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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I wouldn’t be surprised if May was working hand in hand with Angela Merkel to stop Brexit. I’d like to see Jacob Rees Mogg as Brexit negotiator or PM. The world must be laughing at our so called politicians.
  2. I also followed them for the first time last year and I have to agree with you about it becoming addictive. I didn’t always enjoy watching meal times.
  3. There was also the swinging sixties, a youth driven culture, drug taking hippies, flower power and all of that sort of thing. How many stabbings in London in the 60s, 70s, and 80s was there compared to toady? It’s out of control now in London.
  4. I was told that my late fathers medical records were sent to a holding centre just after he died and they were destroyed after 10 years. That was in 1999. Things have become more computerised since then so I’m not sure if it is still the same.
  5. We could see if the Chinses want to buy our meat. A few years ago various food items increased in price and I read that this was due to a rapidly growing middle class emerging in China, there was a demand for British red meat and other goods. This was as I said a few years ago and things may have changed since them.
  6. I agree with you about having a M&S At Hillsborough. I’m sure Pattricia who posts on here tried to get a petition for M&S to open a shop in the Hillsborough area but it seems to be their policy to close shops at the moment so I can’t see that happening just yet but you never know. I live in Newcastle but when I visit Sheffield I stay in Hillsborough and I could live there. I think it seems to be a mixed age group area now to when I lived near the area. I wonder if that is why Morrison’s in Hillsborough now sell adult clothes they realise there is a market for it in the area. They don’t sell clothes here in the Newcastle area, only children’s. The Morrisons at Hillsborough is probably the larges of all their stores I’ve been in so it could be one reason why they sell adult clothes.
  7. There’s nothing wrong with Sheffield City Centre, I was there a few days before Christmas and there was I lively atmosphere in the centre of Sheffield. Much prefer it to where I live now Newcastle. The only thing thats good about living up here is the lovely Northumberland Coast. I didn’t appreciate Sheffield when I lived there but I do now on my many visits. I noticed before my last visit there was new buildings near the Town Hall, one was Pitcher & Piano, which we have here. There has been a lot of change in the 4 years since I moved from Sheffield, mostly for the better. There is more work to be done where the old marker use to be but I’m sure the council will eventually do something with that area.
  8. I started to watch Mrs Browns Boys a few years ago and I find it funny. Ended up watching all of the old ones. There probably is a lot of people who loathe it, but millions tune in to watch Mammy at Christmas me included.
  9. The police are treating the stabbings in Manchester as a terrorist attack at the moment. When the police finish their investigation and they are convinced it was a terrorist attack then I would call him a terrorist and a nutter, but when did the nutter convert to become a terrorist?
  10. Tesco’s own baked beans brand are nice. Tried them last year after watching a programme helping people to save money on their food bills. They did a supermarket own brand beans test and Tesco came first, so I thought I would give them a try and I was pleasantly surprised. I now by them all the time.
  11. I’m pleased the Thai divers who rescued the boys trapped in the cave are being recognised in the honours list.
  12. I’m sure most celebrities support and help charities and that should be one of the reasons they receive an honour, for the amount of work they put into their chosen charities. They shouldn’t receive a knighthood for just doing their day job.
  13. Merry Christmas to everyone, and hope the new year that is just round the corner brings peace to all.
  14. I liked Prime Suspect. Helen Mirren played the part of Chief Inspector Jane Tennison.
  15. I thought Faye was a lovely dancer and I wanted her to win.
  16. I think they could have made more parking spaces where the fountain is. The odd time I used the short wait pick up zone it was always full, but I suppose any one coming to Sheffield for the first time by train the fountain does look impressive. pleased the steel didn’t come from China.
  17. I’m going to say Lauren will be voted out tonight. I do like to see Faye Tozer dance.
  18. What happens if May can’t get her deal through Parliament? Does she step down and someone else in her party take over or will there be a General Election?
  19. I do know someone who did come back to England after living 4 years in Sydney because of the weather and the insect bites, this was in the 90s. Another great story and enjoyed reading every word. I will keep looking out for more. Here’s hoping we might get a Christmas special. Would be nice to know what your first Christmas was like in Australia.
  20. Last night I watched the programme Prince, Son and Heir, Charles at 70. It showed you an old film made in 1970 of Prince Charles talking about plastic containers, the damage they will do to the planet and sea, at some stage he goes on to say we will have to deal with the mountains of this indestructible waste. At the time people called him eccentric when he made these speeches. How wrong these people were. Now we know he was a forward thinking man. I agree with what janie48 says, he is a genuinely caring person and dedicated to his charities who will make a very good King.
  21. Didn’t think Diana was as shy and innocent as she was made out to be. She had a few boy friends after her divorce but she was single then. There was a story in the paper and a programme on TV saying after she was dumped by Oliver Hoare a married man she had an affair with, she made numerous malicious calls to him and his wife often from her car outside his house. I’m sure Hoares wife contacted the police in the end to stop her. She should have known how it feels when your husband is cheating on you but she did the same to another woman. Charles and Diana were both victims. Charles was pushed into the marriage because of her purity. One thing he has done is to make sure his sons were allowed to marry for love and not convenience like he had to. When Charles becomes King, Camilla will become queen consort and so she should.
  22. I have always liked Prince Charles, he’s got a good sense of humour. A few years ago there was a programme about The Princes Trust, didn’t realise what a lot of good work that it did. Going into prisons and trying to help people turn their lifes around. I haven’t seen the programme hoping to watch it tonight.
  23. If he has a medal for each country who is in the Commonwealth, not that I know he has, he will be carrying a lot of extra weight and medals. I don’t know about the Royals acting out a Pantomime, I would say Parliament is one big Pantomime and you can get seats in the balconies to watch the politicians play their Part.
  24. It’s a few years since I’ve been to the Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph at Barkers Pool. The last one I went to there was a very good turn out and it was well organised by the council, but at the time bodies of our brave soldiers were being returned home from Afghanistan and conveyed through the town of Wootton Bassett on a regular basis. So I suspect that was why the service and military presence was bigger than I remembered when I use to go occasionally with my late father. Sheffield Council will do a good job with the service on Remembrance Sunday. I will be going to the one in Newcastle were I live. The Cenotaph in Sheffield is better than the one in Newcastle They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” ---------- Post added 07-11-2018 at 20:11 ---------- They have got giant poppies in most of the small villages In Northumberland they do look nice.
  25. London has changed since Lawrence was murdered. It’s become a blood bath city. It use to be know for its Theatres and Museums now it’s stabbings and murders on a daily basis and terrorist attacks. I do believe they will be a target for vigilantes, the police have already got their work cut out without having to protect them.
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