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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Are you sure Clinton didn’t try to pay Lewinsky off? He probably didn’t have the millions she wanted. Lewinsky new she was capable of making serious money by going public with the affair. Did you see the crowds when she did a book signing at Meadowhall? Never seen crowds like it before for a book promotion. She knew she could make more money by telling all and make a name for herself than what Clinton could pay her. She’s probably still earning money today from the affair. I didn’t say I hate him, I called him shameful. The President of America saying to the world on TV he did not have sex in the Oval Office with Lewinsky. Then admitting he was having quickies in the Oval Office with a girl young enough to be his daughter. Stupid man. He’s lucky he survived his impeachment trial.
  2. I agree with you. With all the bad publicity over the years I’ve tried to use eggs well before their best before date, but after reading your link I could be over cautious. You can also freeze eggs. I had ago at freezing them a few months ago after reading the NHS advice on how to store leftover food. After defrosting the ready beaten eggs I used them to make an omelet and pancakes, couldn’t tell the difference, but you might already know that you can freeze them. Some information below. NHShttps://www.nhs.uk › Live Well › Eat well Storing eggs Eggs are best stored in the fridge as they are kept at a constant temperature. Eggs can also be frozen. Two ways to freeze eggs: crack the egg and separate yolks and whites into separate plastic containers or food bags before freezing. This is handy for baking. crack the egg into a plastic tub and beat it before freezing – great for omelettes and scrambled eggs. You can safely store a boiled egg in the fridge for a couple of days. Boiled eggs can also be frozen.
  3. Finally got round to trying FIRETHORN1 sweet and sour base recipe and I can definitely recommend it. I did add a tiny squeeze of chilli paste. It tastes nicer than jars.
  4. Two brilliant actors, but I have to agree with you.
  5. There was a few on the Sheffield Forum who said Trump would be impeached within months of his Presidency when he was first elected, they got that wrong. I also think he is a sure winner for the next presidential election. There will probably be more untruths about him when the campaigning starts, but he’ll just rise above it and come out on top. I much prefer Trump to Obama, Bush junior and the shameless Bill Clinton who lied about his affair with Lewinsky.
  6. Good idea if it was extended, the last extension to Sunderland is well used. in the meantime the Metro needs money spending on it. Two underground stations have been updated, first time since the Metro came into operation in 1980. Two more underground stations needs to be done. The Trains are old and the seats or dirty were people put their feet on them. That is one good thing about the Trams in Sheffield, I have been on the Tram when the conductor has asked people to take feet off the seat, there is no conductor on the Metro. A few years ago Government said on the local news that they are gong to give money to replace the old Metro Trains, however I have been told it could take years. I think your right, no sign of the new Metro Trains promised by Government. I didn’t know that, good idea.
  7. The information was leaked out at first. The council now say they want to introduce these charges. One neighbour works shifts, he has to leave the house at 5.30 am, there is no buses at that time. It can be after midnight when he gets home, depending on his shift, again no buses. The other neighbour has to travel 30 miles to get to work and it’s after 7 pm when I see him parking his car.
  8. Didn’t catch all of the interview, but had to agree with Widdicombe when she said we have got the worst PM since Eden, worst opposition in the entire history of the Labour Party and the worst Parliament since Cromwell.
  9. It’s looking very likely that Newcastle council are trying to introduce a stealth tax to cross the 3 main bridges. The reason for this tax is to improve air quality and climate change. The worst bridge being polluted is the Tyne Bridge, so they say. They are looking at charging £3.40 to drive over the bridges. I feel sorry for two of my neighbours who have to use these bridges to go to work. Both of them being hard working family men, who live within their means, they can do without this tax. Buses are not an option for them. Are these councillors aware that not everyone can afford this air pollution tax that can cause harm to families financially.
  10. The TV Licence should be abolished. The BBC should be looking at other ways of funding this day and age.
  11. Good for you, as I said a few people I have spoken to are going to do the same? I’ll get my satisfaction from knowing I haven’t wasted my shoe leather going to the voting station if there isn’t a candidate worth voting for, but I will just have to wait and see first, there may be someone worth voting for, in fact I’d be very surprised if there isn’t.
  12. I know a few people who say they will do exactly the same as you and spoil their paper if it’s just the above parties you have mentioned.
  13. Was anything learnt from the Chernobyl accident in Russia when the locals were exposed to radiation and what treatment they received in case there was a nuclear war? I know it’s a bit off topic but I’m just curious if there was any data kept. If only the south of England was attacked by missiles, I don’t think it would make much difference to the north if radio active dust slowly spread north, it might allow us northerners time to say our goodbyes to our loved ones before nuclear dust reached us. I would say the the lucky ones would be the people who took a direct hit from the missiles. Makes you go all cold when you think that it could happen.
  14. Why don’t you forget about Brexit for now and enjoy what’s left of Saturday night. I am.
  15. If there is a registered Brexit Party at the next election that has the same general views as me I’ll vote for it.
  16. I think it is Mrs P sitting on the egg at the moment.
  17. I have only voted for the Labour Party once, when Blair first stood for election, that turned out to be a big mistake. My old MP and yours at the moment, Smith was always pleasant when I saw her walking in Grenoside Woods, but I’ve never voted for her. I won’t be voting for the conservatives, Labour, Lib Dem’s or the New Independent Party, so I will just have to see what other party get their act together at the next general election. I’m looking at The Brexit Party at the moment.
  18. Teresa May wants to bring her deal back to the Commons for a fourth attempt at winning MPs backing. Its looks as though she will just try to keep going until she gets one passed.
  19. You are wasting your time if you are expecting a reply and you know the reason why.
  20. You are wasting your time if you are expecting a reply, and you know the reason why.
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