
  7. It’s awful how they execute people In Saudi Arabia. Is it something to do with their religion why they use these barbaric methods of execution and other methods of punishment such as sentencing someone to be whipped? You’re right when you say money takes precedence. I’m sure we will hear our government voice it’s opinion again in the future when the next poor victim hits the headlines after they have been executed, and that will be about all Government will do until as Top Cats Hat says we no longer need them. Surely the methods of execution in Saudi centuries earlier can’t be any worse than they are today. Having said that there was something on TV last year saying that up until 1870 in this country anyone found guilty of treason could still be hung drawn and quartered. Thought that was abolished well before then.
  8. MotherFatherSon was good. Some good acting from Richard Gere, Billy Howle and Helen McCrory. Hope it comes back for a second season.
  9. yes I agree with you, if the light is shining on the neighbours window.
  10. But what if Pattricia isn’t telling porkies and the light isn’t even shining on his property.
  11. I can’t see what the problem is if the light isn’t shining on your neighbours house, I thought it was shining on his window at first. It’s a good job he hasn’t got a street light that shines through his bedroom window as I have. It’s in front of my garden, if you can call it a garden, three steps from the front door and you are on the pavement. It was annoying at first but I’m used to it now. I park my car at the top of the drive near the street light for security reasons. I wonder what would happen if I went to the council and asked them to move the street light because of light pollution? not that I would. I’m happy with it being there now. One poster on here said he would like to see it played out in court just to see you lose. If it went to court which I don’t think for one minute it will, your neighbour is going to look silly if asked if your light illuminates through his window and he says no, then asked if it shines on his door and garden and he says no again, I think the judge will chase him because it isn’t affecting his property at all. If you are a woman living on your own and you feel secure with the light on all night then leave it on.
  12. That’s awful, I thought they had to be a nurse, occupational therapists or doctor.
  13. I already have signed up. And you’re definitely right things are looking good for Nigel. Hope you are right about the Labour Party being destroyed in the Heartlands of the North.
  14. I would like to know what medical qualifications the person has who said he was fit for work. They should be held accountable and sacked from the job.
  15. I have just read that M&S sold out of mojito cans days after D Abbott was photographed drinking one on the tube. The company isn’t doing very well in its clothing department, so get Diane modelling clothes for the over 50s and it might just boost the sales. It could be a nice little sideline for her working as a model for M&S.
  16. I think I have said this before, Parliament is a pantomime full of good actors. You need to get a ticket off your MP and then you can sit in the balconies and watch them perform. The comedian I would pick is David Walliams, full of personality and got a big mouth, everything an MP needs and May could be his sidekick. The new Ukraine President might just surprise everyone, time will tell.
  17. Good information, I was going to say the same. If Pattricia lives alone she should tell her neighbour her concerns about the burglaries. Also if the problem can be sorted ask the neighbour to keep an eye on her house, and try and start a neighbourhood watch.
  18. I was reading about President Kennedy and his brother Ted Kennedy who was a senator. What a pair they have both been when it comes to women, no need to call Trump for being a womaniser. President J F Kennedy was suppose to be the most prolific womaniser to enter The White House. It’s well known that President Kennedy was having an affair with Marilyn Monroe, some say she was murdered because she couldn’t keep quiet about the affair. Senator Ted Kennedy who was tipped to be President until he drove his car into a pond and left his lady passenger trapped in the submerged car. He managed to save himself, left the woman in the car and didn’t report it until the next day. She could have been alive for some time in the car. For the short time theses men are Presiedent, Head of Security, Commander in Chief, power to press the red button and what other titles go with the job I would have thought they would give the job there full attention and not put themselves under stress trying to hide their affairs from the media, leave woman alone, other than their wives, until they have finished their time as President. While he is President I don’t think Trump would be as stupid as President Kennedy to have an affair with a loose cannon like Monroe was, or to have an affair in The Oval Office as Clinton did. Once they are out of the White House and they want to carry on with their floozys, well that’s up to them.
  19. I don’t blame you for being angry, as Cyclone said it should have been phased in over a longer period of time. I didn’t know that there was a judicial review, I hope it goes your way.
  20. I’m not a big meat eater but I would much prefer to eat a piece of ham knowing that the animal has been slaughtered in the UK instead of another EU country.
  21. Could have been doing market research to see if it was worth opening a polish food shop. They are popping up all over the place.
  22. I was with about 10 people who will soon be first time voters and at least 8 of them say they will use their vote at the next election, although some were unsure which party to vote for. So TCH could be right about young people being more into politics. So us oldies, me and you, might get a surprise at the next election with younger voters.
  23. You can get a do it yourself will pack and if filled in correctly it is a legally valid document. I got the information from the Sheffield Probate Registry Office in the Law Courts. You could always give them a call to see if the information is correct.
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