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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. Piers Morgan wants to know who they are so he can name and shame them on TV. What happens if they need protection once the public know who they are. Will that mean extra work for the police? I think the police have got enough on at the moment with all of the stabbings and Murders in London.
  2. The EU Brexit negotiators seem to be getting a lot of pressure from continental businesses and I have read today The Federation of German Industries are putting pressure on the high priestess of the EU who is on her way out, A Merkel, to show more flexibility. I get the impression they are starting to panic. It won’t be a bed of roses for them either if we can’t get a deal.
  3. There is a car park next to the station at Meadowhall, it’s free if you are using the trains. The odd time when it was full I used the Meadowhall car park, don’t think you are suppose to do that if you are not shopping there, but I never had any problems.
  4. I think you have just come up with another name. A KEY EVENT. you could say it was a key event that unlocked change, I think.
  5. I think change was on the way in America, but Rosa a brave lady, highlighted the injustice and helped to bring the inevitable forward. As for technology changes and inventors, bit out of my depth We have two names now Key Agent Fallacy and Tipping Point. ECCOnoob would be good on this Thread
  6. I think Cyclone could be right. The tipping point that changed history. Using the Beatles as an example reminds me of something John Lennon supposedly said about Elvis Presley, if there was no Elvis there would be no Beatles, so could that be a tipping point to. It will be interesting to see if others come up with a different name for an historical fallacy.
  7. I think most people who watched the first few episodes thought it was good. Just a shame they killed K Hawes off halfway through the series. The last episode for me was a bit slow, but see what you think. Still enjoyed it. Killing Eve was very good, I though it was better than the Bodyguard. keep your eyes open for it.
  8. It would be nice if we had another letter from Australia, before Christmas, Downsunder!
  9. I think it costs the tax payer 69p a year to keep the Royals.
  10. Yes I’m watching it and enjoying it. First glimpse of the bride wearing an off the shoulder dress and beautifully cut, she looks nice. Hope she has a lovely day.
  11. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission have started a new scheme and it is to be funded by voluntary donations. The war cemeteries and memorials receive funding from all of The Commonwealth Countries for there upkeep, this scheme doesn’t. They want to go into the schools and teach the children about The First and Second World War and the suffering it caused, but they have to raise the money to do this.
  12. I’m not sure if this is anything to do with your post, but my father was in The Far East, during W11. He was in Burma and India most of the time. There was a lot of Indian soldiers in his regiment, I don’t know what there religion was probably mixed. He could not praise these soldiers enough, for their bravery and being very good solders also sharing their rations when food was scarce which he said was better than his.
  13. I agree with makapaka, what a waste of money. It could have gone to good causes. The only winners is the solicitors.
  14. I enjoyed movie week on Stricktly. The dancing was very good. The Matrix themed paso double was brilliantly choreographed, particularly when they did the slow motion part of the dance. The judges said Faye Tozer’s quickstep was one of the best they have seen on the show, She was good.
  15. The Prime Minister of Japan seems to have faith in the UK economy after Brexit. He says we can join The Trans Pacific Partnership with open arms after we leave. Although the UK loses its role as a gateway to Europe it would retain its global strength, he goes on to say. Now that’s what I call a sensible talking PM.
  16. My friends daughter worked in the restaurant at the Crucible Theatre in the late 80s, Tim and Prunella came into the restaurant. He was in a play there, not sure if Prunella was in the play with him. I remember my friends daughter saying how lovely he was, and she got a good tip off him.
  17. Yes it was on the news this morning. I remember being upsett when they killed him off in The Walking Dead. Loved his character on the show.
  18. Sad news to hear Scott Wilson who played Hershel in The Walking Dead has died. RIP
  19. Unilever who make Dove, Marmite and other products have scrapped it’s plans to move the other half of its headquarters to the Netherlands, for now. Some of shareholders don’t want the move. They don’t seem to trust the Dutch tax system. I would have thought they would have voted unanimously to move because of Brexit. Could it be, like me they believe, it might not be a walk in the park at first after Brexit, but the country will survive and prosper. The Dutch Prime Minister isn’t to pleased that the move isn’t going to take place. He wants to realise you can’t always get to cherry pick, as the UK has been told by the EU.
  20. Don’t think I have really got a favourite musical movie. Over the years there has been some lovely films. Didn’t really appreciate some of the films when they were on TV years ago, but I do now. I like some of the songs from Carousel and South Pacific, and that’s probably because my Mum and Dad liked these films. Loved Dirty Dancing, My Fair Lady, Saturday Night Fever and A Officer and a Gentleman, probably because Richard Gere was in that film. I could go on and on and name a lot more. Every musical that I like always has that one song that is more powerful than all of the others and reminds you of certain times in your life. Whether it’s good or bad. Could I be right in thinking that you like Guys and Dolls because Frank Sinatra is in that film? I’m sure there will be something for everyone on Saturday. ---------- Post added 04-10-2018 at 22:32 ---------- Yes and so do I.
  21. Love the Film Musical week. So yes bring it on. ---------- Post added 04-10-2018 at 09:29 ---------- I think you could be right.
  22. There is a lot of celebs this year who I don’t know and I did find myself wondering who they are. I think because of how big the show is they could have done better but I thought that could be just me. I still like the dancing and the music. The professionals are brilliant at what they do, and I love to see the outfits each week, the costume designers are good. As we get half way through the show I’m sure I will enjoy watching who is left in the competition and getting to know them better. I think if T May was on the show next year poor Anton would probably be paired off with her.
  23. If they are that bad then the council does need to do something about them.
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