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Everything posted by hauxwell

  1. I had wasps going in my porch roof so my neighbour sprayed ant powder where they were entering the porch, and it’s worked. I’m almost sure that is what a lot of these pest controllers use for wasps.
  2. So far it looks as though Kim Jong Un is keeping to his agreement. Well done to Mr Trump.
  3. Mr Trump and Juncker have agreed to work together for zero tariffs. It looks as though Trumps retaliation action towards the EU may have worked. Did Juncker go cap in hand to The White House for a EU and US trade deal? I do hope so.
  4. We have a male mime who entertains the public on Northumberland St, here in Newcastle. He’s there most weeks so I am used to seeing him now. He tends to paint his face white and wears a black bowler hat. It’s hard to believe that he is a living statue, how he can remain motionless in some very awkward positions is beyond me. I’m sure it must be a paying business but I think he deserves it. Don’t think I would know the difference on my next visit to Sheffield if you do spice up statues.
  5. I remember watching a program about the pound shops and how they source some of their products. It showed you how Poundland made their own brand of Toblerone chocolate bar, which I thought was nice and weighed a bit more than Toblerone, I think they called their brand Twin Peaks, its now discontinued because of some disagreement by the makers of Toblerone. I still buy Toblerone from Poundland. However the company who make it are going to increase the size of this chocolate bar, and go back to the original shape because of complaints, which will also increase the price I suspect. I don’t think Poundland will be selling it for a pound when this happens or they might just stop selling it.
  6. There is a lot of churches that have closed, because the congregation numbers are dwindling. Bit like all the pubs.
  7. Spice is a big problem in Newcastle, I can’t understand why people start to use drugs in the first place. Is it to make them feel better, to fit in with their friends or just experimenting, which then leads to an addiction? Cannabis, no I don’t think it should be made legal to buy over the counter, but as a prescription drug to treat multiple sclerosis and other long term pain conditions, then that is up to Government if they think in will help these people.
  8. There is a peregrine sat on the perch at the moment and I’m not sure if it’s one of the chicks, mother or father. Just wondering if these fledglings are still being fed by their parents. If they are not very good at hunting for food, will their parents just abandon them?
  9. In the centre of Newcastle we had a Bargain Buy shop, which is a rival store I think, to the likes of Home Bargains. I thought they were the same firm, a member of staff told me that they were a different company. Then it changed to Poundworld early in the year, but it wasn’t the same. I was told by a staff member that Poundworld owned Bargain Buys when I asked why it had changed. There is a few Bargain Buys up here so I’m curious to see what will happen to them, that is if they are owned by Poundworld. I have had some good things from these shops, I thought they were better than Home Bargains.
  10. My old neighbour puts cow heel in her stew, she says it’s makes the stew nice and thick and gives it flavour. The Hillsboroug Morrison’s use to sell tripe and cow heel in sealed packets.
  11. I can remember a tripe stall in Castle Market. You could buy plates of tripe to eat standing at the counter. I’m sure the stall was there just weeks before the old market closed. I have only been in the new moor market a few time, can’t remember seeing a tripe stall.
  12. It’s probably the people who did not vote for Trump who are saying his actions are treasonous, and what ever investigation is going on at the moment could take years I suspect. Once more there will be people who are saying he will be impeached, probably the same people who said it when he was first elected and of course he wasn’t. He will survive his presidency. The only way I think he will step down is because of ill health, He looks healthy enough to me.
  13. I’m almost sure Trump did bow to the queen as soon as he got out of the car, Melanie had just got out of the car when he bowed and was making her way to stand next to him. It’s up to foreign officials, they don’t have to bow or curtsy to the queen, but it’s nice if they do. Obama’s wife put her arm around the queen when she came to visit, does it really matter. I’m sure the queen just takes it all in her stride.
  14. I’m really pleased that they are all out safely. I also feared the worst. It wouldn’t surprise me if Hollywood make a film about how these boys were rescued, sometime in the future.
  15. One idea they are looking at to get the boys out, is one boy holding on to a navy diver who will guide them through the cave using a static rope to hold on to, and receiving air from the navy divers tank. Also placing tanks filled with air along the route for when needed. If they new for sure that the ledge where the boys are will not flood then I would say wait until the rainy season ends, I’m sure they will be able to get the essentials to them, but I’m not the expert. What ever the outcome, the government wants to look at health and safety, probably non existant in Tialand.
  16. England’s goalkeeper has played his part, I think he’s good. Well done to him for saving the ball.
  17. Sorry for the diver who lost his life, I didn’t know. I’m not sure if it’s an option for them to wait till the rainy season is over.
  18. I think the whole world is praying that they get them out alive. Why did their coach take them deep into the cave? hope there is a happy ending for these boys.
  19. I went to a wedding at North Sheilds Registry Office and was pleasantly surprised. The building and decor was lovely. The wedding was on the top floor of the building so when you looked out of the windows there was a fantastic view of The North Sea and the River Tyne flowing into it.
  20. I haven’t noticed any ants here in Newcastle at the moment. They use to go in my mums house in Sheffield, horrible things. I have got a very small front garden with two large lavender plants that has taken over the whole of the garden. They are in full bloom at the moment with an awful lot of bees trying to get the nectar. I don’t want to open my window in case the bees fly in. My neighbour told me to sprinkle ant powder on the plants or fly spray, to discourage them, which I won’t as the bee population is in decline. Hopefully in another month there will be less of them, when they have had there fill of nectar.
  21. Sheffield has got a new dictator Lord Mayor who wants to ban Trump from the city. I think he will turn Sheffield into a laughing stock.
  22. Susan Sarandon is an ageing star so any publicity is good publicity. Probably why they asked Trump’s press secretary to leave, they wanted the free publicity. Hope it backfires on the restaurant owners.
  23. Well I never new that, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.
  24. I may have got this wrong, I’m sure on the news today the shortage is because there is also a shortage of Ammonia which is needed to make CO2, I’ve never given these compounds much thought before. If that’s the correct term.
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