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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I’ve used that road many times in the past, unless they have changed the speed bumps in the last few years, I have had no problems with them. I use to slow down when driving over them, probably less than 10 mph. Isn’t that what they are suppose to do encourage drivers to come to a near stop when driving over them?
  2. Oh don’t say that, I love to see the professional dancers and the celebs. The music isn’t bad to. if you were talking about the Xfactor and the judges I would agree with you. Use to like the Xfactor when it first started, not any more.
  3. Makes you wonder if he had a word with the producer saying he doesn’t mind if he is voted out in the first few weeks, as Pattricia says he has a show to rehearse for, and if he still gets the same money he’s nothing to lose. I always thought that the longer they were in the show they got extra money. I must be wrong.
  4. I agree, she deserved to be voted out.
  5. I have just finished watching the series on iplayer and it was very good. I thought it was better than The Bodyguard. Been told there is going to be a second series.
  6. It was good. I was sure Julia was alive and would be in the last episode, got that wrong. If there is a second series they might bring her back, after all it is only fiction. I did like Richard Madden who played David Budd, I think we might be seeing a bit more of him. Didn’t expect Nadia to be the bomb maker, really good how her facial expressions changed, from being the oppressed wife to a proud jihadi, good acting on her part. .
  7. If various parts of the country want independence and different policies, wouldn’t that lead to a civil war?
  8. I suppose the excuse for a leadership challenge is how he handled the anti-semitism crisis. I agree with Baron99, it would be very interesting to see what would happen if Corbyn won an election.
  9. What’s that saying. If you can’t beat them, join them. ---------- Post added 14-09-2018 at 20:37 ---------- You must have had some sort of bad experience in Sheffield, involving a gun I suspect.
  10. Newcastle is where I live, but I’m still a frequent visitor to Sheffield. For me Sheffield feels a bit more safer than Newcastle, but I’m just comparing the city centres. Thursday, Friday and Saturdays gets to lively for me in the centre of Newcastle. There’s more drunks and idiots here than there is in Sheffield on these days.
  11. It definitely does seem to be part of everyday life. How to deal with it I have no idea. I’m not not sure if more police would solve the problem.
  12. The police need to update the BBC news channel. That is were I got my information from this morning.
  13. I am also beginning to think there is more to this story. Let’s hope after the police investigation we will get to know more. It’s saying this woman comes from West London and her name is Ayaan Ali. They still don’t know if she was working alone at the moment.
  14. Enjoyed reading all of ECCOnoobs post, it was definitely educational. It’s made me think.
  15. He did well to get Katie Derham one year. I thought she was okay, but yes all the others were rubbish. I like to see Katie hosting Last Night of the Proms.
  16. When I saw the news scrolling at the bottom of The BBC main news channel for the 15 minuets I was watching, I was beginning to think it was a terrorist attack because of how it was on the screen for so long. My parents use to like shopping at Barnsley, they loved the market which I’m told is no longer there and when my dad could no longer drive then I would take them occasionally. I am pleased that this incident isn’t connected to terrorism, I think, but for it to be reported on the news the way it was when stabbing is a part of every day life in most towns was strange, or is that just me thinking that. A woman working in a newsagent was stabbed to death in South Sheilds a few days ago. A man in Newcastle was murdered and I’m not sure if they were reported on the main news, just the Tyne Tees news.
  17. Does anyone know what is happening in Barnsley. On the BBC News Channel it’s saying South Yorkshire Police is responding to a serious incident in the town centre?
  18. Really enjoyed reading it. The only criticism I have, it’s not long enough. I’m getting greedy now. Being a skilled electrician must have been an advantage, the jobs seemed to be plentiful, that must have been a relief because you didn’t take much cash with you. I’m wondering if your wife also found a job straight away. I will keep an eye on The History and Expats for more Letters from Australia. Keep them coming. I hope it was a good claret.
  19. I agree with Pattrica. When Strictly Come Dancing starts on Saturday I think X Factor will lose viewers. Its a shame that Brendan Cole won’t be returning to Strictly, I use to like him.
  20. I know very little about China. Not long ago I imagined it to be a primitive country, but I suspect it is now a force to be reckoned with, when it comes to technology.
  21. I thought the guarantee had gone back up to £85000 again, which is what it use to be. I was in the bank last week and was told about the increase from someone who worked there. Check it out and see if it is correct. I have just seen Whiteowls post, yes it has just gone back up
  22. Wasn’t it something to do with lending money, which they didn’t have. I use to bank with them and I thought I was going to lose my savings until Gordon Brown said it was safe.
  23. That’s what I am thinking to, but he kept his nerve with the suicide bomber.
  24. It was good, particularly the opening part with the suicide bomber. Curious to see how the bodyguards PTSD will affect his job, and I’m not sure if he is the best person to be protecting a government minister after his time in Helmand Province, but time will tell. I like Keeley Hawes, she is a good actress. Can’t say I have seen Madden before but he played his part well. I read something about Hawes saying she would only be in The Bodyguard if she was paid the same as Richard Madden. Good for her.
  25. I think what you are saying is correct. There would be government consultations for years before they decide to put them in supermarkets, it’s a shame because I think people would use them. ---------- Post added 26-08-2018 at 22:03 ---------- It’s looks as though we are way behind. Crissie says even China have these vending machines which surprised me. I also think we should adopt them.
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